Frozen To Lose It All-Chapter 14

May 11, 2006 09:23

Title: Frozen To Lose It All
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: Ville has been with Jonne for two years now and they want to start their life together. But, when Bam gets in the picture will it stay the same or will everything fall apart?
*Note* This will end up being a MPreg in later chapters. Also, Jonne is a few years older in this since I didn't want Ville to be considered a molester. :p
Disclaimer: If I owned Ville, Bam, or Jonne do you really think I'd be writing??

Alright, this chapter is short as hell, so I promise that I'll update again tonight when I got home. The next chapter will give some answers about what happened to Ville. <--- Links for Chapters 1-13

A cry came through the baby monitor, waking Ville from a deep sleep. He looked over to see Bam sound asleep. Ville shook himself awake and went to get Ella.

“Ella May, what’s wrong?” he asked in a high voice, picking her up. She continued singing bloody murder while Ville cuddled her. Every time she’d fall back asleep and he’d put her down, she’d start crying again. “Oh, honey, please go to sleep…c’mon, kulta.” Ville finally gave up and took her into their room to sleep with him.

“Vil’?” Bam asked, half asleep.

“Go back to sleep,” he said, slipping under the covers. Ville laid Ella on his chest and watched her fall asleep.

‘Stop thinking this,’ Ville thought. ‘He’s good to me…he loves Ella…he could’ve left me many times…’ Ville slowly started rubbing circles on Ella’s back.

“I love you,” he mouthed.

‘I have to protect her…I have to do what’s best for her. She’s my life.’

“The heretic seal beyond divine, a prayer to a God who’s deaf and blind, the last rights for souls on fire, three little words and a question why…” Ville stopped singing and placed a very sleeping Ella in her crib. Just as he closed the door, a loud bang followed by a scream erupted from downstairs. Ella began to cry, so Ville picked her up and ran downstairs.

“Bam!” he yelled. “I just put her to sleep!”

“Yeah, sorry. I just got this Hummer and-…”

“I don’t care, Bam!” Ville said over Ella’s screaming. “Why can’t you stop fucking around for five minutes and think about Ella?! God, I’d be better off alone in Helsinki-Shhh… honey, it’s okay,” he said, cooing Ella. Bam stood in front of Ville, shocked.

“What’d you just say?”

“I said…I’d-I’d be better off in Helsinki…”

“Without me?” Ville kissed Ella’s forehead and let his eyes fall to the ground. “Ville?”

“I-I love you, Bam, but…”

“But what? What about Ella?”

“That’s just it, Bam! Ella needs a place where she can be safe and happy.”

“This is that place!” Ville shook his head and started going up the stairs. “Ville, please don’t do this! I’ll-I’ll do anything!” Ville’s heart sank, knowing that Bam was sincere.

“Alright, I’ll make a deal with you…prove to me that you love her…then I’ll stay. Act like a parent, take care of her. Don’t just expect me to do everything.” Bam nodded quickly.

“Okay, I promise.”

Over the next few weeks Bam had really changed. He started feeding Ella, and going to her when she cried. Since it was starting to get warmer out, Bam and Ville wanted to take her outside to play.

“Should we bring a hat?”

“Vil’, she’s fine,” Bam assured. “It’s almost April.”

“But, it could get cold out. I don’t want her to get sick.” Bam huffed and shoved a hat into the Heartagram diaper bag. “Thank you, Bammie,” he said, kissing Bam. Ville picked up Ella while Bam took the bag. They all went outside and walked to the tiny park down the road. Ella’s eyes lit up as she saw the slide.

“Look, El,” Ville said, pointing toward it. She started giggling, so Ville climbed on the tiny slide to take her on it. “Bammie’s gonna catch us. Ready?” Ville held her tight as he pushed off. Like promised, Bam dramatically caught both of them. Ella broke out in a laughing fit.

“I think she liked it,” Bam joked.

“You think?” For the rest of the time they took turns taking Ella down the slide. At that point, Ville knew he made the right choice.
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