Summer Into a Lifetime Chapter Duex!

Apr 30, 2006 19:23

I bring chapter two! *Gasper!*

Title: From Summer Into a Lifetime
Rating: For now it's PG-13 since I haven't written the ending yet
Pairing: Tis Vam!
Summary: A fateful summer changed Bam forever. Ville ran away leaving behind something something magical, beautiful, and special. Do tell what happens when Ville comes back and discovers he impacted Bam's life more than leaving just a few hurt feelings.
AN: This is part 2 of most likely 10.

Chapter 1:

Have you ever woken up in a club bathroom to the sound of other people throwing up? No? Well don't do it. It's gruesome. It's nice though to wake up in a club bathroom and not be covered in your own vomit, thats always a plus. Someone tell me why I'm not drunk? Oh riiiiight. I saw an apparition on stage that looked like the person I'm madly in love with but should hate. Wait, what?

Eyes snapping open I noticed three things, the bathroom looks as bad as it smells, they always do; Dunn is standing over me looking worried as hell; and the person I am still madly in love staring right at me and rubbing my throat.

"What the fuck?" comes right out my mouth as soon as I can form words.

"Well, see, you passed out and I didn't know what to do since I didn't wanna call the paramedics or anything, and then this guy appeared saying he knew you and stuff and I still didn't know what to do so we took you here so no one would notiuce and call the cops or anything and think you passed out from drugs. Which I know you didn't since you don't do drugs since you have to set a good example and all that. You know this guy right?"

Nod nod, like the little gunniea pig you are.

"Yea... you could say that."

Pfft. Do I really know this guy? This guy with amazing eyes and a body to match, an amazing voice, and unknown to him the father of my child? Not in the way Dunn thinks, but oh yea I know him. See, Dunn thinks I knocked up some chick so I stayed until the baby came and then took her when the mother turned out to be a coke addict. Things my best friend doesn't know are gonna bite me in the ass soon. The real important question here is do I want him here?

"OK, so um, shouldn't you be doing a set or something?"

My eyes glued to Ville, I tried to pretend that I was upset he was here and that Dunn shouldn't have let him stay, but I'm sure my eyes definitely didn't mind staring. Not at all.

"The only set we were doing was the countdown one. I'm done for the night."

"Right, well, I wanna go home, so, since I'm not wasted I'll be doing that."

Despite both their protests I got up and went to my car and drove off. I didn't feel bad for Dunn, he could get a cab, and as for Ville, well, he could walk home for all I care. Yeah, right. All I care.


A few days at home with my daughter, and I can almost pretend that whole debacle, such a great word, never happened. I know big words. I had plenty of time to smarten up when I was moping, which has been never ending so I've learned quite a few words.

I love my daughter, so young and beautiful. She doesn't have to remember to pay bills and go to work. All she has to do is smile and laugh, and everyone around her coos because she's that awesome. I wish my life were as simple.

Putting Hailey down for her nap I settled down for a nice long session of mind numbingness while watching some reality T.V. It's great for making you forget about your own problens. Especially the Real World since there's always one whiney bitch who is good for laughing at, and tonight there was a Real World marathon. Hell yes.

Dumb doorbell. It had to interrupt right before the fight scene. Awwww. Stupid thing. To shuffle to the door, skip looking at the peephole, unlock it, and to be prepared to tell whoever is there to go away is a great philosophy I've lived by, except today I should have checked the peephole, so I don't end up in the state I am in now. What state is that you may ask? Well, that's open-mouthed-awe-at-who-is-standing-on-your-doorstep. If you're guessing someone famous you might be half right, but if you guessed my baby's other daddy, then oh how right might you be. So if you're right, then you get a gold prize. Congratulations!

"Bam, can I talk to you please? Inside?"


Think! Think of all the reasons you should not let him in your house. Settling on that it was a mess and that Hailey's toys were still out won.

"How about we stay out here?"

"Fine... Bam, I just really wanted to say I'm sorry and that I totally understand if you hate me and I'll go away completely if you do, but I just wanted to say that and that I can't stop thinking of you and that I really did and still do love you and would you please, please, please take me back? I'd had to leave before because my father had died and because I couldn't think of anyway to say goodbye, so I didn't. I'm so sorry. Please, please, please can you think about it?"

I think my eyes were huge at seeing a charismatic Ville Valo biting his nails and begging for me to take him back. I think you'd be too if you were me. Sadly though, before I could make up some smart remark, the baby monitor I had subconciously brought with me let out the sound of Hailey crying.

Forgetting about my smart remark, I rushed inside saying come in and don't tocuch anything, I'll be right back, and run off to Hailey to comfort her. It took a few minutes but I had her back down and sleeping contently so I could go back out there and solve the rather un-ending problem in my living room.

Walking into my living I notice the T.V. is still on and that Ville is staring at a picture my mom took on the coffe table sitting in front of the T.V. I think my breath caught. It's a double picture frame holding a picture of me holding Hailey on one side and then on the other is a picture of her with macaroni in her hair, sitting in her high chair.


Am I whispering?

"You have a beautiful daughter, whats her name?"

I wonder what you're getting at, Mr.Valo. It's obvious she's yours. Her eyes give it away.


"So, she's mine then? Hell, why am I asking, I know she is."


"Why didn't you ever say anything? I know you knew people on the island who knew my contact information."

Well, actually my dear, Ville, I would have if you hadn't dissapeared and left me to myself. And I'll also have you know that I would have if I'd found out before I was about to go home. I'd only found out the day before I was to go back home to finish opening my resturant. When the smell of food started to make me nauseous, it all had started to click. That's the whole story right there, of course I won't tell him that. That may be his business, sort of, but he doesn't need to know it just yet, he has to search for it

"Because leaving out of nowhere kind of gives of the idea you don't want to be with me, so since I can support my daughter by myself, there was no need to bother with getting child support from you."

"BAM! Even if I had left, why would you think I didn't want to know my own daughter?"

"How about maybe because if you'd walked out on me once already how was I to know you wouldn't do it again when Hailey would remember it?"

He looked a little stung at that. Good- I wanted him to hurt. Just like I had for the last 18 months.

"Bam... I know I shouldn't have done what I did but I really had no choice. I accepted the offer to come and play that club so while I was here I could look for you. Please understand. I love you."


"Don't lie to me. Please don't lie to me. I still love you so much and I don't want to be nothing more than a cheap fuck that you feel obligated to since I had your kid. Don't lie to me."

Am I crying? Why yes, yes I am. Please don't come over here, Ville. I'm perfectly good with looking at my shoes and feeling sorry for myself. If you touch me, I'll start crying and agree to getting back together with you and then feel like shit later because I know my fucked up head will pick at this until I tear it apart and then I'll be twice heartbroken. Of course though you're trying to be comforting so you wrap your arms around me. I hate emotions.

I told you not to touch me. Now I'm a mess. Probably pink and have bloodshot eyes. I make a lovely picture. Someone get the camera.

"Bam, I wouldn't lie to you. I never have and I never want to."

Your voice... It's so soothing. Almost as if I can really believe you. You look so sad. Is it because I'm crying? I wonder what you would do if I pressed my lips to yours. I want to find out, so I do. I think I hear angels singing, I really do. Or maybe it's one of Hailey's toys, either way it's amazing. Someone do tell me though, how my hand managed to get under Ville's shirt.

"Bam stop. We can't do this here and I refuse to do this until you agree to get back together with me."

Yeah, sure. I think I may have an expression on that can be called dazed. Amazing how time hasn't changed a thing.

"Of course I wanna get back together. Can't you tell? And if I wasn't a mess right now I wouldn't have done that."

I think I've just died. He smiled. Not just any smile but a smile I like to think was reserved especially for me. According to his best frend, the first time he smiled like that was after he met me. I'm in heaven. Insert cheesy music here.

Oh yeah! Go me! Second chapter! Comments=looove!

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