(no subject)

Apr 26, 2006 19:10

Title: Breathing Is Overrated
Author: war_of_ataraxis
Rating: PG - fluffy, sorta
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Random shattered and strung Bam thoughts. Really short, and choppy - slight reflections, memories, thoughts, reminders to breathe.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, not real, ‘cause I don’t live in Bam’s head.
Writing archive located at love_sex_angst

I never thought I would have this.



You. My hand. Your hand. You’re holding my hand, your head on my shoulder; I know your eyes are glued to the TV, but I know your thoughts are on me.

I never thought I was worthy.

You squeeze my hand and kiss my cheek; my heart is clenching and unclenching, fluttering. You shift and straddle me, and I’m met with your brilliant green eyes. “Hi,” you breathe, just above a whisper, air ghosting across my lips that curve up into a sweet smile before I press them to yours.

I’m not worthy.


Your tongue dips out and traces lazily over my bottom lip. I attempt to just keep breathing (in.out.in.out.) but I know it’s futile as your hands fall to my hips and your fingers find their way under my shirt.

In. Out. In. Out.

I remember when breathing used to be so simple. Before you came along. Breathing used to be something that was a reflex, instinct. Now I only breathe between thoughts of you.


The shirt is over my head and your lips are on my neck, my head falling back; the sofa collecting it with a soft hold, but my mind floating upward. I’m sitting with you, but I’m really flying in the stars. Your teeth in my neck and my fingers fighting to touch every inch of your skin within reach. I know you’re smiling, and I’m smiling too, I’m vaguely reminded by the ache of my cheeks from sustained happiness pulling them upward.


I remember when life used to be so simple. Before you. But what I wouldn’t give to erase those memories and fill them with these moments. A lifetime of these moments as you release my skin, a mark I’m sure forming there, and you press another kiss to my cheek.

In. Out. In. Out.

Your lips are like fire again against mine, I can’t tell who is the one burning, but it doesn’t matter because now we’ve both caught fire; never mind the stares, the smirks, snide comments. Never mind because they can’t see us. We’re burning.


Your hands have grasped mine again and the kiss is lazy. Our flesh is still warm, and your lips are soft like always, except for when you’ve spent too long outside in the snow.

With snowflakes on eyelashes that I kiss away in the seconds after they melt.

Never though I’d deserve this.

I don’t, but I’m not one to raise eyebrows in front of those who can revoke.

So I hold you tightly, and you’re mine, forever, you whisper in my ear and I can only smile like I always do. Forever sounds good. Moments like these here and forever. Your skin, my lips, my lips, your skin, breathe in, breathe out.

“I love you, Bam,” you purr into my ear and my breath catches like you always make it, you say it so many times that I’ve stopped breathing.

Breathing is overrated.


“I love you too, Ville.”

Okay… that was jumbled and written in about .8998243 seconds. Not amazing, but I figured I’d post it anyway. Thoughts?

And if I can get my act together... I can churn out some smut tonight, hopefully. No promises.
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