(no subject)

Apr 20, 2006 19:26

Title: Do It Like A Whore (Just Business) Chapter 7
Author: war_of_ataraxis
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG-13 this chapter, NC-17 later
Summary: Ville is a street whore, running low on business for the night, when a cute guy in a nice car offers to pay him for his company. Ville accepts, and goes home with him - how much does this cute stranger have in mind, and how much is Ville willing to give?
Disclaimer: Do not own, don't sue me, I have no money, and god knows the RIAA wants me more for the 13,000 songs on my computer...
Previous chapters and writing archive found at love_sex_angst

I woke to the feeling of someone pressing something cold against my left eye; first my consciousness stirred, and then I opened my right eye, peering around me. The pressure was lifted from my left eye and I sat up, looking into Bam's blue eyes.

"What - " I began to question; then the last things I remembered filtered back into my mind, and I looked around frantically. But we weren't in the diner anymore, we were in Bam's living room, which I could vaguely recognize in the fading daylight filtering through the curtains from outside; the light patter of rain on the roof reached my ears.

"Shh," Bam reached out to stroke my hair, but I twitched and twisted away from him, causing him to withdraw his hand. "He's gone, Ville, don't worry about it."

I blinked and stared at him. "What do you mean, gone? He'll never be gone. I'm his fucking property, Bam! He's not gone! He'll find me. Oh my god, he'll fucking kill me," my breathing became rapid and uncontrollable, my hands squeezed uselessly at my chest as I attempted to breathe, my eyes welling up with tears; I slid to the floor and curled down over my knees into the floor. "How the fuck can this happen? Oh my god. Oh my god."

I heard him slide down beside me, and I felt a hand grasp each of my shoulders; he attempted to lift me from the floor with comforting words I dismissed as I shook off his hands.

"Ville, Ville... you're going to be okay. Listen to me. You're going to be fine. I won't let him hurt you."

At this proclamation I raised myself from the floor and looked directly into his battered and bruised face; a dark ring was focusing around his right eye, the same side of his lip was busted open and swollen. He reached up and touched it self consciously. "I tried to keep him from hitting you when he knocked you out... I tried to fight... but I didn't want him to hurt you. Then the cops came..." he mumbled looking defeated. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do."

My lip trembled and I just stared at him, a hand slowly moving out to move over his bottom lip, the pad of my thumb causing him to wince as it moved over the broken skin. I then withdrew my hand quickly, setting my face in a stony mold I had learned when dealing with people who asked questions.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. This is meant to be business, Bam, I'm sorry if you thought it became something more."

His jaw locked. "If I thought? What do you think I am, Ville, stupid? Do you think that I don't know what you feel too? Do you think that I honestly believe that you don't feel anything for me, and that you're just using me for money? I don't, Ville, not for a fucking second!"

My lip trembled more violently as his outburst, and I slid away from him on the carpet, my hands grasping my legs and hugging them tightly to my chest, rocking slightly like a child, attempting to hold back the tears and confusion.


Stop it.

Don't fucking do this to me.

Don't fucking do this.


I had thought I didn't care, I had wanted to escape, but now that there was no turning back, that things had worsened I missed my old life, my shitty apartment, my former lack of this beautiful, protective, devastating angel named Bam.

Our eyes were linked, and we didn't speak, until he opened his mouth, and my heart stopped. "Ville, I don't even know why I like you, okay? You just have something. I don't want to hurt you, or have you hurt me. I took a fucking beating for you today. You deserve more than what you have - and I'm willing to give it to you. Do you not understand? I'm willing to give it to you," his eyes pleaded with me, and he attempted to move closer to me, but my violent shudder stopped his movement. "Ville."

"Stop it Bam! Fucking stop! I don't need your charity! I don't need you to take care of me... I don't deserve you, and you don't need me! I don't need your charity!" I repeated the last line, and finally the tears came down my cheeks, and I buried my head into my knees.

"It's not charity. Fuck, why don't you understand? It's like you've never had feelings for someone before," his response only earned a heavy sob for me.

What was I supposed to say? That becoming a hooker at fifteen didn't allow me much time for dating? That my lifestyle had desensitized me so that I could live?

He didn't want to hear those things. He didn't need to hear those things.

I didn't even realize that he had moved until his arms were around me again; I tried to fight, but I was weak from the stress, tears, and fighting of the day. He held me tightly but safely to his chest, his voice trembling. "Why are you fighting this, Ville? Why are you so scared?"

Resentment caused me attempt to fight my way from him, but he held me tightly. "Don't," he pleaded at me and I stopped, responding finally.

"I'm not scared," I lied. "I... I have a business. Relationships... relationship ruin that business, okay?" my voice was cracking, and I halted my explanation, giving way only to slight trembles.

"But you don't need that business anymore! I'll take care of you!"

Finally my head lifted and I looked at him square in the eye again, our faces lingering only inches apart. I could feel his breath on my cheek as I defiantly asked him, "And what if I like my business?"

Without hesitation, he shook his head. "You don't."

"You don't know that," I replied with a force I didn't know was coming, my teeth gritting.

"Ville, you're a whore! You even say so yourself! You take money from people for sex, live alone, and are controlled - you expect me to believe that you like that?" there was a bite to his voice I hadn't heard before, and his eyes shone fiercely in an almost scary manner.

I finally wound myself from him, pulling away in his lax grip and standing up from the ground, looking down at his battered face. "It's my fucking life, Bam, it's not just a job. I may not like it, but it's how it is - its how I fucking live."

And then I turned and ran from his house, fear constricting my chest, confusion muddling my mind; I flung myself out the front door, into the pouring rain and toward the front gate of his house. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't turn, I just ran faster on the slippery pavement toward the street where cars passed; maybe I can get away - a car -

But then arms were around me and I screamed, his hand wrapping over my mouth and spinning me to his chest. "Ville, please, don't do this," he whispered against my neck in such a pitiful manner as he clutched me to him. "Please don't run away from me."

There in the rain, we stood, and I didn't fight him, just stood there, allowing him to hold onto me as my mind ran a million miles a minute, and at a snail's pace at the same time.

Leave him, Ville.

But I couldn't, I knew I couldn't, my heart and my entire body wouldn't let me run anymore. I was tired, and I was lying; I did feel something, I felt a lot of things, but I felt things for him.

I hated it, but I felt it.

His head lifted from my neck, and his blue eyes still glistened, but with a different emotion than when I had fled. He didn't speak, he didn't move, he just held onto me as the rain soaked through our clothes, wetting our hair to our foreheads in the moments that we stood there; and then he was moving.

And before I could stop him, he pressed his battered lips to mine.

A/N: Weee, now wasn't that fun? You're not supposed to kiss hookers on the lips, Bam! (or so I've been told >.>) How will Ville react? I mean, c'mon, he's still adjusting, and the kiss might be moving fast - hell it might be a first kiss, you never know. ;) And the kids got more mood swings to me.... We'll just have to see what happens. Until then, let me know what you thought about this chapter! Thanks for reading!
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