Adrift: I heard you.

Mar 30, 2006 13:45

Title: Adrift
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to NC-17
Pairings: VAM, Chad/Deron and Jussi/Bam (shrugs)
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU.

Nobody went to the funeral why would they? In fact on the day of the funeral Ville had finally gotten permission to get clothes from the house for Bam. He was packing the bags quickly not wanting to look around the room that had been Bam’s room for 15 years. He finished shoving cloths in the bag and let the police officer lead him from the house. He shivered feeling cold even in the spring weather.

He got in the car with Deron who looked at him. “Sorry I couldn’t go in there.” He said.

Ville nodded. “Its alright,” He said gently.

“You know they buried Jess today,” He said.

Ville nodded. “Good riddance.”

“No one went.” He said.

“I would hope not.” Ville said. “Come on, we should get back, Don’t need Chad killing the nurses.”

“Or the nurses killing Chad,” Deron said with a laugh.

Ville smiled weakly and looked back at the house silently. He sighed and looked over at Deron. “Why would someone do this to there family,”

“There Insane Ville,” He responded driving slowly. “He had things wrong with him.” He paused. “He was convinced Bam ruined his life, he was convinced a 5 year old innocent sweet child ruined his life.”

Ville sighed softly. “If he wasn’t already Dead I’d kill him in the most horrible way I could imagine.”

Deron looked at him when they stopped at a red light. “You and me both,”

Ville nodded gently and gazed out the window. “Bam’s going to be okay,” He said softly. “He’s strong he’s a fighter.”

Deron nodded slowly gently. “Yeah.” He smiled a little. “I know, I’m going to miss him.” He shook his head as he finally parked the car in the hospital parking lot. “You know he’s been a part of my life for half of it, 15 years.” He paused leaning back. “Its going to be weird not having him around.”

“Yeah, I know.” Ville responded gently.

Deron smiled and sighed. “Shall we go collect our Patients?”

Ville nodded slowly. “Yeah, come on.”

The walk back up to the rooms was long and quite. When they parted ways Deron caught Ville’s arm and hugged him tightly. “As soon as Chad’s cleared to travel will come Visit.” He said gently.

Ville nodded. “Your welcome to stay at my place.” He said softly.

Deron nodded. “Thanks,” He paused. “Will be by to say goodbye in a bit.”

“Okay,” Ville said and watched Deron disappear down the hallway to Chad’s room. Ville sighed sitting there holding the Gym bag in one hand and starring at the door into Bam’s room his other hand touching the smooth wood. There was a long road ahead of him. But he was doing it all for love wasn’t he? Was this truly worth it. Did he love this blue eyed boy. He sighed thinking of the blank empty eyes that looked up at him everyday. He closed his eyes then pushed the door open stepping into the room.

Bam was still laying still starring up at the ceiling silently. Ville walked over to the bed and looked down at him. He sighed and smiled pushing a stray curl off of the boy’s forehead. “Yeah your worth it,” He said gently.

He gently sat Bam up propping him up he removed the hospital gown and began dressing him. He swung Bam into a sitting position to put his shoes on. He was kneeled down tying his laces when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up expecting to see Deron and Chad but found Bam’s hand on his shoulder. He slowly looked up at the blue eyed boy.
Bam blinked slowly but there was no blankness behind the dark lashes but intent interest in Ville. “I heard you,” He whispered.
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