Just Another Kid

Mar 21, 2006 19:44

Summary- Bam's known for a while that Ville has a little.. problem. But what happens when it starts getting out of control?
Rating- Mostly PG-13, but since it's me, there are NC-17 bits thrown in.
Caution- This is a bloody long story.
Right then... onward.

Here she be.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

“I dunno what to do,” Bam sighed, sitting in the doctor’s office. “He was just sitting there, burning himself…” He pressed his hands over his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. “I mean, he just goes into these crazy moods; one minute he’s all bouncing and happy and laughing, and then next, he’s crying and… I just don’t know.”

Dr Jackson studied him carefully, hesitating just a bit. “You know, it might be time to start thinking of an in-patient facility-“

“No,” Bam said flatly.

“They’ll be able to treat him more fully than I can, though I could continue to work with him if you wanted. There would be people with him twenty-four hours, people who are trained to handle mentally ill patients.”

At that term, Bam felt the tears welling up, felt his heart shattering. “I know,” he whispered. “I know, and I told him if he hurts himself again-“ He shook his head quickly, swiping angrily at his eyes. “Not yet. Maybe he’ll snap out of it.”

Jackson spoke in a gentle tone. “Bam, it’s been a week. If he keeps refusing to accept, or even admit what happened to him, the condition will only get worse. At an in-patient facility, they can concentrate on making him face reality, and they’ll be able to make sure he’s safe when that happens.”

Bam let out a shaky sigh. “Just… Not yet.”

“Keep it in mind. I think it would be the best thing for Ville.” Jackson opened a drawer. “For now, I’m going to give you a mood stabilizer for him. This is several weeks worth of Depakote. It’s good for rapid cycling, the quick changes from a manic high to a severe depression. It’s strong, and it works very fast. I want you to give Ville two of these a day.

“Typical side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, or tremors. They’re usually very mild, if they occur.” Jackson paused to let Bam absorb all the information. “If there are any severe symptoms, call me, and I’ll give you something else. If he experiences any swelling of the hands, feet, or face, let me know immediately.”

Nodding, Bam took the small paper bag full of sample boxes. “Okay. Should I start him today?”

Jackson shook his head. “Start tomorrow. Give them to him in the morning, with food or at least milk. There may be some weight gain, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

“He could put on a pound or ten,” Bam muttered. “I can’t ever get him to fuckin eat.”

“That’s part of the depression, loss of appetite. The Depakote should help.”

“Okay.” Bam sighed again before standing. “So, we’ll see you in a couple days.”

Seeing the strain in his eyes, the melancholy etched into his young face, Jackson stopped him. “Have you looked into any of those support groups I gave you? They’re all very good-“

“I can’t.” Bam shrugged a bit self consciously. “I mean, people know who we are. I don’t really care that much, but if this got out… I know Ville doesn’t want people knowing about this. I don’t want a media circus. He’s… He’s got his pride, you know?” He squared his shoulders a bit, tightened his jaw. “I’m fine. I can deal with it.”

“Well, that’s another thing to keep in mind.”

“Yeah…” Bam thanked the doctor and hurriedly paid, turning to see Ville on the floor with a hidden pictures game, giggling over it with another patient’s child. He watched for a minute before softly calling to him. “Angel, c’mon. It’s time to go home.”

Waving to the child, Ville stood and hurried forward, clutching Bam’s hand. “We were finding pictures. They hide them inside other pictures. I’m better at it than Jason. That’s that boy’s name, Jason. That boy’s mama is sick. But she only has to come once a month, not twice a week, like me.”

Bam gave his hand a squeeze, leading him out of the building and to the car. “Well, you could stop going so much if you’d cooperate with the doctor-“

“It’s my birthday in two weeks, Bammie,” Ville interrupted, ignoring Bam’s words. “Are we gonna have a party? Can Mizee and Lily come?” He got into the car, buckling his seat belt. “Will you get me a present?”

“Hell yeah, I’ll get you a present. I always do, don’t I?” Bam smiled a little. “Mige and Linde were already gonna come, baby. Remember? You gotta call them.” He wondered how they would react to Ville like this, if they would understand. Immediately dismissing the idea as stupid, he reminded himself they were Ville’s two best and oldest friends; of course they would understand.

Ville nodded eagerly. “I will. Hey, Bammie? Can I have a birthday cake, too? With nine candles, cause there has to be one for good luck.” He missed the pained look on Bam’s face, leaning down to fiddle with the radio. “And nine kisses. No birthday spankings.”

Forcing himself to smile, Bam glanced over at him quickly. “Aw, where’s the fun in a birthday without a good paddling? Its tradition, babe. I paddled you last year and-“ He cut himself off, biting his lip. He had paddled him last year, and Ville had loved every second of it, judging by the neighbors pounding on the walls for them to be quiet. But this year would be a bit different.

Singing along with the radio the whole way home, Ville only stopped to chatter happily about what they would do for his birthday, and what they should do with the evening. “Let’s watch movies when we get home. And make s’mores in the fireplace.” Ville turned a beseeching expression on Bam. “Can we? Please?”

Smiling a bit, Bam nodded. “Sure, babe. I’ll have to stop at the market for stuff, though.” He hesitated to bring Ville inside with him. “I’ll be real quick; stay in the car, okay?”

Ville nodded, playing with the radio. “Okay, BamBam. I’ll be good.”

“I know you will, angel.” Bam went through the store quickly, not wanting to leave his boyfriend alone for too long. He was starting to feel like an overprotective parent, constantly worried that Ville would hurt himself or freak out.

When Bam returned to the car, Ville grinned at him, still bouncing along to a CD. “What movies will we watch? Let’s watch scary ones!” He waited for Bam to nod before leaning over to kiss his cheek.

“Gotta promise not to get too scared, though.” Bam drove quickly, eager to be out of the car. “What do you wanna do for dinner, baby?”


“Yeah, alright. What the hell.”

Ville clapped his hands, going through the movie collection while Bam started a fire. “Wanna watch a vampire movie, Bammie?” He loaded the movie and curled up on the couch, impatiently fast forwarding through the coming attractions.

Sitting, Bam wrapped his arms around Ville as he cuddled close. He resisted the urge to start nibbling the elegant arch of his neck, sighing and kissing his temple instead. “Tomorrow you gotta start taking some medicine, okay?” He saw him pull a face. “It’ll help you feel better, Vil.”

Sighing heavily, Ville nodded. “Quiet, Bammie. We’ll miss the movie.” He laid his head on Bam’s shoulder, thumb sliding between his lips. “If you were a vampire, would you bite me?”

“I dunno, angel.”

“Then we would live forever, and be together for always.”

“You’re sweet.” Bam absently rubbed a hand over Ville’s back. “Sit up a sec. I’m gonna go get a beer. You want some soda or something?”

“Yes, please.” Ville blew a kiss before turning his attention back to the screen. “Can we make s’mores now? Oh, but we don’t have any sticks.” He frowned a bit. “How will we make them?”

Bam paused to think about that for a minute. “I got it.” He ran upstairs, returning after a few minutes with a pair of curtain rods that came to a thin point on the ends. “There ya go, babydoll. All ready for s’more making.”

Giggling, eyes wide, Ville took one rod. “But won’t your mama be mad?”

“She’ll get over it.” Bam watched his boyfriend sit Indian style on the floor, carefully fixing a marshmallow to the end of the rod. “You gotta be real fuckin careful when it’s done. That thing will be hot as hell.”

Ville rolled his eyes and nodded, thrusting the rod into the flames. “I know.” He flicked his eyes over to the TV, watching a particularly gory part. The forgotten rod dipped lower into the fire.

Snickering, Bam put a marshmallow on his half of the curtain rod and held it out. He watched Ville’s catch fire and melt off the point, saw him paying no attention. He turned the rod, toasting each side before pulling the marshmallow off the end using two pieces of graham cracker.

Looking confused as Bam waved it in front of his face, Ville glanced at the fire. “Where’s my one?”

“You dropped it. So I made you one.”

Beaming, Ville took the s’more and took a big bite. “Now I’ll make you one!” Already a bit sticky, he watched the marshmallow carefully. When it was done, he slid it off between two grahams, and handed it to Bam with a sweet smile.

Bam looked at the bag of marshmallows, thinking that he would normally be doing something dumb, like trying to cram all of them into his mouth. He smiled a bit, thinking of how Ville would’ve laughed, told him it should be no problem with Bam’s big mouth. He grinned. “Hey, babe, wanna play Chubby Bunny?”

“What’s that?”

“You keep stuffing marshmallows in your mouth until you can’t say chubby bunny anymore.”

Giggling, Ville nodded. “Okay.”

They started with five, each stuffing their cheeks and saying chubby bunny. Bam tried not to laugh at Ville, cheeks bulging, struggling to enunciate. “Chuh-ee uh-ee.”

Bam shook his head. “Chubby bunny,” he managed, struggling to swallow. “How many did you get, angel?”

“Twelve.” Ville slumped a bit, looking ill. “I think I ate too many, Bammie. I don’t feel well.”

“Well, stretch out for a while. Lay over here with me.” Bam lounged on the couch, pulling Ville down beside him and gently rubbing his tummy. “You’ll feel better in a few minutes.”
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