The Final Hour-part 1

Mar 21, 2006 01:04

Ok, first of all, I'm sorry for not commenting/being more active (and bubbly and happy) recently, but I've been busy and this community goes fast. Second of story from me. :) I found this cool lj community called 7 Deadly Sins, and so it is. A 7 part story based on the 7 deadly sins. (PS-I am also doing a Dungera one that hasn't been posted yet, but yea...just letting you know.)

Title: The Final Hour
Fandom: Real Person Slash
Characters/Pairing: Ville Valo/Bam Margera
Prompt: Wrath
Word Count: 1,609
Rating: PG-13 to R
Disclaimer:It is nothing but a work of fiction, and definitely never happened.
Summary: Ville's past comes back to haunt him in a big way when Bam is taken, and his abductor is out for revenge. Can Ville get to Bam in time? (I know, tacky...but suspensful ooh!)
Author's Notes: Warning! Dark, dark themes, violence, bad language, mature content, etc. Comments are greatly appreciated, especially cause I’ve got no self esteem left and I’m pretty sure this is a waste of life.


Pain. A dull, throbbing, burning pain spreading through his entire body like a wildfire was the first sensation Bam felt upon waking. All he could see, all he could feel around him was pitch black, heavy and choking, pressing down on his broken form as he lie crumpled on the ground in God only knew where.

He groaned, the sound muffled against the duct tape stretched across his mouth. He felt like shit; his entire body was almost numb, arms pulled almost painfully behind his back and taped together, his legs taped as well. The cold tile floor he was slumped on was uninviting and smelled of dirt, piss, blood and death. He was in a black hole; he couldn't see anything except for never ending darkness.

He struggled to think about where he was, what might have happened. The last thing he could clearly remember was promising Ville he’d run down the street to the store and get them some booze since they had run out and it was nearly impossible for Ville to go out on the streets anymore in Helsinki without being recognized. Everything after that was a blank.

He didn't know what was going on, or how long he had been in this state, or what his future entailed. He didn't know what day it was, what time it was, if he was even in Finland anymore, who had taken him and for what purpose. He knew only one thing for certain: he was in Hell.

A heavy door swung open, creating an explosion of white light that cause a muffled scream of pain to come from Bam's mouth. Squinting his eyes shut and willing the ache away, he started when he felt rough hands pulling him up and dragging him along, through the heavy door and towards the source of light. He kept his eyes closed and his head tilted forward, hoping to ease the extreme pain in his head, but to no avail; little red specks were invading his vision even with his eyes closed, intensifying the throbbing in his brain a thousand fold.. He was shoved-rather roughly-into a room and thrown into a chair, opposite a man wearing a brown suit and an eerie smile. The man was short and thin, with dark hair greased back and such a clichéd mob look to him that he would have laughed save for the fact that he was scared out of his mind.

The man stared him down for a long moment, brown beady eyes boring straight into his soul it seemed before he suddenly reached over and yanked the duct tape off Bam's mouth, causing him to cry out in pain at the feel of his skin being ripped.

"Well, well...what have we here?"

Bam coughed heavily, almost choking on his on spit before mustering up enough strength to reply, "What the fuck is this? And who are you?"

“Ah, yes, just as cocky in life as you are on tv,” the man replied, heavy Italian accent putting an odd twist on his words. Bam briefly wondered what the hell an Italian would be doing in Finland until the man spoke up again. “For now, all you need to know is that I am called Sonny.”

“Sonny?!” Bam let a snort escape him as he shook his head in amusement. “The hell kind of a name is that?“

“This coming from a boy named Bam,“ he replied, unfazed by Bam’s smartass remark. “I wouldn’t mock me though, if I were you. You are mine for the time being.“ Sonny leaned forward and smiled slightly. “Well…until you’ve served your purpose, that is. After that…who knows?”

“Please,” Bam chuckled, “You wannabe Godfather types are all the same, huh? Next thing I know, you’re gonna be telling me I’ll be sleeping with the fishes soon or something, right?”

Sonny let out a small shrug and leaned back in his seat, his eyes gleaming dangerously as he sized Bam up. “Really, Bam, you are amusing, but quit while you’re ahead, ok? After all, you are in my care indefinitely, and we just don’t want any bad things happening to such a pretty young thing as yourself, yes?”

“In your care?” Bam snorted, gathering that he could be as smartass as he wanted and the man wouldn’t do anything to him. After all, he seemed to want something from him. “What, am I sick or something?”

Sonny laughed, the sound a deep raspy burst from his throat. “No, my boy,” he replied, eyes twinkling with an almost undetected hint of malice even though his face showed nothing but sheer amusement. “I am…lets say I’m a friend of a friend, yes?”

Bam shook his head, his anger and fear overtaking him. “No,” he replied stubbornly, wriggling slightly. “Lets say what the fuck this is all about. Why did you kidnap me, dude? I ain’t nothing special.”

Another raspy chuckle came from Sonny before he leaned forward in his chair, his eyes boring into Bam and making him squirm uncomfortably in the chair. “Oh, you don’t even know how special you are right now, Bam. You just don’t even know.”

“Is it a money thing?” Bam questioned, his voice shaking slightly, testament to his fear. “Cause if it is, I don’t think anybody is gonna pay the ransom.”

"Your boyfriend will," Sonny replied, clearly amused with the cat and mouse game they were playing. "He's a rich man is he not? I do believe his band just finished up a very successful tour."

Bam's eyes widened and he opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Nobody knew he and Ville were together, save for Ape, and that was by a fluke. How the hell did this guy figure it out?

As if he could hear the unasked questions rolling through Bam's mind, Sonny chuckled and said, "You'll come to find, dear Bam, that I know everything." He looked over to a corner of the room where a huge, burly man with a mean expression stood and nodded once before turning back to Bam. "Things I'm sure you don't even know about your little boy toy, in fact."

Bam glared at him and set his jaw. "You know nothing."

Sonny glanced over to a different corner of the room, searching the shadows as if looking for someone before turning back to Bam. "We have plenty of time for gossip later, Brandon," he replied, smiling as the burly bodyguard stepped forward menacingly. "But for right now, all you need to know is that your boyfriend owes me. And I intend to collect."

Bam was about to ask what the hell he was talking about when a blinding flash of pain exploded on the side of his head, sending him tumbling back into a blissful world of oblivion.

Sonny watched as Bam's head slumped forward, the perfectly delivered blow from his bodyguard knocking him out on impact. "He's such a cute little thing isn't he?" he said softly, reaching forward to brush the greasy string of chocolate curls that hung in Bam's face, exposing a nasty cut right above his eye. "We might have to play with him a little later," he licked his lips and ran his finger down Bam's cheek, tracing the track of dried blood from the cut all the way to Bam's chin.

He stood up and grabbed a camera from one of his men, placing himself in the perfect spot to take the picture of Bam. The flash went off, the picture was taken and Sonny smiled smugly, handing the camera to his man. "Get that photo and a message to Mr. Valo-pronto," he ordered, eyes still trained on the young man slumped in the chair in front of him. "Make sure he knows that I am not happy at the fact that he has never paid me back. Make sure he knows I am angry, and I fully intend to get my matter what I have to do."

The man nodded and hurried off, leaving Sonny and his bodyguard alone with Bam. "My, my, my..." Sonny said, slithering closer to the boy, "...what fun we are going to have with you." Without any warning he reached his hand out and smacked Bam-hard-across the face, earning nothing from the unconscious boy. Scowling, Sonny reached his hand back again, prepared to take all his anger out on the body before him when suddenly…

“Be a nice boy, Sonny,” a voice said from the shadows, deep and heavy. Sonny tensed up immediately, eyes fixated to the dark corner of the room where his boss sat, hidden from view. “Wrath is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, my boy. Anger can never lead to anything good. Do we need to read over our Bible verses again?”

Sonny swallowed and shook his head. “No, I understand,” he whispered quickly, ignoring the look he received from his bodyguard. “It’s just…Valo owes me. He owes me big time.”

“I know,” replied the voice. “But patience is a virtue, and wrath is a sin. Which would you rather practice?”

He hung his head low and replied, “Patience.”

“Good.” He could practically hear the smile on his boss’ face as he said, “Have patience, Sonnyboy. You will get your due from Ville eventually. Good things come to those who wait.”

Sonny nodded and set his jaw, knowing that he was right. He was always right, which was how he got to be the boss. “Take him back to his room,” he instructed the guard, gesturing towards Bam. “We’ll have our fun later. For now, we’re just going to wait and see what Ville does.”

Well, there ya go. Part 1 ended. I'm doing the rest now...I got really caught up in the Dugera shaped one so....hopefully another chapter soon! What do you think? Comments=love; I'm just a poor white girl trying to make it in the ghetto!
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