From friends to boyfriends rated pg for now ; )

Mar 16, 2006 21:15

One week after the Novak slip up,Ville and Bam had became best friends. They always went to Bam's house and listen to music and Ville played bass and watched Bam skate. Ville never brought up of Bam being gay or why did Novak say "So Bam suck a dick lately?" . But he did want to know what the hell was that all about so he decided to ask him the next time he saw him.

They went to all their classes expect p.e. As they went to there usual spot Ville thought that he shoud ask him what happend late week.
"Yo Bam, I need to ask you something about last week."

"Yeah man anything."

"Well I was wondering what did Novak mean by you suckin a dick lately?"

"I don't know sometimes he likes acting like a ass. He always does that"

"Oh I was just wondering. So...Oh! I need a place to stay for a week cuz my parents are going out of town and I was wondering if I can stay at your place or...if you can stay at mine?"

"I can I stay at yours I never been there before." Shit why did I say that. Oh my god him staying at my house for a week or me at his house. Bam thought. "Um... I'll ask the 'rents after school,when are they leaving?"

"Well tonight I think. I don't know sorry it was such a short notice."

"Na man it's cool."

So after school Ville and Bam went to Bam's house to talk to Bam's parents. They said it was ok for Bam to stay there for the week.
"I guess they are tired of me wreakin the house." Bam said. "I guess so" Ville chuckled as they walked to his house only a block away. "So what are we going to do?" Bam asked. "I don't know,what do you want to do?" Ville said. Bam saw Ville house it was a two story house. The inside look like Ape did it still with boxes on the floor. They went right to Ville's room which was really diffrent to the reast of the house. Posters everwhere and his room was very dark and mysterious. "Holly shit,Vil. Your room is better then mine."No,you should of seen my old room." he responded. "Why what was so special about the old one?" Bam asked. "Well first it was way bigger and I had more room." he said.
"So tell me more about you?"

"Well...I had a band but it wasn't doing so good. Then, I was doing so bad in school I almost dropped out. I haned out with the wrong type of people and got in to some run ins with the cops daily. So that's my life story. What about you Bam? "

"Well I been skating scince I was little."

There talking for hours and started to drink some vodika. Then Bam asked Ville could play and sing him a song from his band. He sang "Don't Fear The Reaper". Bam loved it and he started to just strare at him. Oh my god he's so beautiful. I wish I could tell him that. I want to know him some more so I can fuck his brains out. Bam thought. Why is he lookin at me like that? Well I don't care he so fucking hot, his blue eyes make me melt. Oh shit I need to stop before I get a hard on. Ville thought.

For the next few days they talked and got to know each other better.

"Your dad really owned a porn shop?!"

"Yes I worked there over the summer somtimes."

"That's cool. Man,how is it in Finland? Is there hot girls there?"

"Well it gets really cold. About the girls I guess they were hot."

"You guess! Did you bang any of them?"

"Yes there was this girl named Jonna. We dated for two years and we were both each others first's."

"What happened?"

"Well the first thing is that I moved and she thought I cheated on her. Also that I never spent alot of time with her. What about you?"

"I used to date this chick named Jenn but things started to fall aprt after six months. She became jealous and mad that I wanted to become a pro skater. So I dumb that bitch like she was a nasty piece of shit."

They both laughed so hard they almost pissed their pants.
"Have you dated anyone lately Bam?"

"No, you?"

"No." He lied.

"So why did you move from Finland?"

"Well I had some trouble with this guy and plus my mom got a job out here. I wanted to stay with my friend Mige but I had to get in trouble with this guy named Matt."

"What happend with you two?"

When Bam asked him that Ville's phone rang.
"Oh hey Mige what's up?"

"Vil,sweethart I need to tell you somthing."

"What is it you are scaring me. Is something wrong?"

"It was Linde. He got jumped by...Matt and his friends. He wanted to know where you were and Linde told him that he did not know. But he went by your house earlyer that day and he knows that you moved. So he kicked the living shit out of him for lying to him."

Ville started to cry and left the room so Bam could not see him like this.
"Where is he, is he ok?"

"He's at home with his mom."

"This is all my fucking fault. If I wouldn't of dated him then brake it off then..."

"NO, Ville this is not your fault! He beat you,no one is sposed to do that to you or ANYONE."

"What did you just say?"
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