Just Another Kid

Mar 16, 2006 16:25

Summary- Bam's known for a while that Ville has a little.. problem. But what happens when it starts getting out of control?
Rating- Mostly PG-13, but since it's me, there are NC-17 bits thrown in.
Caution- This is a bloody long story.
Right then... onward.

Holy hell. I just popped like four Altoids into my mouth and crunched. Four is waaaaaay too many. The mintiness is making my eyes water... Someone save me from my stupidity! Anyways! I shal dedicate this chapter to my wonderful life partner carleybabes for being generally kick ass and giving me the giggs and being so cute it freaks me out..... *hugglemcsquish!*

Chapter Thirty-Two

Bam ended up falling asleep as well, the warm weight and steady breath of his lover soothing him. He woke to Ville gently trying to get out of his protective embrace. “Hey.”

“I didn’t mean to wake you, sweetheart.” Ville sat up and grimaced. “My head feels like it weighs two stone.” He caught sight of his bandaged hands and sighed sadly. “You sedated me.”

“I had to-“

“I’m sure you did.”

Sitting up as well, Bam looked into brilliant jade eyes. “Do they hurt?” he asked, for lack of anything else to say. There would be scars when they healed, he knew.

As if reading his mind, Ville shook his head. “Not very much, They’ll scar this time, I think.” He let the ghost of a smile touch his lips. “Maybe I’ll get them tattooed.”

“Update the Meat Diary?” Bam asked, using the joking term Ville used when referring to his ink.

Ville tilted his head a bit. “Hmm. I think it has been updated. Maybe I’ll leave them be, then.” He yawned, rubbing at his eyes. “I believe I’m going to start drinking now.” Standing slowly to compensate for his medicated head, he held out a hand. “Care to join, my love?”

“Sure.” Bam climbed to his feet, stretching. “First, I wanna give you something you asked for before.” He wrapped his arms around Ville’s waist, reaching up to kiss him slowly, deeply.

Arms winding automatically round his boyfriend’s neck, Ville smiled, slightly out of breath when he was released. Suddenly, he frowned. “I asked for a kiss?”

“A ‘proper’ one. Like on TV.”

Looking down at Bam, Ville suddenly burst into laughter. “And w-what did you do?” he managed.

Bam looked at him like he was crazy. “I told you not till you’re older. Why the hell are you laughing?”

Shrugging, Ville headed for the stairs. “Better than crying. See how much I want you, though? You ought to be flattered.” He snorted, shaking his head. “Not till I’m older…”

Shaking his head, Bam followed Ville to the kitchen. “I love you, man… But you are one weird motherfucker.”

“Oh, Bammie, look!” Ville rushed to the window, smiling out at the approaching night. “The first snow…” He looked over at Bam, eyes shining. “Isn’t it beautiful? Put on the news, darling; see how long it’s going to last.”

Bam watched him dig through the stocked bar. “What’re you doing, baby?”

“Making us a Winter’s Kiss. Go on, I want to know how much we’ll get.”

Smiling a bit, Bam went to turn the TV on, flipping to the Weather Channel. He waited impatiently for local weather, his smile widening as he heard Ville singing softly in the kitchen over the clink of bottles.

Measuring by eye, Ville poured a healthy dose of liquor into two large mugs. He took a saucepan full of hot milk off the stove and added it to the mugs. Going into his secret stash in the back of the freezer, he took out a piece of Nepalese milk chocolate.

Bam walked in to see Ville flaking the frozen chocolate with a knife, sprinkling it over the two hot drinks. “Don’t want to disappoint you, Vil, but we’re only supposed to get like, four inches.”

“It’ll be more,” Ville said confidently, pulling on a pair of shoes and a hoodie. “Sit outside with me for a few minutes.” He smiled as Bam groaned, but tugged on shoes and a coat.

Taking both mugs, Bam sat close to Ville, waiting for him to light two cigarettes. “It’s fuckin cold!” He traded a mug for a cigarette, taking a long drag. Sniffing at his drink, he glanced at Ville. “Smells good as hell, babydoll.”

“Wait till you taste it.” Ville carefully drew his legs under him, leaning against Bam and watching the snow fall.

“Ever hump in the snow?”

Ville smirked. “Darling, I live in Finland. Of course I have.” He chuckled softly, blowing a few smoke rings. “Not much fun when it feels like your pecker will freeze and fall off, though.”

Bam snorted, fitting his cigarette into the corner of his mouth to have a free arm to wrap around Ville. He took a cautious sip of his drink, letting out a satisfied groan. “Oh, my god, that’s fucking good. What is it?”

“Amaretto, vodka, hot milk, and chocolate.” Ville sipped at his own drink, sighing happily and cuddling closer to Bam. He finished his cigarette quickly, warming his hands on the mug. “Let’s turn the heat off and build a fire.”

Taking another small sip, Bam idly stroked a hand over his lover’s chest, nuzzling into the soft skin behind his ear. “What, you want me to bang you out in front of the fire? Want me to get like, a bear skin rug or something?” He grinned teasingly.

Turning his head, Ville nipped at Bam’s chest through his shirt. “No, you little shit. Well, yes to making love in front of a fire, no to the rug.” He turned pleading eyes up to Bam. “I just want to be romantic with you. Indulge me.”

“You know I will. I just have to rag on you first.” Bam brushed a bit of snow from Ville’s hair, smiling as a flake caught on long eyelashes and sparkled for a moment before melting. “There’s one good thing about this whole fuckin mess…”

“There is?”

“Yeah. I’ve never gotten to spend so much time with you all at once.”

Ville smiled gently, kissing one flushed cheek. “I think we’ve done quite well.” He took a long swallow of his drink now that it was cooling off, leaning his head back on Bam’s shoulder. “I do wish it was under better circumstances though.”

Shrugging a bit, careful not to jostle Ville, Bam drained half his mug. “If circumstances were better, you’d be on tour and I’d be taping and we wouldn’t get to see each other for months again.”

“Is it worth it?” Ville looked up at him again, biting at his lip. “Is it worth being by yourself so much?”

“Yeah,” Bam said, meeting Ville’s eyes. “Yeah, you are.”

“Even now?”

Bam leaned down to kiss pursed lips, smiling into worried eyes. “I’m not good with words like you, beautiful. So come inside and let me show you.” He waited until Ville got up, then got to his feet as well, shaking off snow before heading inside. “My feet are fucking numb.”

“I can wait for you to thaw, my love.” Ville stopped in the kitchen to make them both fresh drinks, settling onto the couch. “Besides, liquor and heavy petting does wonders to warm one up.” He smiled, shamelessly watching Bam’s ass as he bent to light the fire. “What a lovely view…”

Grinning over his shoulder, Bam rolled his eyes. “Perv.” He dropped onto the couch beside Ville, taking a large swallow of his drink. Opening his arms to his lover, he pulled him close, slipping one hand under the hem of his shirt.

Ville jumped at the icy touch. “Jesus, Bam! Your hands are frozen.” Taking his hands, he rubbed briskly, blowing on them. “My poor darling.” He started pressing soft kisses over Bam’s hands, starting at the back and turning them over to kiss his palms. Meeting his eyes, he closed his lips over the tip of each finger in turn, licking and sucking.

“Getting warmer. Getting a lot warmer.” Bam shivered a bit as Ville switched hands, keeping their gazes locked.

“Not warm enough if you’re still shivering, sweetheart.”

Licking his lips at the seductive smile being sent his way, Bam slid his hands under Ville’s shirt again, tracing the lines of his ribs. “So warm me up, then.” He smiled against his lover’s lips, opening his mouth to Ville’s probing tongue.

Moaning softly as teeth sank into his lower lip, Ville let Bam push him down on the couch, hooking one leg around slim hips. He let out a sigh and tilted his head as his lover nuzzled under his jaw, biting at the tender skin there.

“Oh, wait.” Bam snickered at Ville’s indignant whine as he climbed off him. “You want me to stop now and run upstairs or you want me to do it later?”

“Now is fine,” Ville murmured, contrite. He made a mental note to stock every room in the house they might conceivably use with a supply of condoms and lubricant.
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