Adrift: In Dreams.

Mar 04, 2006 00:07

Okay, In dreams should of honestly been the title of the last Chapter but meh. For those of you who are reading this don't kill me for the shortness. My head hurts and yer lucky yer getting this out of me! Love and Heartagram cookies.

Title: Adrift
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to NC-17
Pairings: VAM, Chad/Deron and Jussi/Bam (shrugs)
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU. Previous chapters are on my LJ, wanna read em click the name!!

The bus ride was rather quite this time around. Bam seemed to be avoiding both Ville and Jussi like they had the plague. He seemed quite content to sit on the bench in the back playing with a video Camera Matt had given him for his birthday. Chad looked up as Deron sat down next to him, holding out a beer as a peace offering.

“What?” He grumbled before taking the beer.

“I’m worried about Bam,” He responded.

Chad turned his head with out sitting up and looked down at Bam who was filming out the window. “He looks okay,” He responded.

“Yeah,” Deron said. “I guess,” He said then shook his head. “I mean everything he’s been through do you think it’s a good idea to have him with us on tour?” He asked.

“What do you wanna do with him?” He asked.

“I don’t know he could go stay with my folks maybe,” He said slowly.

Chad shook his head. “He’d hate us.” He responded taking a drink of his beer. “He’d think we abandoned him.”

Deron sighed and nodded running his finger’s through his hair. “Alright,” He said. “I guess that’s your way of saying drop it?” He asked.

Chad nodded. “Exactly,” He said.

Bam suddenly got up looking out the window down at the car’s driving past him. He continued filming oblivious to anyone near by him. He jumped like a skinned cat when someone touched him on the shoulder.

Jussi looked at him and smiled softly straightening a strand of his own hair he sat down. “A birthday present?” He asked.

Bam nodded quickly a look of some odd confusion and tension on his face. “Y-Yeah,” He said softly.

“Its nice,” Jussi said softly looking more at Bam then the camera that the boy was holding.

“Thanks,” He said softly blinking rapidly. “Um excuse me,” He said jumping to his feet and dashing to the front of the bus and sitting on the other side of Deron as far from Jussi as he could get.

Jussi arched an eyebrow looking confused but he didn’t get up an follow the other man. He leaned back just watching him. He noted that when Ville went near him he seemed to flinch away. But something that made the drummer uncomfortable was the hurt uncertain look in the green eyed singers face.

Deron finally leaned over to Chad again. “You see that?” He asked.

Chad nodded slowly. “Yeah,” He whispered.

Deron watched Bam continue fiddling with his Camera silently. When they finally stopped Bam got up to make a dash off the bus Deron grabbed him and made him sit. “Hey,” He said. “We wanna talk.”

Bam blinked and nodded slowly looking nervous. “Bout what?” He asked softly.

Chad sat up finally setting his empty can down. “What’s going on Bam?” He asked. “Did someone do something?”

Bam shook his head. “N-no why?” He asked quickly.

Deron sighed. “Why are you avoiding Jussi and Ville?” He asked.

Bam shifted looking uncomfortable. “Something happened.” He whispered.

“I KNEW IT!” Chad bellowed lunging to his feet.

But instead of Deron stopping him Bam did. “NO! Not like that! It wasn’t anything bad!” He called dragging on Chad’s hand.

“Then what?”

“I had a dream..” He whispered looking down looking ashamed.

“About?” Deron said softly kindly.

“Haveingsexwithjussiandville,” He said in a rush.

“What?” Chad said leaning closer to Bam.

Bam sighed and looked down at the floor of the bus. He licked his lips and opened his eyes. “I said,” He paused. “I was having sex with Jussi and Ville.” He said softly.

Chad blinked slowly looked at Deron who blinked as well. “Oh,” They both said at the same time.

“I know, I’m disgusting!” He cried burying his face in his hands.

“Oh!” Chad said quickly. “Bammie no, no yer not disgusting its normal.” He said quickly. “Everyone has dreams like that.” He said.

Bam didn’t look up. “Everyone?” He asked softly.

Chad nodded then realizing Bam couldn’t see him spoke. “Yeah, everybody.” He said.

Bam looked up slowly. “Not everybody,” He said.

“Bammie, when yer talking about Jussi and Ville, every bodies dreaming about them that way.” Chad said with a laugh.

“Even you?” Deron asked.

Chad looked up his eyebrows went up and he blinked rapidly. “” He stammered.

“Well?” He asked.

“Yeah,” Chad nodded.

Deron grinned. “Nice,” He said with a laugh.

“Shut up,” Chad said chuckling.

Bam blinked looking confused. “Okay,” He said softly.

Chad and Deron shook there heads. “Don’t worry about your dreams Bam there normal.” Chad explained.

Bam nodded and licked his lips. “Okay,”
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