Something new......

Feb 25, 2006 09:54

Well, it seems that it's plot bunny breeding season in my brain right now and they're giving me ideas for everything but the next chapter of "Wicked Games" so in order to give my mind some room I'm going to post a story that I wrote a long time ago....with different keep my friends amused. It's insane, has minimal plot, and makes little sense but people think it's funny. It's written in script form, which I know annoys some people so if you wish I'll stop posting it if it gets too out of hand. (It's suppposed to be something like a comic book) Also, for the first parts of it there's not much Vam...but there is alot of inuendo and implied with no further babbling..on to the insanity.

Title: The Butterfly Ballerina (BB for short)
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam, Dunn/DiCO Jussi/? Jyrki/?
Disclaimer: All the things used in this story and the characters are not mine and this never happend (thank god) but the story is mine so no touchie!!!
Summary: Bam and Ville really need a hobby

The Adventures of:
The Butterfly Ballerina
And Sidekick

Episode 1
“Of Hobbies and Heroes”

*zoom in to Bam and Ville watching “Telletubbies” on a couch in the living room of a random apartment building in the middle of nowhere*

-show ends-

Bam- (turns off TV in tears) That Poe gets me every time…..

Ville- Dude, you really need a hobby

Bam- (blinks) Like collecting Pokemon cards?

Ville- (bonks Bam on the head) NO! Something more civilized!

Bam- Like collecting rocks?

Ville- Don’t you have enough in your head already?

Bam- Well you’re not exactly the hairiest monkey in the dancing academy

Ville- ……That makes NO SENSE!!!!!!

Bam- (flips hair) that’s ‘cause my rocks are smarter than yours

Ville- THAT’S IT!!!! (fumbles around “down there”)


-Meanwhile on the Other Side of the Apartment Building-

DiCo- (bursts in door) RYAN!!!!!!!! Look what I found!!! (hold up creepy, demented, wolf like doll)

Dunn- Why did I agree to living with you again

DiCo- (makes puppy eyes, clutches creepy wolf thing and begins crying) DUNNIE HATES ME!!!!!!!!

Dunn- ( throws bologna sandwich at DiCo)I don’t hate you! Now go make me another sandwich!

DiCo- (converses with Creepy Wolf Thing for a minute) OK!!!! (goes into kitchen, fixes Dunn eggs)

Dunn- Hey…..this isn’t a sandwich!!!

DiCo- Oh…..sorry (takes two pieces of bread out of back pocket and puts them on top of eggs)

-Back on the Other Side of the Apartment Building-

Bam- Well we could take up hula dancing……

Ville- Maybe……hey since when did I get included in this????

Bam- (pokes fingers together) Well you need a hobby too…….

Ville- I already have a hobby!!!!!!

Bam- Collecting vibrators isn’t a hobby!!!!!!!

Ville- Yes it….how did you find out about that?!?!?!?!?

Bam-…you stash them under my pillow, stupid!!!!

Ville- Oh…..Well we could take up face painting

Bam- or bird calling….

Ville- we could up bungee jumping!

Bam- No, I hate heights…….we could take up flying!

Ville- With what?

Bam- (gestures toward skateboard in corner)

Ville- (bursts out laughing)

Bam- (pouts) Hey I can fly!

Ville- Yea and so can penguins

Bam- I know!!! Let’s be superheroes like spider man, super man, daffy duck…..and maybe even BARNEY!!!!!

Ville- (bonks Bam on the head) What have we discussed about revealing to the general public that you STILL think Barney is a superhero……you do have a good idea though. Being Superheroes is easy! Protect a few lives here and there, rescue cats from trees plus it gives you a lot of street credit…..THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!!!!

Bam- (pulls out tape recorder) December 56, 200-2 A.D., Ville thinks I have a good idea…..

Ville- Dude, your way off….today’s Tuesday!

Bam- (looks at watch) I’ve got to get this thing fixed

Ville- Now on to the first step of Superhero-dom, DISCOVERING A SECRIT IDENTITY!!!!

* and now for prank time with random characters*
Today’s random characters are:
DiCo and Dunn

-At a Random Department Store-

Dunn- (gives shopping cart full of condoms to DiCo) Ok…now you need to go around the store and put these in people’s well…things. Got that?

DiCo- Yep! (dashes about store attempting to shove boxes of condoms down people’s pants)

Dunn- (grabs DiCo by shirt collar) What have I told you about going into other people’s pants while I’m around??? Now go make me a sandwich!!!!

DiCo- (shoves box of condoms between two pieces of bread and gives to Dunn)

Dunn-…….I can’t eat this!

DiCo- Why not? They’re cherry flavored!!!

So what do you think....worth posting Episode 2?????

Comments= Plot Bunny Extermanation
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