Would You Be the One to Save Me? (Part 21)

Feb 21, 2006 18:00

See? No rush. *smiles* I could probably sit here and talk all evening about nothing... but you guys would kill me. I'll just let you get to the story. =) Oh, by the way, just letting everyone know... THIS STORY IS ABOUT TO COME TO AND END! I've got an ending all planned out, and it's only about 3 more parts away. But I have another idea for a VAM fic, so... THIS IS NOT THE LAST OF ME!! *cough cough* ok, ENJOY! =)

Title- Would You Be the One to Save Me?
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Never happened. Don't know anyone, don't own anyone... Maybe in my dreams, but not in reality. "/ Sucks to be me.
Summary- Ville is the new foreign exchanged student in highschool. Just when he thinks that he'll never fit in at a place like West Chester, he meets Bam Margera. The two immeadiately become friends... maybe even closer! But what Ville doesn't know is that behind that sexy smile of Bam's, there's a small secret... a secret that could kill him eventually! Can Ville be the one to save Bam? (Revised summary, do you like it? lol)
Rating- Pg-13 to R

Wait! Before the story begins... a big thank you to sweet_666_777 for helping me figure out how to edit my entries. *hugs* thanks again!

Ville opened his eyes the next morning, feeling the usual confusion upon waking. He glanced over at Bam, who was still sleeping next to him. Ville noticed, with a sad shudder, that Bam was damn near pressed against the wall. He just shook his head and wiped away the tears that were forming in the corners of his eyes.
Ville slowly lifted himself off of his bed, then walked out into the hallway, and downstairs. His mother wasn't in the kitchen when he looked. She must've already gone to work, or wherever she was going that day.
Ville, feeling as though he was about to cry for hours without stopping, quickly picked up the phone and dialed Gas' number. Gas was the only other person he knew who woke up this early...

"Hei?" Gas answered. Ville felt a sense of relief as he heard a familar voice.

"Gas, it's Ville."
Gas could probably tell Ville was upset by the tone of his voice.

"Ville, what's wrong?" he asked immeadiately.
Sighing heavily, Ville repeated the events that all took place last night, starting from when he woke up, to when he fell asleep again. Gas whistled.

"Wow Ville... that's harsh..." he said.

"What's harsh?" Ville couldn't help but have a little indignant snap in his voice. "Everything that happened? Or just the things I said to him?"

"Both." Gas answered. "Linde told me how you felt about him, so it's no big surprise to me..."
Ville sobbed.

"He found Linde's old razor... and it just... brought back a lot of memories." he choked. "I'm not really upset with him... I can understand why he'd want to do this, even with me around to try and help him... if I lost my mother, I'd be devastated too. Oh, and his brother just tried to kill himself too..."
Gas coughed, and souded like he was about to choke.

"Whoa, his brother too?" his voice was filled with amazement. Ville sighed again.

"Yeah, we just found out last night. He tried to hang himself, but apparently his girlfriend walked in and caught him." he buried his face in his hands. "I just don't know what to do... He doesn't deserve to be going through this kind of bullshit! I honestly can't blame him for cutting his wrists... I would've killed myself by now."

"Don't say that!" Gas snapped. "Look, there's really nothing you can do except what you're doing now. Just be there for him... let him know that he's safe as long as he's with you..."

"Al-alright... I can try again..." Ville gave in. Then he smiled softly. "Thanks Gas... for everything."
Gas chuckled on the other line.

"Always here for you man."
The two said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Ville felt as if a huge weight was just lifted off of his shoulder. He began thinking about the things he said last night...

"IT'S FUCKING TRUE! I'M IN FUCKING LOVE WITH YOU BAM!" that wasn't exactly the way Ville saw himself confessing...

"Jumala Kirota..." Ville muttered, surprising himself. He hadn't spoken Finnish in so long... he immeadiately switched back to English. I feel like such an asshole right now... I yelled at him... ohh... damnit... I fucked everything all up... Ville absorbed himself so much in his thoughts, that he didn't notice Bam walking downstairs...
~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
"Fuck..." Bam muttered to himself as he sat up in bed. He rubbed his icy blue eyes, and turned next to him. Ville wasn't there. Bam wasn't surprised.
I was being a spoiled little bitch again... Bam thought to himself. No wonder he's pissed at me...
Bam got up from the bed and walked out into the hallway. His eyes wandered to the bathroom but quickly looked away. He didn't even want to look at the place he had slashed his wrists in...
He slowly began to walk downstairs, wondering if Ville was down there. If he was, what was Bam going to say to him? I shouldn't say a damned thing... he might turn around and go off on me again... That was scary... Bam confessed to himself.
His breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of Ville, sitting at the dining room table, with his head in his arms. Part of Bam wanted to run... run back to West Chester... another part of him wanted to comfort Ville... He didn't know which he wanted more...
Nonetheless, he kept on moving downstairs, towards Ville, slowly and cautiously. It didn't seem like Ville had heard him. Or was he just ignoring him?
Then, Bam being the graceful person he is, tripped over a loose tile. Ville's head shot up from his arms, then he turned his eyes to meet Bam's. Bam almost immeadiately looked away. He didn't want to see that look of disappointment in Ville's eyes.
Ville turned away also. There was a very uncomfortable silence for about 5 minutes, before Bam finally spoke.

"Vil... I'm sorry... I was being a stupid little dickhead..." Bam trailed off as Ville slowly stood up.

"Don't be sorry, Bammi." Ville whispered. "I know you're going through a rough time, and hearing the news of what your brother tried to do only made it worse... I shouldn't have snapped..."
Bam almost laughed outloud. Snapped?! he thought. He could've fucking torn my head off! But Bam stayed silent. He just bit his lip and looked down at his feet. Ville began to walk slowly towards him.

"No one should have to go through this... and it's not fair that it's happening to you, Dear..." Ville whispered, then stepped up to Bam so that they were barely an inch apart. "But I would love to be the one who saves you..."
Bam, for the first time that morning, looked into Ville's sea green eyes. He saw nothing but the truth...
Bam bit his bottom lip, then wrapped his arms around Ville, embracing him. Ville hugged back tightly. Bam felt a tear fall down his cheek, but he quickly lifted his hand away from Ville to brush it off of him stubbornly. Ville was aware of this, and whispered softly into his ear;

"Bammi... it's ok to cry..."
Ville's words seemed to strike something inside of Bam, for he broke down right on Ville's shoulder and cried, letting out all of his frustration though his tears... Ville stroked his hair gently, whispering soothing words into his ear. Bam spoke again.

"I c-can't believe... Linde... and th-the razorblade..." Ville cut him off by placing a soft peck on his lips.

"I know, Bammi... just relax..."
~x~x~x~x~x~1 hour later~x~x~x~x~x~
Bam cursed loudly as he felt another snowball pelt him in the back, followed by Ville's laughter. Bam had calmed down a lot, and they decided to go outside to see which was the better person in "Snowball Wars" so Ville had called it. Ville had acted like he hadn't kissed Bam, even if it was just a short peck on the lips... so Bam didn't think too much about it.

"You fucker!" Bam shouted. "Just wait... I'll get you..."
Bam ran around to the other side of the house, where he had seen a ladder leading up the side to the roof. He took off his beanie, filled it to the brim with snow, and began to climb up the ladder. He could hear Ville calling out to him.

"Aw come on Bam-Bam! Are you afraid I'll hit you in the ass next time?" he teased. Bam just sniggered.
He reached the top of the ladder and climbed up on the roof with his hat full of snow. He caught sight of Ville looking around below him, and had to stop himself from laughing. Mind set for revenge, he pulled out a handfull of snow, and molded it into a tightly packed snowball. As soon as he was sure he could hit Ville, he threw it full force at him, then ducked so Ville wouldn't see him.

"What the fuck?!" Ville whirled around, but saw no one. Bam laughed into his hands, then threw another snowball at Ville, who was now turning around in circles looking for him. Bam finally laughed out loud.

"Up here, dicknose!" he called, standing up on the roof. Ville turned and looked at him, his eyes wide.

"You little-" Ville never could finish his sentence. His tounge seemed to have tied as soon as Bam jumped off the roof, pouring his hat full of snow all over Ville on his way down. Bam landed in an area with particularly deep snow, so he wasn't hurt. Ville ran over to him, looking concerned, but his look melted intoa mixture of relief and anger as Bam laughed and pulled Ville down next to him.

"You ass! I thought you had broken your neck!" Ville shouted. Bam just laughed, and sat up straddling Ville's hips, his hat full of snow once again.

"Be careful what you say, Valo, or I might just have to pour this on you!" Bam teased. Ville struggled from beneath him.

"Get off! Get off now, damnit! NOW!" he cried desparately, but Bam's grin only got wider. He then suddenly became aware of how he was seated... straddling Ville's hips... He began to feel heat rushing towards his inner thighs, but tried his best to ignore it as he dumped the snow on Ville's face.
Ville shrieked.

"Ahhh! You fucker! It's fucking freezing!!" he cried, still trying to push Bam off of him. But Bam had already decided that he was comfortable right where he was, and rested all of his weight on Ville.
As he watched Ville's struggle become weaker and weaker, he couldn't help but feel another rush of heat towards his thighs... Finally, Ville stopped struggling altogether, and was now gazing up at Bam...

"IT'S FUCKING TRUE! I'M IN FUCKING LOVE WITH YOU!!" those words repeated themselves in Bam's head. Did Ville really mean that? Suddenly, the urge to kiss Ville was becoming more than he could stand. He slowly leaned down, his lips not even an inch away from Ville's...
Soooo... like it? Hate it? Either way, comments are loved! *blows kisses*
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