Would You Be the One to Save Me? (Part 20)

Feb 21, 2006 06:59

Sorry I rushed last night... and I'm sorry i have to rush now. I promise I won't rush so much on the next part. Enjoy!

Ville Valo moaned softly in disappointment as he tried to reach out and pull Bam closer to him, but found that he was no longer there. He opened his eyes and looked around the room. Hm, maybe Bam just didn't feel comfortable sleeping with him... Ville let out another disappointed sigh, and got up out of bed.
He opened his bedroom door to look out in the hallways, but didn't see Bam. Then, he noticed that the light was on in the bathroom. The door was closed, but the light was still shining from under it. Maybe Bam was in there? Yes... it was definately him...
Ville heard Bam let out a soft hiss of pain, followed by whispered curses. Ville crept closer to the door curiously. As he got closer, he could hear something fall to the floor with a sharp Clink!, then another soft curse from Bam.
Not being able to hide his concern, Ville gently tapped on the door. All movement from inside seemed to have frozen completely.

"B-Bammi?" Ville called. "Are you ok?"
Bam's voice came back to him, slightly highpitched.

"Yeah Ville, I'm fine." Ville knew he was lying.

"Can you open the door, please?" he asked. The door slowly opened, and Bam stood there, looking as though he had just been caught in a murder attempt. Ville frowned slightly.

"Why did you lock yourself in there, Bam-Bam?" Ville asked. He didn't mean to be nosy... he was just concerned.

"I...uhm... just needed to splash some water on my face... that's all." Bam said. Ville knew it from the first day he met Bam... Bam Margera was a terrible liar. Ville didn't press the issue though. He just nodded.

"Come back to bed, Bam. I promise I won't murder you in your sleep." Ville said, making Bam laugh a little. Bam walked past him towards his bedroom door, before turning to face Ville again.

"Aren't you coming?" he asked.

"I'll be there in a minute." Ville answered. Bam just shrugged and walked back into Ville's bedroom.
Ville looked around the bathroom, trying to find any clue that could give away what Bam was actually doing... His eyes fell upon a red stain on the sink. He didn't have to look for long before realizing it was blood... Bam's blood.
Ville's eyes then drifted upon the tiled floor, where he saw the major evidence... a bloodstained razorblade.
He picked up the blade carefully, then examined it. He had a feeling Bam had been cutting himself... Ville felt sick... He examined the razor even closer, then gasped, wide-eyed. His hand flew to his mouth, as painful memories began to consume his thoughts...
Ville walked back into his room, trying not to let his anger get the best of him. He flipped on the lights, then walked over to where Bam was lying. Bam gave him a confused look. Ville grabbed Bam's wrist, and, to his surprise, Bam didn't try to fight him off. He instead watched Ville sadly as Ville looked at the still bleeding slashes across his wrists. Ville buried his head in his hands, almost about to cry, or smack Bam... whichever blew up first...

"Ville..." Bam started. "I couldn't... I just..." Bam was struggling to find the words, but Ville finally exploded.

"WHAT WILL IT FUCKING TAKE TO GET YOU TO STOP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF?!?!" he screamed. "What is it gonna fucking take, Bam?! Do I have to sit here and confess my love for you, because I will if it'll get you to stop doing this to yourself!"
Bam looked as though he'd been slapped in the face. It broke Ville's heart to see him like that, but Ville wasn't going to let that get to him just yet.

"It's fucking true, I'M IN FUCKING LOVE WITH YOU, BAM!!! Why the fuck couldn't you see that before?!?! Is this what I have to do to finally get you to stop hacking up your wrists?! IS IT?!?!?!" Ville began to shake with silent sobs. He buried his face once more in his hands, still shaking. Bam reached out to comfort him, but Ville shrugged him away.

"Don't fucking touch me." he snapped firmly. Bam pulled his hand back and sighed.

"I'm sorry..." he said. Ville snorted.

"Go to sleep, Bam." Ville got back up and turned off the lights, then crawled into bed, his back facing Bam. Then, he decided to add one more thing...

"By the way, Bam, that razor you used wasn't mine." he said. "It was Linde's. He left it here a long time ago because he wanted me to hide it from him so he wouldn't kill himself." Bam gasped sharply, but Ville ignored him. Instead he closed his eyes and fell into a dark, welcoming blackness.
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