Would You Be the One to Save Me? (Part 17)

Feb 20, 2006 11:50

Sorry for the delay on part 17. i had writer's block. "/ *pouts lips* ah, well, enjoy! *blows kisses*

Title- Would You Be the One to Save Me?
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Never happened. Don't know anyone, don't own anyone... Maybe in my dreams, but not in reality. "/ Sucks to be me.
Summary- Ville is the new foreign exchanged student in highschool. Just when he thinks that he'll never fit in at a place like West Chester, he meets Bam Margera. The two immeadiately become friends... maybe even closer! But what Ville doesn't know is that behind that sexy smile of Bam's, there's a small secret... a secret that could kill him eventually! Can Ville be the one to save Bam? (Revised summary, do you like it? lol)
Rating- Pg-13 to R
Bam and Ville got off the airplane. Bam watched as Ville stood on tip-toes and looked around.

"They said they'd pick us up... but I don't see them..." muttered Ville, half to himself, half to Bam. Suddenly, Ville was tackled by a tall figure with long blonde hair...

"LINDE!!!" Ville yelled, and embraced the man tightly.
Linde hugged Ville back, smiling.

"We all missed the hell outta you!" he said.
Bam bit his lip and stood back. He didn't want to interrupt things... It was funny, now that he was in a different country and didn't hardly know anyone there, he wasn't as outgoing as he normally was. Even if he didn't know a lot of people back in West Chester, he was still outgoing and as annoying as he could be! He wondered why this time would be different...
Ville turned back to Bam, and motioned for him to step closer.

"This is Bam, the guy I told you I was going to bring." he said. Bam smiled the most charming smile he could muster and said hi. Linde smiled back, and pulled Bam into a hug, which surprised Bam a little.

"Any friend of Ville's is welcome here." he said. Bam breathed a sigh of relief. Why was he so worried about being accepted? Normally it didn't bother him if someone liked him or not... Was it just because they were Ville's friends? Did he just want to make a good impression? Yes, that had to be it.

"Where's everyone else?" Ville asked, pouting his full pink lips.

"Sorry Ville. They all forgot about you. Oh well. Guess you'll just have to leave again and never come back." Linde joked. Ville shoved him.

"Shut up. Where are they, really?" Ville demanded.
Linde turned and looked behind him.

"They should be here in a few minutes... they were just going to get the car..." as soon as Linde finished saying that, three other guys swerved around the corner dangerously in a bright red rental car. The driver was a man with semi-long dark hair.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!! Mige is driving?!" Ville asked as the car screeched to a stop in front of them.

"No," said another man with long dark brown hair. "I'm driving... that was pure hell, letting Mige drive like that..."
The man called Mige pouted.

"I thought I did a good job..." he muttered.
Ville, ignoring Mige's comment, began to introduce Bam to everyone.

"You've already met Linde... The crazy little ass who was driving before is Mige, the current driver is Burton, and the quiet one is Gas. Everyone, this is Bam." Everyone greeted each other.
Bam looked at the car they had rented, and realized that not everyone could fit comfortably. Bam was about to point this out, but Burton, who had been watching him, helped him save his breath.

"Ah, well, since there doesn't seem to be enough room for everyone, Linde, why don't you go rent another car. I'll drive this one." he said. Linde nodded then turned to Ville.

"Ville, why don't you come with me... I'd like to talk with you." he said. Ville looked over at Bam, who shook his head.

"I'll be ok. You just go with him." Bam said. Though he was very disappointed that he wouldn't have Ville sitting with him...
Ville bit his lip, and shrugged.

"Ok... I'll see you soon." he said to Bam, though judging by the look on his face, Bam would've thought he'd never see Ville again. Ville looked so... disappointed? Nah, it was just Bam's mind once again playing tricks on him.
He climbed into the back seat next to Gas, and watched as Ville walked away with Linde. He thought he saw Ville give him one final glance, but when he blinked Ville had looked away. Bam sighed, and sat back for the ride.
~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's P.O.V~x~x~x~x~x~
"So, what's up with this Bam guy?" Linde was asking as the followed The bright red rental car down the street.

"What do you mean?" Ville asked.
Linde rolled his eyes.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about..." Linde said. "You're in love with him aren't you?"
Ville froze. How could Linde tell...? Was it really that obvious? What if Bam knew? Oh God...
Linde placed a hand on his friend's shoulder comfortingly.

"It's ok. It's not really that obvious to anyone else but me. I've known you for the longest time, and I could see that look in your eyes when you were with him, and I could hear that note in your voice when you talk about him over the phone. Ville, I'm supposed to know these things." he said.
Ville chewed on his bottom lip.

"But what if Bam finds out?" he asked.

"You should tell him before he finds out." Linde suggested. "Who knows? Maybe he loves you too."
Ville thought back to that kiss on the airplane... it had felt like so much more than Bam just trying to help him out of a tight situation... but he didn't want to say anything, in case he was wrong and scared Bam away. Then he thought about the slashes on his wrists. They had definately died down a bit since Ville came along... there had only been a few situations where he cut himself again since he met Ville.

"You know he cuts his wrists..." Ville told Linde, sadness coating every tone in his voice. Linde glanced up at him, surprised. Ville continued.

"When I first met him, he had slashes all over his wrists... he's really been through hell, Linde. I can't blame him for acting like that... but ever since I came along, there have only been two other times that I've noticed new cuts... He's been trying to stop because of me..."
Ville wiped a few tears from his eyes. "I'm scared for his safety..." he whispered.
Linde patted his shoulder again.

"All you can do is be there for him. You said it yourself. He's trying to stop because of you. Maybe if he knew your feelings for him, he would stop altogether."
Ville thought about Linde's words on the entire ride over to his old house. Maybe he was right... Maybe Bam would stop cutting if he knew his feelings for him... Ville's thoughts flew to what happened to April, then doubt slowly started to creep back into his mind.
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