(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 19:52

Title: Sex and Regrets (standalone)
Pairing: Vam, of course
Author: war_of_ataraxis or love_sex_angst on LJ and fatesmisfit on fandomination
Rating: R to NC-17
Summary: Bam and Ville are at a party; Bam is attempting to resist Ville, after all he's an engaged man, and he won't give in. But the past is stronger than will, and he gives in. Sex, and regrets ensue.
Disclaimer: I have no knowledge of this event actually occurring.
Archive: love_sex_angst

First time posting here, be gentle!

I know what you're doing; don't think for one second that I haven't caught your seductive glances from across the room.

But I can't do this anymore.

I'm engaged, dammit, and this isn't going to happen.

No more.

I can sense that you've moved a few steps closer, and your hips are still moving to the shitty techno music blasting through this packed room. Another few steps; I simply turn away from you and walk to grab another beer from the cooler.

But as if by miracle, when I straighten up, I can feel your hand on my hip; I know it's yours - nobody else would have grasped so firmly and so freely gravitated a few inches inward toward my crotch.

I simply sighed and tried to turn away, opening my beer as if this was nothing, but you hooked an arm around my waist, and spun me lightly so that I faced you, looking into your green eyes, which burned passionately. Not sexual passion, really, so much as passion of the chase.

You knew I wouldn't, couldn't, not by choice. But something in your eyes always locked me in, and this is what you were doing right now; locking me in with your eyes, and there was nothing else that I could do, but to keep my eyes open and attached to yours, diverting them only millimeters to suffer a glance at your long lashes that danced across your soft, pale skin. Your cheeks were flushed.

I can't do this. Not tonight.

But I felt your arm drag me closer to you none the less, and our bodies now flush, I felt the resolution crumble like the walls of Jericho.

I hate you.

But I know I didn't mean that. I just hate what you do to me. So well.

Your other hand moved easily and grasped mine, your hips beginning a slow steady gyration against my own, and I gasped.

"Ville, don't do this," I pleaded, knowing full well that you wouldn't obey, my knowledge sealed in the smile you flashed me.

"But, Bammy boy, you don't want me to, do you?" the question was punctuated by a gentle thrust that brought your hardening crotch in contact with mine.


"Why are you doing this to me?" I couldn't help but question as your lips fell gently to my neck, hips still moving as I stood still, though my eyes slid closed to the pleasure of the pressure of your lips at my throat.

I knew my skin was flushing, and my beer still chilled my hand, untouched.

This time you didn't give me the courtesy of a response, you simply smiled into my neck, before running your tongue along the muscles; a prelude to the sharp pricks of your canines into the tender flesh.

I heard the beer bottle shatter on the floor before I even knew that it had dropped from my hand.

"Bam-Bam, what say you and I take this to a place a bit more private?" I could feel your smile as your breath danced across my earlobe, a place you knew drove me up the wall without hesitation from our former escapades together.

A large part of me wanted to resist, but another part knew it was futile - so I simply allowed you to lead me from the building.

I was numb. You always do this to me.

I was still numb when I was lead into your hotel for the night, somewhere not far from my home, but somewhere I couldn't quite place. It was boring, plain; but needless to say, I wasn't focusing on the horrid bedspread as I felt your arms encircle my waist and gently guided me down onto the lumpy mattress. You wasted no time in climbing on top of me.

"I knew you'd see things my way, Bam-Bam; you always do, you know," you muttered victoriously into my ear before placing tiny kisses along my neck that rendered me unable to respond, even though I have no idea what I'd say if I did.

I could only mutter slight incoherent words are you fixed your lips to my neck.

Stop, part of me cried out, don't do that... she'll see. But I knew that you wouldn't have listened even if I'd been able to move my lips to form the words - after all that was what you were going for.

After all these years, all these fights, all these fucks you still claimed me as yours. You still liked to mark me. I'd tried to get away from it many times, but somehow it always ended up like this.

You're peeling my shirt from my body, and I'm sitting up and allowing you to do it, even finding my hands falling to the hem of your shirt and pulling it off of you.

Your skin is soft and pale, just like it had always been and I found myself unable to keep my lips from your chest, if only fleetingly. You rolled yourself onto your back, pulling my confused form on top of yours, and for a few seconds my hands just faltered aimlessly over your chest, sides, hips, and all you did was smile, before grasping my hand and pressing it to your chest and sliding it down.

My hands came in contact with all your skin in its glory, pushing it down further and further until it rested on your crotch, when you bucked your hips slightly to allow me the full pressure of your excitement.

Our eyes locked momentarily, mixing blue and green, before I finally allowed myself to move down and connect our lips.

Why fight it.

These words echoed in my mind from all the previous meetings; you'd whispered them in my ear the first time that your hand had moved down my pants; the first time you had coerced me into your bed.

Now that the chase was completed, and I was giving in, you could tell from my touches and kisses, you allowed the actual passion that burned this to show in your eyes; somehow this relaxed me more.

The kisses intensified, the touches progressed, until we both rendered ourselves free of our clothes.

You looked me over, your teeth biting slightly into your lower lip as your fingertips lingered over my tattooed skin.

"Gorgeous," you muttered simply before attacking my lips again, kissing down, down until you lingered above my stark erection. My breath caught in my throat, just before you swallowed me, your tongue moving along the underside, sensations up my spine that couldn't be replicated; nobody could ever move their mouth like that.

Why do I ever fight it?

You suckled me, as I moaned your name, your force increasing and decreasing as you moved up and down my shaft, one of your hands kneading my thigh, nails biting into the flesh as my own fingers found purchase in the faded bedspread.

But then you pulled away and kissed back up my body, only able to give in and remain silent as you whispered gruffly into my ear.

"I want to be in you."

My hands didn't relax from the bedspread as you moved to the bedside table; I knew you had prepared and expected this, as you pulled out a bottle of lube.

You smiled at me, before kissing my lips, clutching the bottle.

"Unless of course you'd rather do me," you muttered against my lips, thrusting against my hips so our erections rubbed together and I was only able to let out a low guttural moan. "I'm taking that as a yes," you laughed as you kissed your way along my jaw line, and slid the bottle into my hand.

This was new.

I was struck dumb and I heard your soft laugh. "C'mon Bam... don't let me down."

I just stared at you as you moved yourself to lie on your back, your hand trailing down your stomach to grasp your erection and stroke it lightly. "Unless you're rather I did it myself." I bit my lip, shuddering slightly with the pleasure of the sight of you stroking yourself, your eyes sliding closed and a slight moan of my name coming out.

I couldn't handle it anymore, I was above you again, kissing your fiercely, your hand still moving beneath me, until I swatted it away, and replacing it only briefly with my own. Then I finally sat up and popped the lube open, squirting it into my hand; I hesitated only momentarily before I coated myself with it, stroking, and enjoying the sensation.

Another moment's hesitation and then I moved my hand down below you, feeling for your entrance, smearing the liquid around your hole. You moaned my name again, and I quickened the job, wishing to illicit more of those moans as quickly as possible. And then I felt you were ready, and I lifted your hips slightly, your legs wrapping around my waist.

"Good boy," you smiled at me, as I positioned myself, and then a moan escaped your lips as I began to push into your slowly. You sucked into your breathe. "Don't pussyfoot, Bam, I'm no virgin."

I didn't even think of how many people that you'd done this with, I only slammed myself deep inside you, ripping a moan from both of our throats that culminated to such a loud volume that I'm sure the entire building had just awoken.

"Fuck!" you breathed, but your lips still curled up at the edges. "Faster," you muttered, hands snaking over my shoulder, nails biting into that flesh, and I obliged, pumping my hips furiously against yours, sweat beginning to push itself to the surface of my skin. The moans continued, and my knees were weak, but somehow I managed to continue the thrusts, one hand finally falling to the side of you to keep my balance and I restrained myself from releasing at the moment you purely screamed.

"Fuck, Bam, right FUCKING THERE," you screeched, eyes pushed shut in such ecstasy, I could feel the usual tension beginning in my lower abdomen, and then your hand fell down and began stroking yourself again.

"Ville," I moaned simply, and you returned the favor of the name being thrust into the air as my thrusts continued, and our breathing increased, the air stale around us, your muscles clenching.

And then suddenly I was thrown over the edge, unable to hold back any longer, pouring myself into you as I moaned your name, body shuddering and still managed to continue my thrusts as you continued your frantic pace on your own cock; and then you were over the edge with me, and we were floating in the air in our ecstasy.

I collapsed beside you and took in my breaths as heavy labor, as you moved away to clean yourself off.

I allowed myself this post pleasure moment only a short while, as you remained in the bathroom, the sink running, before the full measure of everything I had just done hit me, blunt force to my conscience.

Without thought, I moved from the bed faster than I had thought I could, pulling on my clothes and shoes in what had to be the quickest I had ever done.

Panic was taking over, and I only wanted out; I thought I was home free, hand on the door knob, before I heard your voice call out to me.

"Oh, Bam?"

I paused, head hanging and looking at the dingy green carpet of this cheap room.


"Give Missy my finest regards." I could feel your smile even through the walls; without the dignity of a reply, I pushed myself out of the room and into the hall, to home, even though I knew that this surely would not end well.

Never again.

* * -- * *

A/N: Okee, sex and regrets? Yup. Reviews are wonderful.
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