Would You Be the One to Save Me? (Part 9 )

Feb 06, 2006 19:20

woo! two in one night! =)though they did kind of get out of order... this isn't part 8... it should be part 9... sorry. "/
I'm gonna try and post the links to the other parts... I'm not sure how well that will work though... if it works, then we will have 6 more weeks of winter. if not, then spring will come early! ok, that was stupid... O.o

Title- Would You Be the One to Save Me?
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Never happened. Don't know anyone, don't own anyone... Maybe in my dreams, but not in reality. "/ Sucks to be me.
Summary- Ville is the new foreign exchanged student in highschool. Just when he thinks that he'll never fit in at a place like West Chester, he meets Bam Margera. The two immeadiately become friends... maybe even closer! But what Ville doesn't know is that behind that sexy smile of Bam's, there's a small secret... a secret that could kill him eventually! Can Ville be the one to save Bam? (Revised summary, do you like it? lol)
Rating- Pg-13 to R

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight

~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's P.O.V~x~x~x~x~x~
Raab led them eagerly into the hospital room, almost bouncing with what looked like joy. Bam was first into the room, and he gasped.

"MOM!!!!" he yelled, then ran to his mother's side. Ville bit his bottom lip. He still wasn't sure if it was good news or bad, for he heard someone crying... He braced himself for the worst, then poked his head in the hospital room. When Ville caught sight of what had happened, he almost passed out from shock! April was awake! Bam had his arms around her, but April looked a little confused.

"Where am I?" she asked, sounding somewhat worried. "What happened? BAM! What did you do this time?!" Ville giggled to himself. April must've been used to the things Bam put everyone through. He listened as Phil told April the story of how she had gotten hit by a car and fell into a coma for a year. April's eyes filled with tears as she looked around at her family.

"Brandon... Phil... Ryan... everyone, God, I'm so sorry... so sorry..." April broke down and cried right there. Phil wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her forehead, whispering comforts into her ear.
Bam turned and motioned for Ville to step up next to him. Ville nodded and stood next to Bam. April looked up.

"Bam, who's th-this?" she asked, choking back a few sobs. Ville suddenly felt very self concious. What if April didn't like him? What if she said he had to stay somewhere else? What if he said the wrong thing, or acts the wrong way? Ville bit his bottom lip, praying none of those thoughts would come true.

"This is Ville, the foreign exchanged student from school. He's been staying with us." Bam answered. Ville smiled and waved shyly at April. To Ville's relief, she smiled back.

"Nice to meet you Ville." she tried to lift her hand out for Ville to shake, but it seemed to be causing her a great effort. "I can't move." she whispered.
Phil spoke up.

"Well, Ape, you just got out of a coma. You'll need some time for the feeling to return to your body."
April sighed heavily. She looked back at Ville, apologetically.

"I'm sorry... I would give you a hug, or at least shake your hand... but..." she tried to explain, but Ville understood.

"It's alright, Mrs. Margera, I understand completely." he told her. April smiled again.

"Please, Ville, Dear, call me April." she then looked back at Phil.

"Where's Jess?" she asked. As if to answer her question, the hospital room door burst open and Jess ran in. He stopped when he saw his mother's eyes open, and immeadiately ran to hug her tightly. Tears were streaming freely down his face. Ville noticed that that was one difference Bam and his older brother had. Jess wasn't afraid to cry in front of Ryan, Rake, Raab, Dico, and everyone else... but Ville saw that Bam had refused to cry when he held his mother in his arms... Ville smiled gently. 'Ahh... He is a stubborn one...' he thought to himself, rather affectionately.
~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's P.O.V 2 hours later~x~x~x~x~x~
The doctors were completely baffled as to why Ape was awake. For some reason, it kinda pissed Bam off. Did they think that she wasn't strong enough to live through it? What pissed him off even more was that the doctors had said that they would keep her for a few more days because they wanted to run some kind of tests on her. Bam hated the idea of his mother being some test subject, but he kept his mouth shut.
Bam looked around at all of his friends. They were all sitting with him in his backyard, laughing and joking as usual. After a while, Bam became bored, and desparately wanted to skate. He shot a mischevious smile around to everyone and, without a word, ran to grab his skateboard.
As he climbed up to the top of his homemade half-pipe, he heard Ryan jokingly shout to him.

"You can't stay off of a skateboard for even a measly 24 hours! I'll bet you anything you can't!"
Bam laughed.

"Don't you try those marathon things with me, Ryan Dunn. You know there'd be extreme hell to pay!" he joked back. "I mean, seriously, whenever I'm not skating, I'm torturing the fuck out of all you assholes! You don't want that, do you?" Everyone laughed as Ryan rolled his eyes and waved his hand.

"Whatever, man... you're just scared."
Bam flipped him off, then jumped off the pipe's edge with his board. He felt the familiar relieving feeling of the wind rushing through his hair. He decided to show off a bit by doing a few fancy flips, then taking off again. He caught a small glimpse of Ville, staring in awe at him... wait... awe? Was he impressed? Oh no, what if he just happed to mess up n-? Bam's board flew from under him, leaving him to fall back to earth and land on his right arm. His hip hit hard on the concrete ground, and he lay, dazed for a few seconds. He heard laughter... of course! Those assholes... Naturally they were going laugh at him! Bam hated to admit it to himself, but he was quite embarassed... especially in front of Ville...
He felt someone take his hand and pull him up. When he could see clearly once again, he came face-to-face with Ville.

"Are you ok?" Ville asked, brushing some gravel off of Bam. Bam just nodded, holding his hip where he had fallen.

"Oh here, let me help..." Ville said, setting his hand gently on Bam's hip. Bam felt a tingle run up his spine as he felt the comfort of Ville's hand on his hip... Ville looked down at his hand, then pulled it away, blushing.

"Sorry... uhm... let's just get you an icepack or something." he said, almost too quickly. Bam felt a little disappointed, but just shrugged it off.

"Poor Bammi Wammi busted his wittle ass on the big scary half pipe!" joked Dico. The other guys all roared with laughter. Bam growled, but Ville rested his hand on his shoulder and whispered in Bam's ear.

"Forget about them. I thought you did great." Bam smiled, and tried desparately not to let Ville see him blushing. Ville led Bam inside the house, past Phil and Jess who were watching T.V and talking about how awful the actor was, and into the kitchen.

"Where's the icepack?" Ville asked. Bam laughed.

"It's on Mars." he joked sarcastically. "Ville... the freezer! Where else?" Ville glared at Bam, then grabbed an icepack from the freezer and threw it at him. Bam jumped as it struck him on the shoulder.

"Ow, fuck!" Bam exclaimed dramatically. Ville just rolled his eyes.

"I think you'll live. Now let's go back outside with the others." he said. Bam nodded and followed Ville back outside, where the guys laughed at him some more. Bam shrugged it off, occationally making smart comebacks to something one of the other guys said. He smiled to himself, knowing that now everything was going to get better. His mother wasn't in a coma anymore... she was completely healthy, and safe... But as Bam looked down at the barely-healed, still slightly bleeding scars on his left wrist, he couldn't help but feel doubtful... Very doubtful.
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