wa-lah. enjoy.

Feb 01, 2006 23:56

So, I really felt flattered by my response to my writing i posted earlier, so I decided to write another part for now. I've got a head swarming with great ideas for where this story is going, but seeing as I promised I'd only write till 11:30 (and its now 11:58), They are going to have to remain 'swarming' till tomarrow, if you guys would like me to continue.
Authors Note: I personally like this one better, It's a bit more "funny" if you could call it that, and even though Bam's becoming a bit whiney, I was fairly satisfyed. =( too short though, and no hawt action action.

part one- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1324390.html

The words of the elderly, slow speaking minister were blurred, and meaningless to Bam, who now sat quietly in the very last row on the grooms side of the chapel. The hall was huge, Making Castle Bam look like a play house, really giving off the entire classic image of an old school catholic wedding, Although in this case the walls and tables, as well as anything else that stood still long enough, was draped in the contrasting colors of ice blue, and dark red. It was a cross of an old creepy vampire movie, and Ville's very own Ice verison of "Join Me".
Bam made an attempt to smirk at this realization, but couldn't.
He couldn't do anything really, He couldn't speak, He couldn't bring himself to pay attention... Hell, he couldn't even grow a pair long enough to sit in his seat in the very front row, As one of Ville's most important guests.
He sat secluded in the back of the chapel, behind what must've been hundreds of people, all listening intently to the beautiful sound of the Ceremony, all done in finnish.

Ville kissed me. Bam's thought rang clear through his very own head, he actually jumped, in fear that he said it out loud. You're an idiot, Bam Margera. He's kissed you loads of goddamned times, He's Ville, thats what he does. He sings. He drinks. He smokes. He kisses and gropes every damn breathing thing in sight, you know that. He doesn't mean shit by it. Bam shook his head viciously to chase the thoughts away, making an elderly women in the row in front of him turn around sharply, glaring at him, annoyed.

But, The hair on the back of Bam's neck stood up on end, That was his fucking tounge. His tounge was in my mouth. Ville's tounge. was in. my mouth. And I let him.
"OH GOD- Does this mean I'm a faggot?" Bam said in only above a whisper, the hall walls catching his embarassing outbreak, bouncing it off the walls so atleast everyone in the next 12 rows turned in disgust. "Sorry." he mouthed silently, thanking whoever the hell was 'up there' possessing him to talk to himself and kiss boys that it didn't travel further.

Ville Kissed me, and didn't even have the damned curtesy to explain shit to me- I don't like guys,- I mean, He'd make a hella hot girl- but, He's a DUDE, Bam thought to himself again, his eyes slowly finding their way to the far end of the beautiful gothic hall, finally pausing on Ville's back. And what did he mean he had shit he had to get done anyways? What the hell was that supposed to mean, and did he really feel my advice helped him so well he had to kiss me like that as a 'thank you', or something? Bam's mind desperetey strived for any reason, any reason at all that would save him for drowning in the realization that was slowly over-powering his aimless attempts:
you fucking liked it.

Bam shot to his feet so quickly he banged his knee hard against the back of the bench in front of him, shooting a horrendous pain through his leg, "FUUUCK!" he screamed angerily, clutching his leg close to his chest, rubbing his knee furiously, mumbling to himself, "Fucking bench... Fucking Ville... Fucking... UGH, FUCKING EVERYTHING." suddenly he stopped in midrub, and looked up his face turning horribley red.

Every single face in the entire chapel was turned around facing him, including a furious Jonna, and rather amused looking Ville.
Ryan Dunn, who was sitting in the third row back from the front craned his neck around resting eyes on Bam, looking shakingly entertained.

"Dude-" he laughed loudly, "What the fuck are ya doing?" there were a few sniggers from various people, and Bam glared.
"Fuck you, Dunn." Bam growled loudly, making some of the elderly through out the church gasp, and mothers slap their hands over the ears of their younglings.
Bam was getting pissed now. Not just confused, he was pissed. Not that he was sure why.
"and FUCK YOU." he said so loud the stained glassed windows lining the church shuddering threateningly, as he pointed a finger directly at Ville, who raised an eyebrowl, and lit a cigarette, calmly from the altar.

Bam struggled unsucessfully to get out of the small space between pews, the entire Church still watching, still completely silent. He glared at everyone one last time, before slamming the huge oak door behind him, stepping out into the usual cold finnish breeze.

"GuttabeaVULCANIDIOTtoruinwattah dachurch wahataBAM!" Don Vito gobbled unexpectantly, from the second row. (Sorry, couldn't help it)

Ville glanced from the door into the face of Jonna, who looked ready to bust some serious balls at any given moment, and to the minister, who looked rather confused. He swooped one of Jonna's small hands up into his, and kissed it gently, "Would you excuse me love?"
Without waiting for an answer he turned swiftly, and trying his hardest to ignore the disgusted gasps, and stares from the guests, as he quickly hurried down the walk-way, not looking back, and left the building without making a sound.


Ville shielded his eyes from the afternoon sun as he stood on the outside of a door that enclosed a very fucked-up situation he left laying in the lap of his fiancee. He was definately going to be sleeping on the couch for a few weeks. He took a drag of his cigarette, and instantly spotted Bam attempting to beat the shit out of his lambrigini about 30 feet away, but only succeeding in looking like a complete asshole.

Ville rolled his eyes, and put his cigarette out with the toe of his tattered 80's style nikes he just refused to throw away. He took another look at Bam, who had gaven up on being beating the hell out of his car, and was leaned up against the side of it, his head buried in his hands, and better thought it. "Erm- I'm gunna need a cigarette for this." He muttered to himself, pulling out, yet another cigarette, lighting it, and taking a long, hard, drag before walking quickly over to where Bam was bitching to no one in paticular.

"Are you fucking insane? you just ruined my wedding." Ville said, Not angry atall, but sounding more concerned then anything.
Bam looked up in complete disbelief "Am I-? Am I INSANE?" Bam repeated furiously. "Neehhh, you just ruined my wedding!" Bam said in a rather annoyingly over exagerated immation of what he apperently thought was a finnish accent, flicking Ville off.

Ville raised an eyebrowl, and looked hurt for just a moment. "I so don't sound like that, Bam." He said, glancing behind him, only to see Jonna running down the hill, her veil flying wildly behind her like wings, shouting random obcenitys in Finnish.
"Oh Brendon," Ville said, lighting a cigarette, yet again, his hands shaking, as he placed it next to the other one between his lips, "Get in the car." He said calmly taking a super-drag from both cigarettes, Smoke smothering his face.

"Fuck you, it's my car, don't tell me what to do-"

"Bam, unless YOU want to deal with one bitchifyed finnish bride right now, I suggest you get in the goddamn car, because the first thing I'm going to do if she reaches us before you get your ass in gear, is throw you at her, and run my pussy-ass as far as possible. GET. IN. THE. CAR." Ville said, heated now.

Bam pouted in a way that suddenly made Ville want nothing more then to kiss him, but when the pout turned to a glare, he jumped in the passengers seat.
"Fine." Bam said, slamming his door and starting the engine.

"VILLE HERMANNI VALO, I'M GUNNA FUCKING KILL YOU-!" were the last words Ville could hear from Jonna as his very own "Buried Alive by love" blared obnixously from the speaker system, making Ville cringe.

Bam backed up swiftly, and hauled ass through the giant iron gates, spraying poor Jonna's with pebbles and dirt, as the unexpected lovers tore down a dirt road, leaving a very upset bride.


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