Chapter 9!! (i did it)

Jan 26, 2006 00:07

Writer's blocker beware, you will not win this battle. Alright no more sugar! Anyways, Yep you guessed it. I have managed it get a new chapter out!! *dances around* Thanks to the support I got, and alatariel3. Girl you are so my hero *winks* She defended me. *big smile* Why are you still reading this, you should be reading the new chapter. LoL! ENJOY!!

Title: Between Reality and Dreams
Paring: Vam (of course)
Summary: When something goes wrong, one might not know the difference between reality and dreams.
Disclaimer: Don't own them, unless there is something I do not know. And never happened

Chapter 9

His silence continued as he seated himself at the kitchen talk. While trying to figure things out, he absentmindedly watched Ville take care of Riley. It just seemed to come natural to the man. While Ville was trying to help feed her her cereal, she would pull some out of the bowl as well and feed him with a big smile upon her face. She sure was a ball full of energy, wasn’t she? As he watched the two in front of him, he couldn’t stop the smile that played on his own lips. However, as the minutes passed the sound of the doorbell ringing interrupted everything. A shock, yet excited, look quickly overtook the child’s face and before anyone could stop her, she was out of her chair faster then Ville could tell her to stop. “Heather!” she shouted with a giggle as she raced through the kitchen and soon disappeared through the hallway.

“How does she know who it is?” Bam questioned aloud softly as he watched Ville climb out of his own seat.

Ville wiped his hands off on the jeans he was wearing. “Because she’s here everyday, at the same time.” he answered before he started in the direction his daughter went.

Bam just found himself nodding in understanding as he remained in his seat. Within seconds he was able to hear a soft conversation being held within the other room. Always being a nosy one, Bam pushed himself out of his own chair and started to make his way out of the kitchen. Following in the direction that the other two went, Bam soon found himself at the entrance of the front foyer, but he stayed out of view.

A woman, who stood at about 5’9, was standing by a now closed door and had Riley within her arms; resting upon her left hip. Her burgundy hair laid at her shoulders and had been left alone. As she and Ville went continuing their conversation, Riley had busied herself in playing with the girl’s hair. “Oh, hello Bam.” her voice reached his ears and he quickly snapped out of his thoughts. He had been spotted.

“Hello.” was all he could get himself to say as he gave her a small smile.

She smiled in return before looking back at Ville. “Same time?” she questioned while he nodded his head ‘yes’. “Say goodbye to daddy.” she then spoke gently to the little girl in her arms. While Heather still had a hold of Riley, the little girl leaned towards the taller man and give him a quick hug and kiss. After exchanging goodbyes, the two left the house.

“Who was that?” Bam questioned softly as he remembered that the girl knew who he was, but he couldn’t say the same.

Ville looked over at Bam when he asked his question. He had noticed earlier that Bam was acting slightly off, but he didn’t understand why. “Heather, the babysitter. She takes care of Riley while I’m at work.” he answered as he began to make his way over to the slightly confused brunette. “Bam, are you okay? I mean, you seem really out of it.” he questioned carefully before coming to a stop in front of him.

Bam looked up at Ville’s taller frame and regretted not being able to pinpoint what was wrong with himself. He sighed softly as he decided to come out with it. “I don’t know what I could have done the night before, but I can’t remember anything till this morning. And I hate this feeling of being lost like this.” he answered quietly as he gazed quickly verted to the carpet below him.

After a couple of seconds of silence, he felt a gently hand touch his chin. At the same time, the hand was trying to being his gaze back up. Which he did slowly, only to stare into a pair of emerald green eyes. “How’s this? I help you fill in the blanks until it all comes back.” Ville suggested with a small smile on his lips.

Bam was taken back at Ville’s kindheartedness, but he soon found himself nodding in reply. Next thing he knew was Ville’s hand gently slipping into his own. For some reason, it just felt right. Like this action was something that was suppose to be happening. Without a word, Bam let Ville led him into the living room. When they reached the living room, the two got comfortable on the couch. It was then, as he sat on the couch, he remembered that Ville said something about working. “I thought you had to go to work.”

Ville smirked at his words. “They can go a day without me.” he answered swiftly as he made a small waving gesture with his hand. “Now, where should we start?”


So? Like? Hate? Love? I need to know! LoL! I swear, I am in such a hyper mood even though I did a 12 hour shift at work and I get to do another one tomorrow. Oh well. I'm going to go have a cigarette break, so when I get back there better be some comments! Love you guys! Really I do. I look forward to seeing you all when I get home everyday. *BIG HUGS!!*


p.s- To those who have AOL IM, if you want to talk to me on there feel free. (sn - Nlovegoddess) I'd love to be friends! *more hugs* yes I know I'm weird.
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