Jan 25, 2006 14:48

I'm still here *waves*
I'm really sorry for not updating sooner, but I'm mega-stressed with school AND my mom banned me from the net for a while *blergh* so I couldn't update sooner. Now, back to the story...

The Bitter End

Chapter 3

I moan out Bam’s name as quietly as possible as I try to get rid of the hard-on that I got just from thinking about Bam’s hair. I can’t believe that anybody could reduce me to this, a quivering mass of slush, just with a hug. It’s ridiculous really. Feeling slightly better, I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I look into the mirror. “You’re ridiculous. Get a grip of yourself. He’s right down there, waiting for you, and all you’re doing is jacking off in his bathroom.” I chuckle at my own stupidity and make my way to the guestroom, with just a towel around my hips because everyone is downstairs anyway. But it seems that somebody up there isn’t in a good mood today, because just as I am making my way to my room Bam comes up the stairs…and stops right in his tracks. And stares. It’s a bit unnerving, because I have no clue what’s wrong. Do I have something on my face?

“Where the hell is Ville? That guy’s been in the shower for like twenty minutes, I hope nothing’s happened to him,” I think as I walk up the stairs, heading for the bathroom. “What if he slipped and hit his head or something? What if-,” and my thoughts stopped right there. I thought I’d seen the most beautiful thing in my life earlier today, at the door, but I stand corrected. This is the most beautiful thing. Ville, half-naked, with only a towel around his slender hips. For the second time this day, I’m staring at him. Look away, Look away, a voice chants in my head, but it seems I can’t listen to it. If the towel would fall off now… I think.
No. Nasty thoughts. Don’t think that he’s your best friend for gods sake! Taking a deep breath, I finally say something. “Yo Ville, what’s been taking you so long? Didn’t have a little wank in there did we?” I winked at him and went to my room. Quickly. With my hair hanging in my face so he wouldn’t see my red cheeks.

He was just joking, I knew that. Well I hoped I knew it. How embarrassing would it be if he knew just exactly what I’d been doing, even better, If he knew I was doing that while thinking of him? Even though we were guys (and very manly, thank you very much) and best friends, we rarely if ever made jokes like that to each other. We didn’t really talk about sex at all. There was always this strange tension around us when we talked about that stuff, a tension which made me excited, but I didn’t know how or if he felt it at all, so I just didn’t talk about sex that much. By now I am in my room, so I drop the towel and go searching for clothes. It’s my room, I can run around naked in it, can’t I? Well maybe I shouldn’t, because I hear someone coughing quite loudly from the door. I turn around startled and look who it is.

Oh my god. I only wanted to tell him that we’re going to Duffer’s and that he should hurry the hell up… But as I opened the door to Ville’s room, I got much more than that. I just couldn’t react for a few seconds, I was caught staring at his naked back…and lower. Well now I regained my senses so I cough loudly to announce my presence. “Willaaa, hurry up we’re going to Duffer’s!” He turns around quickly, not realizing that he’s naked. “God Bam, don’t scare me like that!” he grins and nonchalantly picks up a random pair of boxers from the floor and slips them on gracefully. “Earth to Bam?” I snap out of my trance (I seem to be in trance quite often when he’s around) and smirk. “Move your finnish ass, we’re waiting downstairs.” And I practically run from the room, but not downstairs. No. I go into the bathroom (the one Ville had been in minutes before!) and take care of a little problem I seem to have.

R&R Pleeease
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