Title: Sidewalks (Standalone)
Author: Me
Pairing: Who ever you want.
Rating: PG
X-posted like a whore
Walking along the dark alley your eyes were drawn to a boy who looked a little younger than yourself. A long coat wrapped tightly around his small frame, you could see a strip of skin peeking out from under his shirt, a bag clutched tightly to his side. Dark hair and dark eyes, pale skin and an innocent face. As you looked at him you felt like crying, he reminded you of everything you wished you still believed in. You took another step forward as his doe eyes granced around the street. He reminded you of a dream you had once. You found a prince who would make your life better, give you a reason to save yourself from the life you were living. You knew it was only a dream, but with the one last bit of you that believed in something, you wanted to believe in this. You took a few more steps forward, onlt to stop as an older man approached the boy. You felt your heart begin to fall as the man wrapped an arm around the boy's waist. Further and further it fell as the man whispered into the boy's ear, the boy's eyes lighting up with the naive hope that this man actually cared. As the two turned and walked down the dirty sidewalk, walking right past you, you caught the boy's eyes for a moment and you heard your heart hit the ground. a million pieces of you heart lay upon the grimey concrete. Once again you felt like crying, but you didn't. As the last bit of you that still believed in something died, you remembered that fairytales were make believe, and this was your reality. You weren't meant to be loved.
A/N: To Frankie thanks for breaking my heart... To everyone else, I don't think I'll be able to continue my latest story anything soon.. complications if you understand what I mean... bye guys