Iiinnnnternal Devistation CH. 3. Whoohoo. XD

Dec 24, 2005 00:15

Title: Internal Devistation CH.3
Pairing: Ville/ Bam. MHMM.
Rating: G to NC-17 ( In ze later chaps )
Summary: Hm- I was never good at this. NEVER. Well, lovely Ville has a daughter from a previous, destructive relationship. An old friend takes him out for a round of drinks, and introduces him to someone that was to click him out of his depressive funk.
POV: Ville's
Disclaimer: Though we wish, it never happened. I know, depressing. But I own Ava. Oh yes do I own her.

The next sunrise I woke, with a pounding in my head. I found that I wasn't at home. But that didn't matter. What did was that it was 1 PM and I'd told Ava's babysitter that I would pick her up at noon. Whoops. Since I'm a lazy 23 year old bum with no license, I had to drag Sami out of his nice, cozy bed to drive me to go get her, and then to our apartment.

When we picked her up, she had been coloring. She reminded me of myself when I was younger- drawing deadlike girls on hilltops, whole picture in black and white except her blood running down the grey grass. I know, she's too young for a morbid mind and that she should be drawing cupcakes and fairies.. well-- nyeh. Ava's special. She's MY daughter, and her drawings prove it.

It was around 4, and I was drawing with Ava. I was working on a very dark flower bouquet, while she was creating a family. There was a dad, who looked like me, a little girl that resembled herself, a black cat, a mother, who did not look like her biological mother, and there was a little baby in a blanket. It hurt me a little to see her drawing something like that, a family. But I just went on to add a few purples to my floral design.

You know how the phone always seems to ring at the wrong time? Or when you just-- don't want to talk to anyone? Well this was a time that I didn't feel like having any human interactions, except with my daughter. And, of course, the phone rang. The ring was loud and shrill through the then and normally silent apartment. Sighing, I got up and found my way to my bedroom, picking up the phone. Some funky number, "Hei?"

"Uhh.. hey-- don't know if you remember me. You were pretty like.. wasted last night. But this is Bam," Blinking, I smiled. How could you NOT remember dear Bammy?

"Ah! Bam Bam, nice to hear from you," How he got my phone number was something that didn't cross my mind at all, "how is your lovely hangover coming?"

"Well I'd say it's going pretty damn good. I took some weird pills so it's all crackers."

"Crackers." That sort of.. what-the-hell-does-crackers-have-to-do-with-this tone.


"Interesting, love."

"Yes. Of course it's interesting. It's CRACKERS, for christ's sake."

"OKAY. No more crackers. Ville don't want no cracker." I heard him giggle over the line.

"So where are you?"

"At home. Hence you called my house."

"Well, like-- I don't know these.. Finlandia numbers! I can't tell the difference between numbers.."

"Sounds like a personal problem to me." I joked, in a teasing manner.

"Oh REALLY, now?"

"Oh heck yes. So what are you doing tonight? Got any-- plans?" I felt like a teenage girl, laying on my bed on my stomach, twirling the cord around my finger, and biting my lip.There was a pause.

"No. I was planning on staying here with my friend. Why?" Sigh of relief. Then my little daughter came into my room, holding up her finished family.

"Just wondering if you wanted to come over for a bit. I was planning on staying in alone with Ava anyway."

"Ava?" There was a questionable, oh-no-say-it's-not-what-I-think weight on her name.

"Yeah- my daughter. She's 4." I sat up to look at the picture better. Pulling the phone down to my chest, I softly replied with a proud smile, "That's lovely, sweetheart. Why not get some tape and put it on the wall?" She nodded and ran off to do so as I brought the phone back to my ear.

"Ahh. Alright." He sounded more relieved, "well I'd love to then. Sounds fun. Just like- where the fuck do you live?"

"Okay. Well. Uh," I stopped. It's heard to explain the Finnish adresses and such to someone who's not from around here. "Just-- call Sami. I'll give you his number, he can get you here."

"Can't you come get me?"

"Can't drive." Ava came back in my room with tape and went to one of my four walls. She stood up on her tip toes to get her drawing as high up as possible and put tape along the top rim so it would stay there.

"Get your license taken away?"

"Never got one." I thought Bam would start laughing, as most people did. But he didn't. He's so sweet.

"Ohhh. Okay then. What's the number, then?" And I gave him Sami's phone number, saying my goodbye and hung up.

"Aaavvvaaa," Putting the phone down, I stood, calling out for her. To which she came as I was walking out, "One of Daddy's friends is coming over, okay, princess?" She nodded. Of course it was okay. She liked her daddy's friends. They were neato. About half an hour later, I heard a knock at my door. A tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. I love that line. But, I answered the door, to see a bright Bam Margera, standing there as cute as can be. I let him in, of course. He took off his shoes and jacket, where I put his jacket upstairs.

"Cool." The American nodded, looking around.

"I suppose. Go on and sit, I'll get us something to drink," He obliged, sitting on the couch while I made my way to the kitchen. Bam was sitting there, legs open and drumming on his kneecaps when Ava peeked out her room to see what her daddy's friend looked like. When Bam looked over in that direction, she giggled and brought herself back into the hidden safety of her room.

"Hey there.." Bam leaned foreward, "Come out.." He smiled, waving for her. Ava looked out again, and took a slow step out into the living room, where he was. She put her hands behind her back and took little steps, "Come on- I'm not going to hurt you. Are you Ava?" Well of course she is, she looks just like Ville.. Bam thought to himself as I came out with tea and a juice for Ava, since I knew she'd make her way out to us eventually.

"Hello there, darling. There's some juice here for you. And tea for you, Bammy," He nodded and took a glass. Ava ran over to me, hiding beside me on the side opposite Bam. I laughed some, "Sweetie, this is Bam, he won't hurt you, I swear. It's okay, baby," She just looked up at me with those big green Valo eyes of hers. Since she trusted her daddy, she held to my wrist and sat down, coming out of her hiding.

"She's cute," Bam piped up, making my little girl blush and bury her face into my arm, "she looks like you," he swallowed.

"Are you saying I'm cute?" I looked to him with that bright, smutty teasing gleam in my eyes, and that smirk that both just read sex.

"Of course," This made me laugh for some reason. And shake my head, taking a sip of my hot tea to the best of my ability since my left arm was a tad immobile because of the poor shy, little girl clinging to it.

"You, Bam Bam, are too much," And that's how our conversation started, which it evolved into music, fun, family, music, and more music. It seemed we had quite a number of topics in common. Before long it was 11 and Ava was fast asleep against my body. I hated to stop him from talking, but I had to, "Hold on, sweetheart, let me put her to bed," Which I did do. I'm a man of my word. I tucked her into her Dora the Explorer toddler bed, kissing her forehead, and closing the door, returning to the couch. "And now, go on, you were saying?"

"Oh- I can't remember. Something about pandas falling out of trees. But- do you think I could stay here tonight? I mean, you can't drive, I don't have a Finnish license, and I think Sami is a little wore out," He bit his lip.

"As if that's a question, of course you can. I don't mind." Sighing, Bam smiled.

"Okay good," Then there was more silence, "so.. you wanna watch a movie? You seem to have a lot."

Shrugging, "Sure," I got up, looking at my small pile of tapes, DVDs, DVD cases, and tape slips while mumbling out what movies were which. "What about Edward Scissorhands? I haven't seen it in forever.."

"Yeah! I love that movie." Bam smiled widely and nodded. So I returned his expression and popped in the DVD, situating myself  back on the couch with the remote. The movie was running, and we were talking, then we weren't.

"Hey, Bam.." I started. I wasn't sure how he would answer this.

"Hm?" He looked over at me.

"Last night. You were being really really like.. affectionate and stuff. You even said that.. 'I fucking love you' thing. I was wondering.. was that.. the alcohol speaking, or your feelings?" My eyes were liking to look at my hands in my lap. After I asked, I wish I'd hadn't, for a long silence followed my words.

After a good break of speaking, he sighed, "It-- was feelings."

Like said- I've been trying to move this fast. And yay- I'm getting better in time for Christmas, and my birthday. ^^;; 
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