Hm. Internal Devistation, yo.

Dec 21, 2005 00:45

Alright. I will warn- I am dreadfully sick, so therefore, my writing, is dreadfully horrible. My mind isn't clear. Lovely. Well, here is another insert of my sucked up writing.

Title: Internal Devistation CH.2
Pairing: Ville/ Bam. MHMM.
Rating: G to NC-17 ( In ze later chaps )
Summary: Hm- I was never good at this. NEVER. Well, lovely Ville has a daughter from a previous, destructive relationship. An old friend takes him out for a round of drinks, and introduces him to someone that was to click him out of his depressive funk.
POV: Ville's
Disclaimer: Though we wish, it never happened. I know, depressing. But I own Ava. Oh yes do I own her.

Chapter 1

"Ville, I've got someone I really want you to meet," Is what Sami told me. I just raised my eyes to his,

"Really, now?" And cocked an eyebrow, moving my fingers clumsily around the rim of my drink, a nice intoxicated effect that always seemed to come naturally to me. "And who might this-- lovely someone be?" My tongue moved sloppily over my lips. I was a pretty flirtacious and sexual person, but one I had a little alcohol in me, it heightened and well.. It wasn't really 'sexy' anymore. Just a tad retarted looking.

"This.. lovely someone is a man who I think you'll take a nice interest to. He's from America, and.. " I do believe Sami is the only person who can look past my drunken states and think of it as nothing, talking to me as he would if it were any other time. That was something I liked about him, he always treated me the same, no matter what condition I was in, "... after his boyfriend left him soon after his mother died." Now I realized I just zoned out and missed out on this whole description. Pity. Not like I'd remember any of it half an hour later anyway. "So, would you like to meet him?" Sami's gaze was on me, awaiting an answer. Not caring, also figuring that my friend here wouldn't leave me alone until I met this mysterious American boy, that's just the way he is, I nodded.

"Yes. Sure. That would be pleasant."

"Well here he is," See- that cunning beast. This fellow was here before I'd even recieved a detailed description and the such. He'd been sitting in front of me. Imagine that. Seems I was to meet him no matter what my slurred answer was to have been.

"Oh.. Why hello there, sweetheart," Giggling and smiling stupidly I took a swig of my drink. The boy, apparently nervous or.. SOMETHING.. looked up, finally, to meet my eyes. My frosted over, watered down emerald eyes. And his, I do recall, were beautiful. They were a brilliant blue. A hint of grey clouded over them when he would turn his head to an angle. It was mesmerizing, this man's eyes.

"Hi," His voice snapped me back. It was very American, that was for sure. Then there was silence. Usually, as most people, when I'm drunk, I talk. I'm flirty, social, and just.. everywhere. But I was stuck in my thoughts that radiated perversion. The quietness on other man's side was due to the fact that he was right uncomfortable just meeting some random person.

"Ville, this is Bam. Bam, this is Ville," Sami finally spoke up, splitting the deafening silence. After exchanging those nice, polite and required hello's, the same sound of nothing crept back up. Apparently both boys were deep in thought now. "Ville's really good at singing, aren't ya?"

"I suppose, people tend to-- like my voice," I tried my best to keep my speaking straight, but it always came out slurred.

"Really?" This, Bam, fellow looked up, and I got a good look at his face. I'll say- he was very attractive. To me, at least. His defined cheeks, showing a radiant smile that was contagious to my own features. A drink came for Bam, and without saying anything, asking what was, nothing, he took a sip, then a chug. Before long, he was hammered. And the two of them were talking about a million random things.

The night ended in song, two drunken boys singing a childish tune. Sami wouldn't let the two push their glazed rebounded emotions any further than speaking in a less than X rated manner. Which that's no fun. When it was time to retire for this day, I was found too wasted to walk. And constantly giggling. Bam was the same way by that time, which made Sami's job of keeping our hands off of each other even harder. It seemed that it wasn't just me with a little crush. "I fucking-- love you, man.." Bam got out that cliche intoxication phrase with a heavy slurr.

"Alright, boys, it's REALLY time to go," Sami spoke up again, a tinge of impatient worry in his voice, standing and picking me up by under my arm. "Come on, Ville. You'll see Bam tomorrow, I promise. But it's time to go home now." Whining I saluted to my new pal, and when Sami was turned, I blew a lovely little kiss. The younger man raised his eyebrows and giggled, somebody helping him up. I didn't know who that person was, nor did it matter since I was brought out of the pub, into Sami's car. The whole drive I talked about this American. How he was so cute, his eyes were big and blue, his laugh was adorable, and everything that was minute about him.

Of course when I was put to bed, well, put to couch I suppose, I dreamt of him. He was like a disease. Though I'd just met him, he seemed to have grown on me. I couldn't get that bright smile out of my mind. His short and curled brown hair, the brown that was slightly lighter than my own, and curls tighter than mine. I thought of him naked, I thought of him in a boat, eating a lollipop, swishing his hair around, everything. Hopefully Sami wasn't lying when he said I would see him tomorrow.

Like said- I am sick. So my writing is worse than normal. I basically wanted to get them to meet. Whee. <3333
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