Fanfiction! Down the Middle! Chapter Four!

Dec 11, 2005 22:37

Title: Down the Middle
Pairing: Vam (Oh come on now...what did you think?)
Rating: This is the NC-17 chapter folks. Smut ahoy!!
Summary: What happens when you put a video shoot, Ville, and Bam in the same room? Hijinks, mayhem, and a secret revealed that has been hiding in the shadows for way too long.
Disclaimer: I don't either know, own, or have any influence on the person's involved in this story. Never happened. Don't I wish it did.'s finally here! I got out my smutty muse and I went to fucking TOWN. I really hope you all enjoy this...because let me tell you I nearly had to take a cold shower after writing it. Enjoy the NC-17 goodness with my compliments!

Link to Chapter One

And Chapter Two

And Chapter Three

I think I had just turned back to my typical pale color when we arrived at the house, Bam snickering a few more times just to get it out of his system before opening the door and getting out. I followed close behind, looking up at the windows of a house that seemed to be so old that the damn walls were groaning. Upon entering said house however I was astounded by the beauty of the place...this was the sort of place to sit and write songs. It had charisma, it had had a vague sense of death and perversion that were just right for me. If the place ever went up for sale I promised myself I'd buy it. If only to come visit and look at every so often.

The two of us entered the bedroom together, everyone turning to us with equally as annoyed looks. Were we late? That look was typically the one that I got when I arrived for some event at least an hour and a half late. Bam glanced at me and grinned sheepishly, knowing that our little tryst had made us the last to arrive. And the shot couldn't be done without bothersome.

"Good Lord Bam," the assistant director said, glaring at Bam with a slight smirk. "You had one! All you had to do was bring Ville to the damn house! What took you so long anyway?"

Bam just glanced at me and shrugged, mumbling something about getting pulled over and how cops sucked in general and it wasn't really his fault. All the while I started chatting with the young lady that I was supposed to be singing to while she slept. She seemed nice enough, but kept looking at me like i'd sprouted two heads suddenly. Shaking my head each time she would do so, I tugged at a lock of my hair at the back of my neck and tried not to feel uncomfortable. This was just odd. Did I have something on my face that I didn't know about?

"Nice hickey..." she laughed finally, pointing to a very adorable blossoming purple mark on my neck. When the fuck had Bam done that?? I attempted not to blush, remembering what my mom had told me years ago. 'People can only embarrass you if you let them'. I firmly believed that was true, but that didn't mean that I couldn't be slightly embarassed by the purple mark showing everyone what i'd been upto for the better part of twenty minutes.

"Oh..." I mumbled quietly, biting at my bottom lip softly. "I must have burnt myself with a cigarette while I was sleeping last night. Sorry...I'll...have the makeup people take care of it..."

With that I wandered off, finding the makeup woman with a little bit of difficulty and pointing out the hickey with a flickering gaze. Thankfully, she didn't make fun of me, instead she merely raised up an eyebrow and went to work. Within minutes it looked as though my skin had never been attacked by a rampaging skater. I sighed when she showed me her work, running a stick of eyeliner over the bottom of my eyes. I blinked and looked again. Pretty much normal...nothing too exciting. I I always did.

I had just come into the bedroom that I was supposed to be shooting in, when suddenly the woman i'd been talking to a little while ago shot past me, slamming the bathroom door behind her. A few moments later the sound of wretching could be heard, and I put a hand over my own mouth and attempted not to be sick myself. God I hated the sound of someone throwing up...HATED IT. Eventually Bam went in to check on her, only to come out a few seconds later with a very disgusted look on his face.

"Well...I don't think we'll be filming this shot tonight..." he said, laughing slightly, a vague green color to his cheeks. I merely nodded and glanced around. "I guess that also means we have nothing to do. I guess thats a wrap guys...we'll meet back up here at six tomorrow and try this shit again..."

Everyone applauded at that, including me, and began to pack up their stuff. I merely stood there, eventually finding myself laying on the bed with my eyes closed and my cigarette dangling dangerously from my lips. My green eyes flickered open and over the quickly fading crowd, eventually leaving me completely alone in the bedroom with all the lights and cameras still sitting there staring me in the face. I wasn't sure really...but I thought i saw a harness straped to the ceiling...what the hell was that for? I tried to remember the script that i'd read on the plane but couldn't think past the fact that I was lonely and the sheets were soft.

And there was someone crawling up the bed towards me...

"I just wasted 15,000 dollars to be alone with you..."

My eyes closed and I merely smiled, putting my cigarette out on the bedpost beside me. Bam gasped at that and slapped me across the face softly, causing my eyes to open and stare up at him. Somehow he had managed to not touch me while moving up the bed, and now his hands were on either side of my head, his legs spread out beside my hips. His hair was half-hiding his eyes, making me reach up and push it behind his ear. It didn't work however and it wound up right back where it had been previously, giving me peeks of the blue eyes that gilttered with mischief above me.

"What was the slap for Bammie..." I said, pouting and crossing my arms over my chest. Scowling playfully, he leaned in close to my face and narrowed his eyes.

"That's a fucking ten thousand dollar bed you idiot," he said, pushing his finger into the burnt spot where my cigarette had gone. "Now i'm going to have to find a way to repair it without anyone knowing...I should make *you* pay for it."

I shrugged at that, making him slap me across the face again. I grabbed his hand after that one though...playing or not...I didn't like it.

"Don't do that again Brandon," I said, my voice soft. "How would you like me to slap you?"

He seemed to think about this for a moment, and then leaned into me as close as he could get and licked a clean line from the bottom of my chin all the way up to the tip of my nose. I shuddered the entire time, unwilling to let him know how badly this was affecting me. Of course...all he had to do was look down and he could *see* how badly I was affected. Hopefully he'd keep his eyes upward where I could see them.

"I'd love it..."

I gasped, eyes widening to the point of pain as I stared at him. His damn *voice*. Gone was the playfulness, the laughter that he normally had, to be replaced by searing heat, blatant lust that took my breath in one swift motion. He smiled while he said it though, almost ruining the image I had. Almost. In the end however, I was barely breathing, not knowing quite what to do next, but knowing that whatever happened...I wasn't getting interuppted this fucking time. No way. Even if someone came into the room while we were in the middle of sex...i'd just keep going. Screw them. I wanted this so bad I could have cried...

Of course that might have spoiled the moment...

Eyes locked together, mine uncertain, his playful, Bam brought his free hand down and took mine, pushing both my hands above my head while he finally lowered his hips down to mine so that he was sitting on my crotch. My head rolled back at the sensation of our bodies meeting, his hips rotating slightly in a very unkind way. He was trying so hard to be a prick about this, his mouth moving down to the underside of my chin where his tongue came out to meet the pulsing vein it found there. Biting my lip to keep the moan down, I dug fingernails into the hands holding mine down, earning me a shuddering gasp from Bam where his mouth lay on my lower neck.

"Tell me you'll run those nails down my back..." he whispered into my ear, biting down before sucking hard on my earlobe. My whole body jumped up at the sensation, doubled by his words. Though if he thought I was getting fucked he had another thing coming...I wasn't the type to lay back and let someone fuck me. Maybe someday...but certainly not now. Not with my best friend peeling his t-shirt off his own body and throwing it to the side, not with him pulling my own off my body. No...I wasn't going to be satisfied until I was balls deep in Bam's body...not until he was screaming above me. Then i'd be happy.

Or as happy as I ever got...

"Your wish...and all that faggoty shit...," I replied, pulling his head up to mine for a slow kiss that quickly turned hard. Pushing my tongue past his teeth, I tasted a vague flavor like mint or peppermint, mixed with a taste that i'd coined as uniquely Bam. Somewhere in the middle of the kiss he let go of my hands, his fingers wrapping into the hair at the back of my neck while my hands went instantly to his ass where I racked my nails up the denim, earning both a groan and a very pleasing sound from the denim. Damn it...I wanted them off. I wanted them off so badly that I was beginning to whimper into the kiss, pushing my tongue in and out just like I wanted to push my cock up into him. This was getting desperate...

"Take them off me..." he murmured into my mouth, pulling away from our kisses, a trail of saliva between us. I merely smiled at his words, hands going to the front of his pants where I forced myself to take my time, enjoying the way his eyes rolled and he got a very impatient look on his face. Each snap of a button earned me another frustrated sigh, the tug of the zipper got me a 'hurry up ville i'm dying', and finally i was done. Not surprising, the boy wasn't wearing any underwear, so I could instantly see the much like mine. I'd had so many people ask me if it bothered me that he had nearly all my didn't. Who the hell cared with his body on top of mine and his hands sliding his own jeans down his body until he was naked above me.

When had he taken off his shoes?

I pulled away from him, pushing him upwards a bit so that I could get a good look at him. Gorgeous. He was so worried about what his body looked like...but it was gorgeous...perfect. So perfect in fact that I couldn't help but let my fingers wander to his lower abdomen, softly tracing the heartagram I found there, moving lower. I watched his eye twitch at the corner when I intentionally avoided his dick, choosing instead to wander the insides of his thighs. They were soft, the skin nearly baby smooth just like the rest of him. Pulling him towards me, his teeth bit into his bottom lip hard as I let my mouth move along his collarbone, my hands moving to his bare ass. It was nicer this way...

When my mouth found his right nipple he finally did moan for me, and for that I rewarded him with my fingers wrapping securly around his dick, giving it a few slow strokes while he pushed his face into my hair and cried out. I smiled and brought his face to mine, showering his cheeks, forhead, nose with soft kisses, nearly purring and nodding to him when his hands moved to my zipper. Definitely moving in the right direction...definitely where I wanted to go. Within moments I was as naked as he was, and he was looking at me as though he'd never seen me before.

When had he taken off my shoes?

"Honestly...I think you're the best looking man i've ever seen..." he said, nodding to himself as he instanty wrapped his hands around my cock. No very Bammie.

"How many men have you seen?" I laughed through my moan, giving him a look of 'you're such a slut' and forced his hand into stillness...

" you..." he shrugged, sitting up as he pouted so prettily, crossing his arms across his chest...I shook my head at him. He was probably the only man in the world who could pull off 'cute' and 'sexy' at the same time for me. Most other men were either one or the other...but Bam managed to be both at the same time. Made me want to see how cute he could be while I made him writhe for me. Speaking of that...

"Hush Bammie...hush..." I murmured, brushing the pad of my thumb across the tip of his dick, grinning at the instant change at him. Within moments his mouth was on me, his hands grabbing mine and forcing them back to his ass where they'd been previously. Taking this as a sign that he wanted more, I grinned and pushed his lips off of me. Without another word, I shoved my first two fingers directly into his mouth and stared at him.

"Suck," I demanded, hissing in pleasure as his mouth went to work. It almost made me want to have him between my legs, but i'd refrain for now. I just wanted to be inside him, and from the way he was moaning, I think he felt the same way. Once I thought I had just about enough saliva on my fingers, I pulled them from his mouth and moved back to his ass. Pushing my mouth on his again, I swallowed his involuntary sound of discomfort as my index finger worked its way up into his body up to the first knuckle, moving around a bit until his moans turned pleasurable again and pushed the rest of the way in. Pausing, I looked at his face, twisted up in a mix of pain and pleasure that made my cock twitch with need underneath him.

"Tell me when you're okay..." I said, waiting until he'd given me a quick nod before beginning to push my second finger into him, scissoring it and revelling in the sharp gasp of bliss I heard. It was starting to feel better...that or he liked the pain. I didn't think that was the case though. Finally I was moving my fingers in and out of him with relative speed, and he was moaning into my ear, crying out each time I brushed his prostate, pulling on the back of my hair so hard it was beginning to hurt. But just then I didn't mind.

"Enough! Now! No more fucking around!!" he said above me, grabbing my hand and pulling my fingers from him so violently that I widened my eyes in shock. Without another word, he positioned himself above me and laid his forhead against mine, lowering himself onto me as slowly as he could handle.

"Keep your eyes open Bammie...keep them open so I can see what I do to you..." I said, forcing my own eyes to stay open as I began to feel him engulf me, sucking my dick into him with each slow thrust that he forced on himself. His eyes were twitching at the corners, his tongue coming out to lick his lips until finally he was completely on me and I moaned, loud and throaty. I wasn't going to fucking move though...I wouldn't risk hurting him for this. He was on top of me...he'd move when he was ready.

Hurry up Bammie...

"Holy shit..." he murmured, smiling softly. I smiled back, risking a small thrust into his body that he accepted with a sharp cry. "Just...goddamn it Ville...will you fuck me already. I'm dying here..."

With that I began to move, slowly at first, but picking up speed when I heard Bam's response underneath me. The harder I pushed into him the louder he moaned, the more he bit at my neck, my collarbone, my ears, anything he could get his mouth on. So I went faster, shouts of my name on his lips as his hand went to his own dick, wiping away the precome he found and pushing those semen coated fingers into my mouth, instantly making my thrust up into him harder than I had before. The taste of him was...awe-inspiring? Musky? Bitter? Tangy? What? All of it? None of it...I wanted more but knew that I wouldn't get it this time. Maybe sometime i'd have to find him in a dark corner and show him how talented my mouth *really* was.

My hands moved around his shoulders, feeling his sweat covered thighs clamping down around my hips as I heard his orgasm approaching. Knowing he was close, knowing I was closer, I drug my fingernails down his back, watching his face contort. Within a split second he'd come on me, hot come spreading across both our stomachs as I followed close behind. His whole body had clamped down on me with his orgasm, making it nearly impossible for me to keep any sort of control. All I could do was let my eyes roll back into my head, my head shove back into my pillow, and his name come pouring from my mouth like a mantra, loud and scratchy, nearly breaking at the end.

Finally I felt him relax on top of me, one of my hands moving across his sweaty shoulders as the other went up to run through his nearly wet hair. He was shaking all over, his arms thrown around my head and his breath pounding on my ear. For a moment I thought that he was hurt, but with a shakey laugh he moved his head down to look at me and smiled.

I couldn't have breathed if I'd tried...

"I can't come up with words for how good that was..." he said, his voice scratchy. I merely laughed at that and pulled him off of me with a groan from both of us. He quickly settled himself down next to me and wiped his face off with the pillowcase, grinning at me as he pushed my own hair off my forhead. Slowly I realized that I seriously wanted a cigarette and forced myself to move around until I'd found my pack in my discarded pants on the floor. Lighting the first one, I scooted upwards so that I could lean against the headboard and looked down at Bam, sliding my thumb along his cheek in a very affectionate way.

" never were the eloquent type...I think the 'fuck, Ville, yes, oh god, more more more's were more than enough to tell me you were enjoying yourself."

"You're an asshole Ville Valo," he stuck his tongue out at me, surprised when I leaned down and caught it between my teeth, sucking it into my mouth for a moment until he moaned for me again. Nearly breathless again when he pulled away, he shook his head and cuddled into the pillows. "You really are an ass..."

"Yeah I know..." I said, putting my cigarette out on the bedpost again before pulling the covers up and over us and practically collapsing beside him, my arm going around his waist as I pushed my face into his neck.

"Ville...did you just fucking put your cigarette out on this bed AGAIN?" he said, moving only the blue gaze to me. I grinned into his skin.

"Never Bammie..."

"Fucking liar..."

Now...before anyone goes asking. No...this is not the end! I have inspiration folks! I have inspiration for at LEAST two more chapters...maybe more if the response is good enough. Comment, review, enjoy!

Much Loves

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