Fanfiction! "Between the Lines" Chapter Two!

Dec 05, 2005 20:37

Title: Down the Middle
Pairing: Vam (Oh come on now...what did you think?)
Rating: R for now. It will become NC-17.
Summary: What happens when you put a video shoot, Ville, and Bam in the same room? Hijinks, mayhem, and a secret revealed that has been hiding in the shadows for way too long.
Disclaimer: I don't either know, own, or have any influence on the person's involved in this story. Never happened. Don't I wish it did.'s time for chapter two my lovlies! For those who need a refresher, here's the link to Chapter One of my story.

And onto more important subjects! Chapter Two Ahoy!!! Hope you all enjoy. This whole chapter is from Ville's perspective. I had so much fun writing this!

I arrived at the church around an hour late, cigarette hanging from my mouth and a small smirk on my face as I looked around. It looked as though they’d been waiting on me for a while, even the rest of the band was staring at me as though I were the most devastatingly annoying person on the planet right about then. It didn’t matter…I had an excuse for being so late this time around. So no one could yell at me…

“What the fuck man! What were you doing…jacking off in the car?” Bam said, coming up with a look of frustration on his face. Now…of all the people in the world, Bam should not be the one ranting at me at all, seeing as how I doubt he’s ever been on time to anything in his entire life. Then again…he had been on time to this and I wasn’t.

“Bam…shut up. I’m here now, aren’t I? The car arrived late…so if anyone deserves any blame its you for your bad choices in rentals,” I said, flicking my cigarette into a large puddle outside the church. It had been raining quite heavily the night before, and now there were enormous puddles of muddy water every few feet that glittered in the early morning sunlight. Or…mid-morning sunlight…I had arrived a bit late after all. Smiling softly, I patted Bam on the cheek and walked towards the wardrobe woman who was waving furiously at me from behind a large dressing screen. Apparently she’d been waving at me for the last few minutes…

I’d been distracted…

“Well, at least you got here!” Bam said, following behind me. As I glanced through a rack of clothes I paused and looked at him over my shoulder, rolling my eyes as I went back to the task at hand. “I think we’re going to start with the church shot…the one where you go through the middle of the pews…you know the one?”

Stopping at a particularly interesting shirt, I raised one eyebrow and had to think about it. Hadn’t I read the script the night before on the plane? It took a few moments and a lit cigarette later, but eventually I figured out that I had indeed read the damnable thing the night before but was so tired that it all had become something of a blur to me. Something about me dying and going to heaven but not really wanting to…and the beginning shots were of me coming through the middle of the church towards the camera. Yes…I did indeed remember it. Well done Ville and three hours of sleep…

“You did read the script right?” Bam said, handing me a pair of pants that I glanced at then glanced at him. “I mean…you know what we’re doing today right? Right?”

I simply smiled and nodded, finally looking at the pants that had been shoved into my hands. They were…confusing to say the least…and hardly what I would have chosen for myself. On the surface they were a normal enough pair of black pants, but with but a flick of your wrist a few of the patches came out to reveal nearly gaping holes with fishnet in them that showed the skin underneath. Again…not really what I would have chosen for myself. Holding the pants out in an almost helpless way, I shook my head at Bam and gave him a curious look.

“I am not wearing these…” I said, grabbing another pair of black pants that were much more normal, just hip hugging and slightly flared at the knees. Much more me. Bam made a slight face that confused me…almost disappointment? I smiled mischievously and leaned my face close to his, enjoying the way his breath sped up in an almost uncontrollable way. He didn’t pull away though, making me smile even wider and lick at my bottom lip a bit.

“Unless you just wanted to see my bare thighs, in which case you’re just shit out of luck,” I said, pulling away before I did something stupid. We were already getting a few random stares from people as it stood, some of them smiling behind their hands, some of them had ‘deer in the headlights’ sort of looks about them. Either way it was time for me not to be quite as close to my darling Bammie. Not that I particularly wanted to pull away…but then…I almost never wanted to be too far away from him. Beautiful leech indeed…I adored it or I never would have allowed him to be around me for so long.

“I just thought they were hot,” he said, running the pants through his fingers in an almost saddened way. I had just started pulling my shirt over my head behind the curtain, when the tone of his voice pulled me away from myself. I looked around the screen, pursing my lips together for a brief moment and sighing gently. Damn it. I hated hearing him upset like that…hated hearing that disappointment in his voice. It made me willing to do damn near anything…maybe he knew that and used it as an advantage, but it didn’t matter. Because now I was going to be wearing those damn pants just to wipe that look off his face.

The glitter in his eyes returned, I slipped the pants onto my hips and looked at myself in the mirror. Not too bad really. The pants honestly did fit my body better than most of my own clothes, and the shirt was tight and button up. I wasn’t going to be doing much to my hair that day, leaving it to curl and fly up in multiple directions, as it was want to do. I nodded at my own reflection, coming from behind the screen and grabbing the cigarette that I had discarded earlier.

“Hey Ville! Could you come here for a minute?” I heard Bam call, looking around to find the source of the voice. Finally finding him behind a large tree, I laughed and looked at his as though he were crazy. Not that I wasn’t glad of the few minutes we had alone, but there really was no reason for it. He crooked his finger at me, beckoning me to come closer. Of course I obliged…who wouldn’t?

“What…are you finally about to tell me your secret identity?” I said, laughing in a soft way that still managed to sound absolutely ridiculous. My voice was not one of my favorite things about myself. Making a small face, as he put a finger to his lips, he grabbed my sleeve and began to drag me towards the back of the church. If this had been anyone but my delightfully straight friend I might have thought I was being led back to the shed for a snog…but this was Bam…and Bam didn’t see me like that at all. Perhaps we were going to get stoned before the shoot…that might work well.

“Ville shut up. I have GOT to show you this,” he said, looking back at me with a wickedly boyish grin that left me nearly spiraling out of control with desire for him. He was so beautiful, more so than anyone else I’d ever met in the entirety of my life. And that included all the near Mrs. Valos out there. What could I say I had a tendency to want to jump into things with people. But…Bam was a little different. There was no ‘jumping into it’…only the slow progression of friendship turning to something a bit more…intimate. Or at least that’s what I wanted…I wanted the intimacy that came not only with the physical but the emotional.

Of course…I was basically asking for the whole world to be delivered to me on a silver platter. I knew better than to think it was going to happen.

He led us to a set of double doors that was behind the church, almost like a storm cellar. Throwing open the doors, I followed him down a long set of stairs that seemed to on forever, never ceasing. The further down we went the stronger the scent of algae and mold became until I was certain I was going to throw up and never be able to smell anything again. Catacombs…this church had a never-ending supply of catacombs, stretching on for what seemed like forever. Or maybe it just seemed that way because the only light I could see was in fact the light from the surface that was slowly fading away. Turning my face back towards the door, I heard the slight apprehension in my own voice as I spoke.

“Are you sure it’s safe down here? How did you find this place?” I asked, running my fingers along the wall but pulling them away quickly at the sickly gooey feeling that assaulted them. Under my feet something squeaked and skittered away, making me nearly squeal like a small girl. I did, on the other hand, jump forward, effectively knocking into Bam’s back and sending us both plummeting into a wall with my hands clinging to his shirt. How embarrassing…

“Ville! Jesus Christ Willa! It was a fucking rat you pussy!” I glared at him, knowing he couldn’t really see it, wishing he could. What confused me was the fact that he hadn’t pulled away yet…no…he was allowing me to stay plastered to his body against the wall. I could feel the way his breathing had sped up, the way his voice was teasing and yet more breathy than normal. It confused me…enthralled me…gave me the courage to push even more firmly against him. I was rewarded with a short gasp and a very sharp push backwards.

“I’m pretty sure it’s safe other than the whole…rats thing…just step on them if they fuck with you,” he said, grinning as he stepped into the light. His smile was so bright that I could see it in the semi-darkness, glittering at me softly. I rolled my eyes at him and continued through the darkness, finally stopping when I couldn’t see in front of me anymore.

“Hey…” I said, using my lighter to see Bammie in front of me. “Let’s go back. I don’t like it down here…not to mention it smells like rank ass that’s been sitting in the sun for three days…”

I saw him nod at me and turn around just as I heard it. The unmistakable sound of multitudes of rocks falling all at one time and the semi-gloom was suddenly snuffed out, leaving on the pitch blackness that surrounded us. Listening to my quickened breaths, I made my way back down the tunnel only to find it blocked off by a large pile of rocks. Turning an unhappy face towards my companion, I lit my lighter so that he could see my disdain for our current situation.

”Look what you did Bammie! Now we’re trapped!” I shouted, teeth gritted as I turned and sat down on a large rock. I fucking hated this. It was dark, smelly, cold, wet, and all around uncomfortable…not to mention I was in the pitch black with the one person in the world that I really WANTED to be around in the pitch black. All in all…it was either a recipe for disaster or a recipe for boredom…I wasn’t really certain which I would have preferred.

Using my lighter, I found a patch of dry brick that was up above the floor, probably a place where they’d put dead bodies at one point. How macabre that I was now fantasizing about fucking my best friend while sitting in a chamber of death. It was so Ville Valo…it was so very wrong. Lighting up a fag quietly and extinguishing the light, I blinked a few times at the complete darkness and sighed quietly. A few people had seen us come down here, so it really was only a matter of time until someone came looking for us. In the meantime I was stuck controlling a rampaging erection that had been started with that first push into the wall. Bothersome? You could say that.

“Well,” Bam’s voice pierced the silence. “Someone will be down here looking for us soon. Guess we’ll just have to amuse ourselves in the meantime.”

My cock twitched at that thought, my mind playing horribly awful tricks on me. Honestly Ville…he didn’t mean that we were going to have sex or something. That was just me making up these dirty little fantasies in my head. This was just me fucking with me. This was just my imagination running wild. Why then had I heard such a dark tone in Bam’s voice when he spoke? Was I imagining that too? Could I possibly be imagining all that?

“What’s wrong Ville?” I heard from beside me, suddenly feeling a warm presence close to my body. When had he moved up to sit with me? How could I not have noticed? Was I so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I couldn’t even feel him moving through the darkness to sit with me? Good lord…I had it so bad. So bad.

“Nothing’s wrong Bammie…” I said, my voice not matching my words. I was so tired of fighting this every damn day. I was sick to death of watching the only person in the world that I really gave a fuck about go from woman to woman when all I wanted was to keep him safe forever. It was so sickeningly romantic that I wanted to just be rid of the thoughts and go back to being normal…but I’d given up on that a long time ago. I was stuck with this permanent fascination with my best friend.

Love? Who knew? All I did know was how I felt when he wasn’t around. All I knew was how lonely it was to lay in my bed at night and wonder what he was doing in his. It bothered me…more than it should have. Which is why when Bam scooted closer to me, the whole side of his body pressed against me…that I couldn’t stop myself from letting my head fall to his shoulder, cigarette glowing in the darkness as I sucked on it.

“You’re full of shit,” he said softly, his voice shakier than I would have expected. “You’ve been acting weird since I talked to you on the phone yesterday. What’s wrong? New girl?”

My eyes clenched shut, smoke-filled breath coming out in shuddering puffs as I tried not to give myself away. Though I didn’t know who I was trying to fool, seeing as how my head was now burrowed into his shoulder and I was giving off small purring noises. Or maybe that was just my imagination again. Either way this was turning into a situation that was threatening to blow up. Did I want that?

“No Brandon,” I said, his real first falling off my tongue strangely. It was a rare thing for me to call him that, and I felt him stiffen up at my words. Slowly I felt his head turn towards mine, felt his eyes on me though I knew he couldn’t see me. What was he looking for then? What the hell was he doing? Softly I felt his cheek move down until it brushed against the top of my head, sending pleasant shivers down my back and causing me to drop my fag.

Right into Bam’s lap.

“HOLY SHIT!!” he screamed out, quickly brushing off the cigarette and patting at himself a bit. Not able to help myself, I let a slow trickle of laughter come out of my mouth, only to be silenced by the pad of an index finger directly across my lips.

The world froze.

“That…was not funny Mr. Valo,” he said, not moving his finger. “I could have seriously burnt something important…then where would I be?”

“Scarred for life I’m sure,” I laughed out, each movement of my lips brushing against the skin of Bam’s finger…and still he didn’t move it. “I’d still be your best friend though…scarred dick or not.”

“Well thanks for that…I guess…”

“My pleasure…”

We both fell silent at the same time, Bam’s finger slowly moving across my bottom lip, across my cheek, along my jawbone. This wasn’t the caress of someone who was just your best friend…this was more. Slowly, as though we were both afraid that by moving that the whole world would collapse, we both came forward. How I know we both moved, seeing as how it was dark, was beyond me. But I felt him come forward, the finger that had been previously pressed against my lips now curling around the locks of hair at the nape of my neck as he pulled my head directly towards him.

“What are you doin-“ I began, but was cut off by the harsh press of his lips against mine. This was a kiss to shut me up, and shut up I did. Bam tasted…sort of like cherry Chapstick, his lips sliding along mine in an almost non-existent way. But it was just enough that I hissed into his slowly opening mouth every time his tongue would come out to caress my bottom lip. Suddenly…I realized something. Bam was kissing me! He was kissing me and I wasn’t kissing back!

Deciding in that moment that I couldn’t let that continue, I pressed back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and hauling him as close to me as I could get him. When I had him in a good position for how I wanted it I began to push him backwards, mouth moving on his in a way that was making him moan gently each time I would thrust my tongue into his mouth. It was gorgeous. The way he moaned and arched up into me each time I would tease him…it was so amazing that it pushed away every other thought.

Including the one of how awkward this was going to be when we eventually broke the kiss.

“Bammie,” I moaned against his mouth as I found myself on top of him, wishing I could see his face…his eyes…anything to let me know that he wasn’t going to hate me later. All I could feel was the rapid flutter of his chest as he drew in breath after breath and the pounding of my own blood in my ears. “Bammie…why did you start this? Don’t you know I’ll never be able to stop now? Don’t you understand the flood gates you opened up?”

He pulled his face away from mine, moving his mouth down to my neck as he nibbled along the jugular vein. “I know Ville…I just…thought that the moment was right and…”

“Shut up Bam…” I growled, attaching my mouth to his ear and sucking on it so hard that his whole body gave a violent shudder.

"What?" he said, fingers pulling on my hair so hard it was beginning to hurt. I liked it a little though...nothing wrong with just a small amount of pain.

"No more talking...shut up..." I answered, plundering his mouth again. He moaned softly up into my mouth again as I ran my hand slowly around the waistband of his pants, pushing my fingers below the fabric to sharply tug at the soft, curling hair I found below. Bam did moan then, loud and throaty, and I smiled into the kiss, knowing i'd just found a sensitive spot.

My mouth moved down next, tasting along skin that I never thought to have in this lifetime. He tasted vaguely of cologne here, of some sweet fragrance that I couldn't place. My mouth moved lower than the neck, nuzzling below the collar of his t-shirt to lick along the collarbone and bite gently, earning me a shuddering gasp. Skipping taking off the shirt (I wasn't thinking very clearly at that point) I shoved up his shirt and began assaulting his flat stomach, running my tongue along the muscles I found there. I couldn't see a think...but that made it feel better. All I could do was hear, feel, smell and taste him...and it was the most erotic thing i'd ever expeienced.

My tongue dove below the waistband where my fingers had previously been, teasing, not really doing much of anything. Bam's fingers tightened on my hair and dragged me upwards to his mouth.

"Fucking're worse than a woman..." he murmured. I laughed at that, wishing at that moment that I could see his face. It had to be priceless. Suddenly however...I *could* see his face, and my vision began to shimmer as sunlight began pouring into the room.

"Bam? Ville?" I heard in a very thick accent. Mige'...goddamn it. Bad timing, friend.

It seemed to be the quickest seperation in history as we untangled ourselves from each other and went to the rapidly forming opening in the wall of rocks.

"Oh thank god!" Mige' said, his voice laced with concern. "We heard this crash and thought you two had died or something. There goes my livelihood!"

Bam and I glanced at each other, him sighing gently with me following shortly after. If they'd only known how much I wished they hadn't gotten through that pile of rock quite so quickly...

"Thanks for getting us out guys..." Bam said, though not quite as livley as one might have expected from someone who thought "they were going to die". I grinned at him and he grinned back...

Something told me this wasn't the end of our little encounter...

Anyway...rate, review, comment! Many thanks to all of you who write all inpsire me!

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