Yes, I know I'm a dork

Mar 08, 2006 13:03

So there's this contest going on where you can win a trip to meet the cast...and obviously I'd like to if you click this link and register amd vote for this screenname
MyeshaC580 I get more chances to win. I know thisi s really dorky, but I'd love you forever!

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Comments 3

wanderlust____ March 9 2006, 14:59:30 UTC
this is weird, your posts are not showing up on my friends page. that makes me angry. i wonder why, but dude i voted for you today!


__fragilewings March 21 2006, 18:15:21 UTC
i think it's because all my entries are backdated.


urbanroyalty March 19 2006, 22:41:23 UTC
Your post areent showing on mines either!!!!!!! I will vote :-)


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