the yeah yeah yeahs were just on MTV. their video is so awful. they could have tried something a little more creative. there's a really long sequence of her crying and waving the microphone around. it's almost laughable
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it's a lovely day, aside from the weather being drab and cold. i'm going to ticketmaster tonight. and then to dinner with my dad. it should be cute
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i tried to make myself eat meat, and enjoy it. so i fixed myself a sandwich. the only thing that i got to enjoy was a nice pukey feeling in my stomach. then i made toast. toast is safer
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my father just screamed in my face because the pizza that i wanted to get was two dollars more than the pizza that he wanted to get for me. i don't LIKE pizza from the place that he wanted to go. so he got all pissed. over two dollars.
note to self - don't become a middle-aged, money-obsessed cuntrag.
i had a longer entry all typed out, but my internet disconnected. cute.
i don't feel like re-typing it.
i'm tired. clueless is a good movie, when you're tired. i like drinking citrus juice out of plastic wine glasses. and i hate playing with my puppy sometimes, because he bites. hard. and i'm not in a very good mood.