It does say "don't do any unnecessary" work. I somehow think you have an exception to the rule. As long as you make sure to go to church, take special reverance for the day God rests, enjoy yourself, etc. Ask Fred. He's knowledgable.
I was going too, but I just talked to him about some other finer details in the confessional a while back about other things and it seems like I am being picky on too many fronts. I was considering sending him an E-mail.
BTW, sorry if I hurt you in the scuffle with the gun, I think I elbowed you in the rib or something and Teresa said to be careful cause she thought I would hurt you, and I forgot to ask if I did. I mean, you did have a gun and all... it was a life and death battle... anyway sorry about that. Peace be with you!
No. Don't feel guilty about doing homework; but, if you have a weak conscience and do feel guilty, don't do it. The prohibition is against servile labor. I suppose it depends on how you feel about homework. I limit my Sunday homework (not that I ever do homework...ever...) to Philosophy and Theology work; but I'm not scrict about this even for myself. As a matter of fact, traditional Cathollicism might even say that it s noble to study on a Holy Day -- in any case, I wouldn't feel guilty about it.
Comments 3
BTW, sorry if I hurt you in the scuffle with the gun, I think I elbowed you in the rib or something and Teresa said to be careful cause she thought I would hurt you, and I forgot to ask if I did. I mean, you did have a gun and all... it was a life and death battle... anyway sorry about that. Peace be with you!
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