I was a lot happier person when I was hanging out with Brandon and Amy Vines. Where the hell has my life gone? I skipped school and what am I doing? Sitting at home. I guess I'll go to the doctor and atleast get it excused. I'm not who I want to be. I don't find enjoyment in how I'm living. I don't want to drink all the time. I don't want to talk
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heads up to my guy friends - never date me. at first, i'll be myself and i'll be the courtney that you love to hang out with, but somewhere along the line..i lose myself completely and act completely ridiculous. i get jealous and i dont have any conversation. i just act like all of my intelligence is gone and all i do is try to be the prettiest
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its strange to see how much we've all grown up and how little we've actually tried to learn. the only thing that has changed for me in the past 2 years is that i have more freedom and more chances to screw up in bigger ways. life always seems more simple when youre looking behind you but im about to be 18 and i guess i have to start looking forward
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amy vann has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. shes my best friend no matter how far away she lives. and it doesnt matter if we grow apart or get even closer, she already has a permanent place in my heart until i die.
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I can't distinguish if I'm a good or bad person. I always thought that bad people had hasty and rude desires in their heart and that's what set me apart from them because in my heart, I have the best of intentions and I care so much about so many things and people. Lately, though, I've come to the conclusion that there is another way to tell if a
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