I went to go visit my bff in Riverside this past weekend. It was good and being bartender, making martinis and margaritas was fun. It was a nice break, but i was happy to be back.
Yesterday we had a bbq at a friend's house. It was fun while it lasted and getting the last king in king's cup was horrid!
His mom had a conversation with him saying that he shouldn't mess with her. She likes me and to stop bringing me over to the house and in front of her if i'm not going to be staying. He told her "No, she's not going anywhere." She told him once again to not mess with her.
+ yesterday was a must needed good day + calley's bday saturday/clocked in show (my baby!) + disneyland on valentine's day/california adventure next day + ricardo's open house + internal affairs last show + piece by piece in cv!