_10__45_ wrote in
Oct 29, 2004 17:01
I think that warning notices should be set out to members to help them remain active.
And promoting needs to be done if anyone cares anymore about this.
That is all :]
Happy Halloween!!
sekznthick wrote in
Oct 20, 2004 19:24
Woah! After what seems like AN ETERNITY my computer is working again and thanks to Krystyna the community is back on its feet. Awesome, keep it up ladies!
_10__45_ wrote in
Oct 18, 2004 18:35
I have promoted like crazy right? And look, it's paying off. I bet a lot of people have lost interest in this community, but I want to get it going again.
So check back nowwww. I'm going to notify the mod and all so yeah. Well KEEP ACTIVE AND PROMOTE so there are more and more applicants. Weeeeeeee.
Cheers loves.
____postcards wrote in
Oct 10, 2004 17:24
This isn't all that active and I'm in deep trouble with school right now. Little to no time. Sorry, it's been fun though.