the incredible vanishing rat

Feb 23, 2009 23:28

okay. so ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

Um. theboysgonehome February 24 2009, 05:20:44 UTC

... )


Re: Um. ____electric_ February 24 2009, 05:22:04 UTC
well heres the story about that
i dont want to buy a ball because were not sure if theyll like it or not.
our friend marie who has rats that hate the ball was going to bring hers and let us borrow it to see if theyll use it, but she forgot. so dont worry, the thought definitely crossed our minds.


hyujurin February 24 2009, 15:33:04 UTC
aw jeez! i guess he likes exploring, eh @ @;


skellator1029 March 9 2009, 02:30:26 UTC
Aww I would be worried too! That's so stressful :[


(The comment has been removed)

____electric_ March 9 2009, 08:37:40 UTC
i would probably be a bad idea since shes not used to being in a cage. just leave her food sometimes and if you see her try to get close to her. she will probably friendly up!


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