
Apr 02, 2005 21:45

i wrote a poem. a not so very good poem. but it's exactly what i've been up to latley. i've been smoking away my boredom.

a not so very good poem )

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Comments 53

slitxwristless April 3 2005, 18:15:37 UTC
Lauren i really love you. and really i have been thinking so much. i do want to lower how many times we do what we do. i mean i have look at my spring break. ive done it once. and when i talk to you and you said you couldnt find ur dads n you needed it. thats what scareed me. as your bestfriend im getting scared for our lives. i dont know why bc we are fine when we do it.. but like i dont know after reading sally and annas comments...look at these people who care about us and get so sad about us doing it...we just blow them off for drugs. is that really right? i mean i say this now and im so sorry if i sound like a hipocryte bc thats not it at all...im just thinking now after reading this. and miles i would never agree with but when he says things like that i relize how true it is. i mean look..i smoked a ciggerette downtown. i wanted more ciggerete which ended in us everytime we where downtown we got them. then i go to carlys, smoked ciggerettes, her brother had weed, i do weed. then weed gets boring n we do ex. and coke..i dont know ( ... )


______loser April 3 2005, 18:34:15 UTC
dear beloved molly ( ... )


slitxwristless April 3 2005, 18:46:34 UTC
hahahaahah. the robber stole weed. whata funny robber. yay im glad u agree n i wasnt juss talking for no reason. hannahs retarded. i hope she wont get caught with it in her luggage when it goes thro the thing n they look at whats inside..yah kno? but shell be ok i hope!=) i saw a movie one time n the guy was stuck in an airport bc he was from another country n bla bla bla n they where walking by one of those things n they saw a guy who juss came back from brazil n he had all these nuts n the guys like why do u have all these nuts n hes like oh i brought them back for my mother n he looks at him funny n then broke it open n there was all kinds of coke inside the nut. CRAZY HUH! haha im so goofy. well i hopw your happyness lasts for awhile bc i like it when your happy n not bitchy jk ur never bitchy your a happy little person =) oh dear i have to go my arm itches =)


______loser April 3 2005, 19:04:02 UTC
haha your such a sweetheart. [now if we were together i would be more like, "yo molly, shut the fuck up, you annoying peice of shit!!@#$%^&*] but see i shouldnt say that; because that really can break a person down. you know that saying, "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." well let me give you a little lession missy. words hurt; more then sticks and stones. for example; today while i was all chipper and happy, my away message read, "yay! i am having a happy day!=]." then frank; (frank the tank) IM'ed me and it read, "heyy, i love you." and i thought happy thoughts. then he IM'ed me back and said, "I HATE YOU, GO KILL YOURSELF!" well lets just say i put up the birdy to the computer screen. not exactly; i got hurt inside, that broke me down. sometimes when we kid around, and we all [michelle, carly, hannah, you, and myself] throw words around like your, "dropping it like its hawt." well blah blah blah GUESS WHAT!! i know a real live man named Kip! isnt that delightful! well MNE i hope you, your mother, ( ... )


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