Jun 24, 2010 09:00
- 10:19 Second Coming 12 (legacy 237) yeah. that looks painful. Kind of expected. #
- 10:29 Green Lantern Corps #49 wasting no time are we? can this be the end of the Alpha Lanterns? PLEASE? #
- 10:41 Avengers #2 I really want to like this. The art is just... making it difficult. #
- 10:52 Thunderbolts #145 - this new book is going to be a constant
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Jun 23, 2010 09:00
- 15:12 Looks like another broken steam pipe oln 51st. Yeah hot firemen everywhere #
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Jun 22, 2010 09:00
- 07:59 Sunday night's Boondocks was a total winner. Ridiculous and over the top and absolutely hilarious. #
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Jun 19, 2010 09:00
- 11:28 i'm still trying to figure out how they got the CEO of BP to appear on 30 Rock.. #
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Jun 17, 2010 09:01
- 12:05 Second Coming 11 (new Mut 14) wow. I didn't even know that was possible for Colossus! This story really just keeps moving. #
- 12:15 New Avengers #1. A glut of Avengers books nowadays, but I have a feeling this will continue to be the best one. This first issue rocks. #
- 12:34 Brightest Day #4. Argh. Too slow. Want more answers! #
- 12:44
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Jun 10, 2010 09:01
- 11:27 Secret Six #22 Fan-tastic! oh and please don't have the doll stand up ever again. IT's just creepy. #
- 11:27 @ gailsimone Secret Six #22 Fan-tastic! oh and please don't have the doll stand up ever again. IT's just creepy. #
- 11:44 Avengers Academy #1 is a definite read. Great to see Robby back in the speedball costume #
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Jun 09, 2010 09:00
- 14:07 @ pvponline i almost agree with you on Marvel & Digital print - just that I don't feel there is a real good 'mobile' way to read them yet. #
- 14:31 Lady Gaga's Alejandro - the song is so Madonna and the video really, really evokes a Madonna aesthetic to me. #
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