Title: 刈れ, 風死 (Kare, Kazeshini.) Reap, Wind of Death. Rating: G Pairings/Characters: Hisagi Shuuhei / Kazeshini, references to Kensei Muguruma Warnings: AU and just plain weird; OOC-Shuuhei; half-baked understanding of burakumin and butoh Word Count: 575 Disclaimer: Bleach is most certainly not mine
Title: R&R by: youkai_girl Rating: PG-13 Characters: Renji/Ichigo Warnings: Men kissing Word Count: 572 Summary: In the middle of the war, the Sixth, including its attached Vaizard, take a couple of days of rest and relaxation away from the front in Soul Society. Renji/Ichigo.