[Those who are familiar with Goldenrod and it's surrounding areas will notice that Vriska is just outside the city on Route 35. She's glaring down at the spider Pokémon who seems rather pleased with itself, and a female Nidoran lay unconscious beside it. Spinneret has just defeated the poor creature, but her trainer is not so happy with her.]Don't
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Okay, now pretend there's an eight in the word I'm about to say next. Congratulations! To both of you! [Because someone has to give that poor spider some genuine approval.]
But you know...you're human now. If you wanted to...we could sort of...try and give you a human childhood. If you wanted to, that is. I mean, obviously it's a little too late now to do everything but...yeah.
[He really hopes that made sense.]
[If you were here right now, John, she'd hug you.]
It's a shame my dad isn't here though. If there's one thing he really knows how to do, it's how to make a childhood memorable. And...pretty damn awesome too. [He falls silent for a moment. Aaaand now he's thinking about how much he misses his dad again. Fuck. MOVING ON!]
Oh! But I know the perfect place to start though! Err, time. The perfect time to start. Anyway, it's October now so that means that Halloween is right around the corner!
But this Halloween business sounds kinda neat. I've heard a little about it here and there, but what's it about?
It's not just "kinda neat." [Yes, there were air quotes there. This is your moirail, Vriska.] It's the best holiday we have on Earth! Well. Okay, Christmas is pretty neat too but you don't get to dress up on Christmas. At least not in fun costumes. Anyway, on Halloween you dress up in a costume and go around at night and people give you free candy so that you won't pull tricks on them. Of course, you can still pull tricks or pranks on people if you want. That's part of the fun of the holiday, after all. [Was that a mischievous giggle? Perhaps.] And that's basically the gist of it. Sounds fun, right?
Yeah, okay. Halloween. What kind of 'costumes' [And here she uses air quotes. Did she do it right, John?] do people dress up in?
[Realization: get! Distraction time is a-go!]
Ooo I wonder if that means they'll have costumes for pokémon...
Costumes for Pokemon, to like, dress them up? [She glances doubtfully at Spinneret.]
Yes, exactly. Pokémon like to dress up sometimes too. At least...Casey does. And I'm sure she's not the only one.
I would have never thought about dressing up Pokémon before, though. What would you dress them up as? The same thing?
But I guess you could do that, yeah. Dress them up as something that matches. Or you could let them pick. That's what I'm going to let Casey do. Because I don't really know that I could make her match me...dressing a pokémon up as another pokémon might be a little too weird.
This is a Haunter. You remember Vriska, right Slimer?
Haauuunnnttttt. [He offers a wicked grin which suggests that yes, he does indeed remember Vriska. And how he never got the chance to lick her last time he saw her. What do you taste like, Vriska? Slimer would like to know.]
Thought so. [He turns the camera back to himself.] Anyway, that's what I am go-- Slimer! [He makes a noise akin to an "incorrect buzzer" and holds up the pokéball menacingly at the off-screen specter.] As I was saying. That's what I am going as for Halloween. A Haunter.
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