Events: March 11, 2011

Mar 11, 2011 21:50

The Arcologist writes:

I may have been approaching my travels with entirely the wrong attitude.  Simply documenting and searching is no way to go about this.  How much knowledge have I gained?  Technical as well tactical insight?  I only have to find a sufficiently primitive Vector and with careful planning and use of resources, it could be mine!  I could rule any number of ignorant savages!  My troubles would at last be over and I could live the rest of my life in tyrannical luxury. does strike me odd that I didn't think of this before.  Perhaps it was the sweet I had earlier that gave me the idea.

It was called a Dictator Butterscotch Bite.

Circuit Vector 668-0003-- Wonka Chocolate Factory

"Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous."
But do try to keep your head (we don't want anybody losing that).  You, dear sirs and madams and all the in-betweenists, have been given a free pass into the most delicious place in the world!  While we do ask that you mind yourself around the more experimental of Mr. Wonka's newest delicacies, everything else may be touched, tasted, licked, sampled, sniffed, and, if you're in a mood, thrown at your more annoying neighbors (we recommend the rock candy for that).

Will you be serenaded by small orange men?  Possibly.

Event: Bad Candy

Jubilation!  The newest circuit vector has mailed out sample boxes of their most recent products to each and every inhabitant of our lovely community!  All characters will receive a small purple tin with a golden W set in delicate filigree on its lid.  Inside, there will be a collection of various chocolates.  While the flavors may differ (as labeled in tiny, tiny text on the wrappers) each of them bears the same overall line name.

"Bad Candy."

Go ahead.  Taste one.  And for 24 hours thereafter, you will revert to the most despicable, nefarious, mean-spirited, cruel, and downright evil behavior imaginable.

Because we've all wanted to be really bad once in life, right?

Current Meme

Seeing as a chocolate factory is probably the best field trip ever, you're going to have to pay your dues at school first!


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