
Feb 19, 2010 10:17

[It's a fairly nice day, so Sideways has pulled himself out of the Autobot's base to enjoy it. Besides, a little sun and fresh air never hurt anyone, did they? His solar panels are flared out, but rather than observing the area, he's eyeing his arm. A long-shafted red arrow is sticking out of the tire on his wrist. He looks up when someone giggles ( Read more... )

series: transformers

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Comments 118

i_am_not_a_taxi February 19 2010, 17:20:53 UTC
[Skyfire paused in his wanderings when he spots an unknown Cybertronian, tugging on what looks like an arrow in it's wrist. He looks curious and changes direction to investigate.]

((Ooc: How tall is Sideways approximately? 'fire is about 30' for rp sake in infinity, so... Oh, and sorry bout any slow tags. I'm a bit distracted today.))


avoidingfights February 19 2010, 18:47:27 UTC
[He's got a glare fixed on that arrow like it's the cause of all his woes, finally managing to pull it free of the tire rubber. He'd crow if he wasn't trying to keep a (mostly) low profile. The arrow gets a thorough looking-over before he tosses it aside... and notices the other Cybertronian. Oh dear.]

((OOC: 'Ways is roughly 13.5 or 14 feet, mostly because he's just hella short. And no worries; my tagging can be pretty sporadic, too.))


i_am_not_a_taxi February 19 2010, 18:59:29 UTC
[Skyfire looks at the other Cybertronian, to the arrow on the ground and back again. He gives him a look over and notices he looks nothing like any Cybertronian that he had seen before.]

"I was going to ask if you required any help, but it appears that you have resolved the issue yourself."

[He keeps a respectful distance, not sure if he should approach or not.]


avoidingfights February 19 2010, 19:21:42 UTC
[Sideways gives the other fellow a looking-over, straightening a little, through he stays seated. He suddenly gets anxious to have his legs back under him again. Focus.

The other Cybertronian's design is one he's a little familiar with - different reality. Blue optics, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Handso- no, stop that. Why are you thinking that? Focus.]

J-just an arrow. No big deal. Don't... don't know how it even got through m'tire. Is all. I. Uhm... I don't think we've met.

[His posture is as friendly as he can manage like this, though those optics of his are still red as all get-out.]


I'm a bad person sometimes :3 decepretender February 19 2010, 20:55:59 UTC
[She hasn't seen Sideways since their last encounter, but that didn't mean he had escaped her notice. She'd been tracking him, and it had taken her a while to find him (seriously does he ever leave that base), but today her hard work paid off.]

Fancy meeting you here, 'Ways.


That's okay, I am too. Wanna carpool in my handbasket? :> avoidingfights February 19 2010, 21:32:54 UTC
[He thinks he's almost got that arrow out... at least, until he hears her. He jerks and the shaft snaps off in his blunt claws. He drops that bit to shift out his gun almost automatically. Improbably, he doesn't shoot her. Well, at least everyone else is apparently gone.]

It's Sideways. Here I'd've thought you'd have moved on to tormenting someone else.


of course :3 decepretender February 19 2010, 23:12:09 UTC
[She lifts a brow, then smiles at his reaction, showing perfect teeth.]

My, 'Ways, you're awfully jumpy. [She takes a step closer, peering up at him with a blank expression.]

That was silly of you, now that arrowhead is stuck in you. How uncomfortable.


avoidingfights February 19 2010, 23:54:35 UTC
[Why is it he feels so small around the only one he dwarfs? He scrambles back as far as he can go, wings banging against the wall.]

It-it's not so bad. Just a tire. It'll... work itself out. [Please stay back D: ... Even if you're pretty. Where the frag did that come from?!


rightedwrongs February 20 2010, 07:48:12 UTC
Sideways? Are you all right?


avoidingfights February 20 2010, 14:15:35 UTC
[Drift has just startled Sideways! He jumps a little and squeaks, but looks up. And his faceplates turn red.]

O-oh, uhm. Something shot me. [He shifts a bit before holding out his arm, arrow still stuck in his wrist tire.] It doesn't... hurt or anything, but... [He shrugs.]


rightedwrongs February 21 2010, 00:06:29 UTC
Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

[ he cocks his head, frowning slightly ] Would you like some help?


avoidingfights February 21 2010, 00:15:52 UTC
'S okay. I should've been... paying more attention.

[He looks down, considering the arrow, before looking up and nodding.] Please? I-I'm worried I'll break it. Claws and all. [He waggles his fingers sheepishly.]


hasastick February 23 2010, 21:19:12 UTC
Get! Back! Here!!

[The shout came first, then came the blond running at full speed around the corner of the metal and stone monstrosity some might call a warehouse. Her usual staff was in one hand and ready to be used at the slightest hint of an arrow coming at her, Gabrielle seemed to be oblivious to the fact that she wasn't in Greece anymore. Or the Roman Empire, or Chin, or the NorthLands, or Gaul... Ok, wow, hello big pile of metal someone randomly left in the middle of the road, going to be dodging that while coming to a defensive halt.]

Alright, I know you're hiding around here somewhere! Just put down the bow, or you're in big trouble!


avoidingfights February 23 2010, 22:09:56 UTC
[That big pile of metal, upon connecting the voice with the human, manages to look profoundly startled. He pauses in trying to pull the arrow out and lifts his arms a little to turn and look at her. How odd... is that a stick? But wait, she's looking for someone with a bow. Maybe she knows the crazy winged archer baby-thing!]

Uhm, hello. Y-you're looking for... for an archer?

[The pile of metal talks! It also has glowing red eyes, but still.]


hasastick February 24 2010, 00:09:19 UTC

[Winged horses, the metal was moving! Gabrielle bounced away with an undignified squawk, and managed to bat away two heart-tipped arrows with her staff.]

Hah! Not getting me that easy again! [She called at the bushes, which earned her a childish giggle in reply. The woman sighed and eyed the metal giant... thing, not sure if it was going to attack her or not.]

Chasing, dodging, running away from... But who's asking?


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