(no subject)

Jan 05, 2008 06:01

I. hate. AOL. I went out for a damn smoke, and then to execute a rather unpleasant bowel movement (while I also managed to fuck up a rather simple, medium-leveled Sudoku-puzzle. WTF? I'm sometimes frighteningly scatterbrained - I thought I had all the two's figured, only to notice later on that I had put two of them on the same row! Of course I didn't remember which one I had put first, and I had went on long enough to fuck the grid up so totally that I just threw the book away and proceeded to wipe my poor little sore arse.), only to return and notice that the motherbleeping thing had kicked me out for inactivity. Harrrrrr, I had just managed to log on to the server of AdventureQuest!!! Now I can't get back on, it's packed! The inventor of that goddarnd software belongs in Room 101 with Linus Torvalds! (I have come to notice that Ubuntu and AOL are fatally incompatible. Well, could be it's just me.)

Anyway. Today, I bought new shoes with part of my X-mas gift money. Silvery ones with a strap over the front and stiletto-heels. Will try to post a pic. I originally went into this store because of a black neat coat I saw in the window, you tied it with a belt over the waist, when I saw these "chic sandals" with my name written all over them. I saw they were made in europe, because you would not find shoes that fit my foot perfectly, made in the states. It's difficult enough in back at home as I happen to be blessed with nicely shaped feet that do not have exessively long toes or instep, but short instep, round (and dominating in proportion to the rest of the foot), neat arch, and a proportionate heel. I needed a size 5, even if I usually am a 6 or 7, and they were the only pair that size they had, yey! They were 60$ o_O I never have paid over 30 for a pair of shoes as I'm not too obsessive about shoes in particular. But these were wow. The reason I'm telling you about these shoes is. Um, because I really really consider this vital information ;)

We went to Smoking Joe's. I had Hoegaarden, naturally (it being a Belgian beer, and the name being Flemish, you pronounce it sort of like 'who-chaar-dunn' [the 'ch' being like in the German word 'ach'. Actually the Dutch 'g' would be more accurately explained as a respirated 'g', but I don't have IPA-codes on this computer {help me, tyskkvinna!!}, so that's just to give you the general picture]). I asked for one, and the guy behind the disk went "umm, you mean [hoe-garden]??" to which I smiled and replied "no. If I wanted a ho-garden I'd be in a brothel. But I'm here, am I not? How about that Hoegaarden?" to which he reacted by snorting, doing a grinning cherry-tomato impersonation, and handing me my Hoegaarden. Poor fella', falling victim for my wise-arsetude. (I just can't help myself, really! Not when it comes to linguistics, or something else I enjoy a similar passionate, mad love-relationship with.)

I had wore the shoes for 30 minutes (the store and the bar were practically next door to one another) when a guy came over to me and said they looked nice (after a pause he added "on you" and smiled o.O;). Heh.

Dum-di-dum. I took a break from typing this marathon-post. I just spent the last 30 minutes (every once in a while checking up on AOL with its auto-kill-switch timer [tried finding that setting, but can't!! Rrrrrrrrr!]) running around the condo like a mad rabbit on a coke-tail (coke, speed and too much red ED). Really. I was just creating more stand-up comedy (mostly a variation of this post, with some remarks on my mother's thoughts on my fascination with the Dutch language "it sounds like vomiting!", and my classic excuse "yeah, well you know I turn to a Russian vampire-stray cat at night, Dutch is just my excuse to rid the fur balls!") in my head which excited me too much so that sitting down felt too static, so I just poked back and forth like the total whack-job I am in order to maintain the illusion of keeping up with my speeding thoughts. And you thought I was just a regular nut? I'll give you a moment to remodel that statement.

Uhh. Took another break. Sweet Mary Magdalen, my mother had the bathroom smelling of old pussy juice o.O eh.......ew. Sheesh. (Hey man don't look at me! MY bathroom never smells like that! O_O). I re-scented the crapper with the more comforting smell of....crap. And Glade. Loootsuf Glade. Better.

Also. While writing down all this rectal extraction I managed to hit an ad. Thrice. Thank you Livejournal for the auto-draft saving feature.


I just calmed down enough to down my cup'a lemon ginseng green tea to down my sleep meds. Mmmmmmmm. Then I'll grab a couple ales, watch X-files... and then, hopefully, I'll sleep.


crazy, humor, very non-pc

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