Title: A Work of Heart (part 2/3)
Pairing: Yunho x Jaejoong, ?? x ??
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Drama, insanity?
Summary: Loss paves a path to love and insanity.
Notes: Written for the JaeHo fanfic contest. Won first place. Don't ask me how. Last chapter will be posted soon.
Warning: Character death.
A Work of Heart - PART TWO )
Comments 11
though YooChun's death is a past tense and i think in this chapter, you're moving to spell the YunJae's emotional bounds... it has not run far from the first part, the heavy feeling still lingers like it wouldn't let me go. i guess, this is how the four feels on YooChun's death. they move on (though rather slowly) but the feeling for YooChun will always be there.
i love their progress. the four as an entity and also YunJae as the couple.
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Mickey8 has said exactly how I feel.
Only, I let out the tears...
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I adore your fics~
I'll be looking forward to that <3
I was literally crying reading this part.
Not only because it was just sad, but also because it was touching...(sorry,
I just can't think of better words T-T)
Again, well-written.
oxygen flow is so uneven...i dunno if im choking on my tears
the saltiness in my mouth seems bitter
all these just came out from reading these past 2 parts
i loved the way you can push out all the feelings my dear
how yoochunnie adored joongie
and how this entire ordeal is pushing yunjae together
i seriously cannot imagine or visualise if all this is real
you have seriously prodded on the one true fear of every fan
that is them separating...
gah!! made me cry:(
but seriously: it deserved the first prize!
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