The best Idea I've heard thus far, regarding today.

Sep 11, 2006 13:36

O.K, so this is my September 11th post.

I heard a lady on the radio this morning with the best Idea ever.

Go out today and do something tangible, that makes the world better.

Visit someone in hospital, give blood, make a $5 donation to a charity, bake a cake for a neighbour, fix up that hole in your mother-in-law's fence, write a letter of congratulation to a nobel peace prise winner, hand in that umbrella to lost and found, pick up litter outside your work, drop off a bundle of tinned food to the local homeless refuge, scrub off some graffiti from a wall, change the lightbulb in the hall of your block of flats, sweep off the sidewalk outside your house and clean out the gutter, help Mrs Johnson across the road to carry her groceries in.

Just go out and do something. Make sure it is physical, tangible. Make the world a better place in some way. Help someone. Help each other. Make today not about the death, and destruction, and violence, and intolerance, but about the gift that you can make, yourself, right now.

Change the world.

Pass this idea around folks. Link to my little spiel, or copy it into your own journal. Then make a comment (and encourage others to, also) letting each other know what it was you did today.

P.S: A lot of people have commented (to me and over at theferret's journal, who linked to me) that we should live our lives like this every day.
I completely agree.
So if you come here today (Sept 12/13th) or anytime after, feel free to just let us know about a good deed you have made time for recently. If this little rant happens to inspire you to do another, so much the better.
- 5.
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