Titles: Outside, Simplicity, Trouble, More, Reply
edenbound (ficjournal)
Fandom: The Dark Is Rising
Pairing: Will/Bran
Table/Theme: V, 21-25
Rating: G-NC17
Word Counts: 116, 129, 95, 146, 105
Warnings: Angst, sap, bondage, smut
Disclaimer: Susan Cooper owns all, I'm just playing with them.
21 -- Override -- Outside
Bran says, sometimes, when he says anything about it, that Will is his whole life. It makes Will smile, lodges deep in his heart and changes something, warms something, but at the same time, it changes nothing. Will can't say it back, however much he'd like to -- he has a life, and a purpose, and if anything, Bran stops him from doing that quite as effectively as he should be doing.
He can say he loves Bran, but he can't give him more of himself than that. He's almost glad, because to love as Bran does -- fiercely, wholly, unconditionally -- hurts even in small measures, and would hurt him yet more in the end.
22 -- Oasis -- Simplicity
Things are simple here with Bran, more simple than at home and infinitely more simple than the complicated ways of the Light; what constitutes a threat, what constitutes dealing with it, and what goes beyond that into meddling. It's good, just to know that nobody expects anything in particular of him when he's here, like he's on neutral ground. Of course, one day, his other life will intrude.
But for now, there's Bran telling him he's lazy, and the gentle teasing banter -- and kissing, touching, holding, all of those things that still fill him with a fragile amazement at how normal he can be when he tries. There's love, in all its complicated simplicity, and all the mysteries and discoveries the book of Gramarye was remarkably silent about.
23 -- Hot water -- Trouble
"You didn't write," Bran says, his eyes unreadable behind his dark glasses. Will realises, of course, that he's in trouble -- and, really, that he's been a bit of a prat, with the not writing, but he'd never known what to say and that seemed like an excuse at the time.
"No, I didn't," he admits, and steps back to let Bran in, although it could be a mistake, really, letting him back into his life at all.
"I missed you," Bran says, without moving.
Will looks away, uncomfortably, and nods: "I missed you too."
24 -- Illusion of control -- More
Bran squirms a little as Will finishes tying his wrists, surprised at how much of a turn on it is to be tied like this, at Will's mercy. The rope will leave marks on his wrists, he knows, and Will's mouth will leave marks on his body, and all in all it makes him feel owned, wanted, in a way that makes a lick of heat curl pleasantly in his stomach. He thinks he can keep himself under control -- keep himself from begging. Will knows, and smiles to himself as he leans down, teasing with his breath, licking at the tip of Bran's cock, doing everything but taking him into his mouth until Bran asks for it, breathless, eager. He lets Bran push up a little, and then pins his hips down, sucking gently, teasing, teasing, waiting for Bran to ask before giving him more.
25 -- Tag team -- Reply
The ball is in Will's court now, Bran thinks, sealing up the letter. He's all but said it now, put it out there, the fact that there was something between them, and it went away, and he wants it back. The fact that, if you really get down to it, he's hopelessly in love with Will and has been since he was something like twelve years old. He's voiced -- or, well, written -- the vague hope into his letter, the hope that Will loves him back, or at least likes him enough to try.
All he can do now is wait for Will's reply.