[Table five] [The Dark Is Rising] [Will/Bran]

Jan 20, 2007 11:26

Titles: Infinite, Reasons, Eyes Open, Hell of a Way, Company
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Fandom: The Dark Is Rising
Pairing: Will/Bran
Table/Theme: V, 1-5
Rating: G-NC17
Word Counts: 111, 111, 137, 151, 100
Warnings: Angst, sap, smut
Disclaimer: Susan Cooper owns all, I'm just playing with them.

01 -- Unlimited -- Infinite

Bran is running up towards him, flinging himself up the slope, faster than him, nimble, used to it. The sudden quick hug when he reaches him isn't entirely unexpected, and Will wraps his arms around Bran and clings back, wishing, wishing --

"I remember," Bran whispers, against his hair, holding him tighter.

Will isn't sure how to feel, what to say, how to deal with this new thing that's come in to take his breath and stop his heart for that one wonderful moment. But, right now, he feels as though -- he feels as if they are infinite, with all the time of watching, all the time in the world.

02 -- Impulse -- Reasons

When Bran first kissed Will, it didn't really mean anything. It was a spur of the moment thing, quick and easy, because they were close and because Will was there, at his side, and he'd had a strange sense that he always had been, always would be. And every time he kissed him, he felt it, that moment in which he knew, remembered, and even if it always fled, he knew he only had to reach out and it'd be there.

And there're other things, other reasons. For one, the look on Will's face is always amazing: loneliness and coldness giving way to a warm wonder than always takes Bran's breath.

03 -- Out to play -- Eyes Open

Owen watches them climbing up the slope away from the house. He doesn't understand, really, what binds them two together, but he understands that Will drives the wild hopeless loneliness from Bran and makes him laugh, makes him smile, makes him come alive like Pinocchio from wood. And that, he finds, he can't really disapprove of, even if he's seen them playing, rolling in the grass, and then kissing with their eyes open and smiling, the sun shining down on them.

He finds that the cold of the church as he steps in no longer feels so welcoming, because he knows that his Bran is looked on with more than fear, now. He finds that sometimes he wishes he'd played more, up on those hills and slopes and mountains that Bran and Will have made their own.

04 -- Risk management -- Hell of a Way

"Your da could come in," Will says, warningly; breathless, barely concentrating on anything but Bran's hand around his cock, stroking quickly and making his heart beat faster than anything, so fast he fears it might beat out of his chest. Bran just smiles, smiles, squeezes and makes Will moan and melt into him.

"Hell of a way to come out of the closet," he says, with a shrug, kissing Will to take his protests away, stroking faster yet to see the desperate eagerness take over all else in Will's face. And right now Will doesn't have any response to that, no alternate plan, only feeling that sweeps him away and makes him feel as if he might cry, because it's so good and right and perfect. He comes with a soft sob, trying to catch his breath, and Bran kisses that away and listens for Owen, smiling when he hears nothing.

05 -- Point of view -- Company

"I like it up here," Will says, but he glances sideways at Bran and nudges him gently, "but it's kind of lonely, isn't it?"

"That's the point," Bran says, because Will's eyes demand an answer, and he's surprised, surprised that Will didn't just say that it's a pretty place, a pretty place to sit and stare. The loneliness, that was the point, but no one but John Rowlands has noticed it before.

"It's not good for you," Will says, glancing sidelong at Bran again, like he's not sure, and then smiling, like he is. "I'll keep you company some more."

the dark is rising, table five, bran, will

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