The Climb (4/9)

Jul 18, 2010 14:20

Title: The Climb (4/9)
Author: 5musketeer  
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season #1.
Word Count: 995
Summary: the adventures and misadventures of Rachel Berry dealing with one Quinn Fabray.
Pairing:  Rachel/Quinn.
Note: all mistakes are mine.

Soft, warm lips were pressed against her own. Not only that, they were moving over her own. Gently at first, then with more force. Insistent. So persuasive even she was rapidly forgetting why there should be a reason to not allow Quinn Fabray to kiss her. But, eventually, she needed to catch her breath so she separated herself a few inches. She didn't have time to think as the hand at the nape of her neck dove her in again, and this time tongue had joined lips in an overwhelming assault impossible to fight. All logic out the window, Rachel opened her mouth and kissed back. The music, moving from the last verses of Is This Love to Straight for the Heart, became a buzzed background noise. Quinn made a pleased sound and keep ravishing the petite girl's mouth. Exploring its depths, relishing in the taste. To have Rachel in her arms was an exhilarating feeling, one better than she had anticipated, and suddenly one of her hands, with a mind on its own, decided to explore Rachel's shoulders, flanks, hips, up her back, to move down again slowly... until it grabbed her ass.

And that was her mistake. Rachel shrieked, pushing her away forcefully. She put all the space she could between her and Quinn, retreating to the other end of the room.

"Th-this is wrong."

Quinn almost laughed at the irony of the situation. She, the good Christian girl was being admonished by liberal Rachel Berry, currently channeling Tina, for the wrongness of her actions.

"I li-like boys. You like boys! And you are, are, are... You are you!"

"Now that's very eloquent. Are you trying to convince yourself?"  Sometimes, sarcasm was the only way Quinn knew. It wasn't going to take her anywhere given the situation, she knew that too, but couldn't help herself.

"You hate me." Rachel whined weakly. And was she shaking?  "I have to go."

Quinn tried to approach the other girl.

"You know I don't hate you." She bit her lower lip. "Rachel, look... calm down. It's late, we can talk about it later and..."

But Rachel was already running out of the house.  Quinn didn't think twice before pursuing her down the street, wondering how a midget on antibiotics could run so fast. She actually kept Quinn behind for a good five minutes race until she reached the Berry's household, where she stopped to produce a key from under a flowerpot. Jeez, anybody could break into the house if these people hide their keys in such an obvious place, Quinn thought.

"Rachel. Look at me." She breathed.

The brunette was failing at inserting the key in the lock.


Rachel turned around slowly to hopeful hazel eyes. Suddenly she was enveloped in a warm embrace, an intoxicating smell, lips against her feverish skin. She almost gave up again. Almost.

"Don't. Please." And the hurt in her voice was so evident Quinn let her go without complain this time.

"I'll come back tomorrow." The blonde whispered to a closed door. The door was not going to respond, neither was the girl with her back pressed heavily against its other side, and Quinn resumed her way back home at a more leisure pace. She wouldn't let this bring her down, she had regained a lot of confidence during the summer, she had regained a lot of her old self, the only difference being that now she was an improved version or so she liked to think. She knew Rachel Berry was into her. Totally. Definitely. She had to be. Quinn wouldn't take it any other way.

"Rachel? I thought you were staying with this Quinn girl" Her dad didn't hide the distaste in his voice at Quinn's name. He knew enough about the kid. "Is everything all right?"

"I wasn't feeling very well. Quinn... Quinn brought me." She sighed. "I'm going to sleep, I feel exhausted."

He chose not to make an observation about the absence of bag and the evident distress in her daughter's face. For now. "All right, sweety."

"Yeah. Just... bring me a glass of water later, please?"

Quinn had the firm resolution of visiting Rachel. If she hadn't been alone at home with a fever and an insufferable headache the morning after, she'd certainly have gone. Instead, she let her resolution be dissolved in slumber.

In the evening she gathered the strength to go down, make a sandwich and eat it. Later, in the solitude of her living room, she studied the screen of her cell phone like it could reveal the truth of the universe. She pushed the 's' in her agenda, instantly realizing that wouldn't do. She scrolled up, looking for Mercedes'  number.

"So, let me put this straight. She turned you down."

"She didn't turn me down. She freaked out, ran away, then freaked out again..." Quinn wrapped herself into the covers in her spot on the sofa.  "Did you have to bring him too?" She protested looking toward Mercedes, scowl in place.

"It's not like we hadn't talk about it, Quinn. He already knows."

"The stain of nail polish in my cashmere sweater is a testament to it."

Mercedes directed a pointed look at Kurt who seemed very interested in inspecting his manicure at the moment.

"If she hadn't confessed to you on the speaker she likes Rachel Berry, I wouldn't have knocked down the flask."

Quinn narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"You put our conversations on speaker!?"

"Hey, relax, blonde. It's Kurt. I was gonna tell him anyway. And that's not the point. The point is you have screwed up. You can't going kissing people you have tormented for years without apologizing first."

"It's Rachel we're talking about. The girl who takes slushies and insults undeterred... most of the time. She doesn't hate people. And I know she likes me!"

Mercedes and Kurt shared a knowing look. Kurt crouched in front on Quinn and put dramatically a hand on the sick girl's shoulder.

"Mercedes is right, Quinn. I think you'll have to recruit our help." He sighed. "It's going to be tough but we'll make sure you get the girl in the end."

Part 5

| Part 1| Part 2|Part 3|s

rating: pg-13, pairing: rachel/quinn, climb verse, complete

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