(no subject)

Aug 07, 2006 00:44

Remember when:
Getting high, meant swinging in the playground.
The worst thing you can get from boys were cooties.
Ur worst enemies were your siblings.
Race issues were who ran the fastest.
War was just a card game.
The only drug you knew of was cough medicine.
& wearing skirts didn't mean you were a slut.
The only things you smoked were the tires on your bike.
The only thing that hurt were skinned knees.
& the only things that can be broken were your toys?

now getting HIGH, means doing all the stupid stuff your parents try to make you avoid. Which you still should
now the worst thing you could get from boys is a baby. which IS the worst thing you could get.
race issues now deal w/ what color you are. wtf does it matter? you are what you are.
war now conflicts between the cliques you chill in.
Drugs are what we know as coke, and all that shit. medicine should still be our one and only drug
Skirts. They judge you depending on how short or long it is now. wtf? you don't know me well enought to judge me.
Smoking, now means that long, stick looking thing you probably see your mom or dad use. your lucky if both don't smoke it.
HURT is now known as emo. Cutting yourself isn't really the best thing to do. I've learned the hard way
Things that can be broken now, are hearts. We are teenagers aren't we? I guess it's safe to say - we're growing up

the thought of it, scares me.
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