Title: Why couldn't you just...
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: Don't own
A/N: Totally pissed about how people treat him. He hasn't done anything to you and he's done nothing wrong. People act like it's his fault he's where he is, but it's NOT.
He would never have to hear their horrible voices again. )
Comments 16
i can't believe you told me to read this!
i'm CRYING right now.
my poor puppy.
btw, you're an AWESOME writer!
No cry!
Me sowwie!
I had to do it to make my point!
its such a shame he has to deal with this kind of treatment! And now throw Zhomi (sp?) in aswell.
Those poor boys!! Really, i can understand why ELF is against new members to be added in, but they could atleast give them a chance!!!
heart breaking
Like I could understand, not aprove of just understand, if they were bad singers, couldnt dance and were just untalented, but they're not so theres no reason for how they;re acting.
If they were really Suju's fans then they would support everything they do, not just the parts they like.
I dont really voice my opinion on this matter at all, due to the fact that im scared of getting attack by ELF >__________>;;;
Tch, they can blow me for all I care. I can't stand rude heartless people. They piss me off, caus theres no reason to be like that!
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