A new Musical Challenge

Oct 17, 2010 22:24

The CADENZA Challenge
Initially an improvised cadence by a soloist; later becoming an elaborate and written out passage in an aria or concerto, featuring the skills of an instrumentalist or vocalist.

Challenge starts: October 18th
Challenge ends: December 19th

You provided the prompts for this challenge! You all have some great songs on your iPod or your Pandora lists or your Last.FM accounts. It's been fun looking over some of the videos, as well!

Step One: Look through the lists in the next post. Pick ONE (1) prompt from each of the lists. There are five lists of them in all so be sure to pick a prompt from each list.

Note 1a: Feel free to fill our your list with lyrics from the same song (if you can find them - the lists are alphabetical for convenience).

Step Two: Decide how you'll fill out your challenge prompt graph. You don't need to use this one that I've provided but it's always nice for everyone to see what your list(s) looks like.

Note 2a: If the prompt is in the Title section, it can only be used in the Title section of your graph. Those are all Titles of songs, see? All the First Verses come from first verses of songs. Likewise, all rest of the prompts are from those different areas of different songs.

The CADENZA challenge

(prompt here)

First Verse
(prompt here)

(prompt here)

(prompt here)

Second Verse
(prompt here)

The CADENZA challenge
Title (prompt here)
First Verse (prompt here)
Chorus (prompt here)
Bridge (prompt here)
Second Verse (prompt here)

Step 3: Post your filled out graph(s) to this post. You can edit them until the end of the challenge.

Step 4: Write a story for each of the prompts. Post them to the community as usual, being sure to tag them with the Challenge tag and all other appropriate tags.

Note 4a: Feel free to have the stories connect in any way you'd like but you need to write one story for each prompt you choose, equaling five stories per prompt graph. The stories don't have to be about music, that's just where the idea for the prompts came from.

Note 4b: You can use the same prompt more than once but, to do that, you need to write more than one prompt graph. If, in the first graph you use, you choose Fury in the Title section, you can write it again in the next graph you write.

Step 5: Have fun!

Questions? Ask them below.

challenge: cadenza, !mod post

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