The Thirtieth Day of November - THE LAST DAY!!!!

Nov 30, 2011 08:14

I didn't post this last night. Fell asleep on the couch. Guess I did need some more sleep! But here it is! Our last list of prompts!

Also, there will be a few days of grace period for the Written in the Stars challenge. Get the stories posted when you can!

1. Good for you!

2. I've got a mess to clean up.

3. Look who's back.


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challenge: month of november, author: haveloved, author: shuriken7, author: angstytimelord, !mod post, author: mierke, challenge: nanowrimo

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Comments 5

mierke November 30 2011, 19:12:00 UTC
273 words today, which brings my total word count for November to 12,299 words!

I haven't written anything on 8 days of these (bad me!), which brings the average word count per writing day to 559 words. Pretty good, if I do say so myself!

(Though, I gotta admit, I haven't reached my goal of finishing my fic... I am proud, however, of expanding it so much!)


angstytimelord December 1 2011, 03:28:19 UTC
That's what writing is all about -- loving what you do & being happy with it! In the end, it's not how many words you write every day that matters -- it's the fact that you're telling your muses' stories, & that you feel good about what you've written. That little inner glow of satisfaction when you're really happy with what you're writing is better than anything!

Congrats on your fic! You'll finish it, I'm sure!


angstytimelord December 1 2011, 03:23:34 UTC
Two fics written for today! The first one was 1,265 words, & the second was 2,307 -- which is an epic for me! So that brings my word count for the day to 3,572. Added to my monthly word count, that brings my total for the month to 84,778!

I had set my goal at 80,000 words, so I went over it! I'm proud of my muses! (Not myself -- after all, it's THEIR stories I'm telling. I'm just the mouthpiece; they're the ones who give me all the inspiration to write!) Three cheers & a lot of big hugs to all of them for being so amazing! :)


haveloved December 2 2011, 00:35:05 UTC
My remaining fics for the WITS challenge will hopefully be posted by Sunday! Thanks for the grace period, as ever! :)


shuriken7 December 3 2011, 00:21:56 UTC
I started planning some of my holiday fics for exchanges and everything. I wrote about 600 words of one to get it started.


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