Title: The Other Man
jibunnohanaTheme: #28, jealousy
Rating: G
Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito
Band[s]: Nightmare
Disclaimer: Never mine.
Comments: Fluffy bunnies! XD Based vaguely on some role-playing with a friend.
Niya did not think of himself as a jealous man. In fact, he tended to think of himself as a rather amiable and forgiving man. He spoke his mind when necessary, but was otherwise very accommodating. Especially when it came to Sakito, Niya was as tolerant as a saint, trying his hardest to cater his love’s every want and whim with joy.
But, that was before he came long. The one with the dark hair and soft touch. Niya had grown to hate ‘it’ (he refused to acknowledge that ‘it’ had a name).
Being Saturday, Niya didn’t see the need to get out of bed before noon, though he should have made the effort, in retrospect. The scene that greeted him in the living room poked and prodded at his secret jealous streak in the worst way. Sakito lay sprawled on the couch, sleepily watching ‘it’ root around in his shirt. Much to Niya’s further annoyance, they touched noses a moment later, drawing a smile out of his lover.
Preoccupied as he was, Niya’s presence went unnoticed, and he slunk into the kitchen to sulk. ‘Oh, he’s so cute! Won’t he be fun to have around?’ Sakito had said upon bringing ‘it’ home for the first time. If not for the puppy eyes the guitarist had given him, or had he known how things would turn out, Niya would have never agreed.
After a strong coffee, the bassist finally saw fit to re-emerge. “Morning…” he mumbled grudgingly.
“Good morning, Nya~” Sakito said, waving the tiny paw of the black rabbit in his arms. “It’s our day off, let’s go somewhere fun.”
Niya nodded vigorously, eager to get Sakito away from the usurping ball of fur.
“I’m going to get dressed, then.”
While he waited, Niya took the opportunity to grab Aguro, holding him up at eye level. “One of these days, bun, you’re going to get it. He’s mine,” Niya growled softly. The rabbit just snuffled uncomprehendingly in his face.