Title: Vanilla Moon
jibunnohanaTheme: #12 Candle
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito (Nightmare)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Comments: AU, very loosely based on the movie Bell, Book & Candle. Finished! I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with this last part, but it will do. X3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (
Part 5 )
Comments 12
I loved the atmosphere here, I could almost hear the constant calming tapping of the rain throughout reading the last scene. It was a satisfying ending and I like that you showed us that Sakito wasn't some crafty mastermind pushing Niya around- boils indeed :p Also: shivering like a frightened rabbit- this description stood out for me, probably because I find it so awfully fitting for Saki :)
Despite being well written (like always) there did seem to be a rather gloomy feel to the whole story- almost like being trapped. While fitting for the scenes where Niya was under Sakitos spell it also (in my opinion) carried over to the rest of the story. It's by no means a bad thing (more like... a special flavor) but it made me wonder if everything is alright with yor life. i hope it is :)
(If you think I'm being rude, I apologize.)
It's always a treat when you update, I really enjoyed reading this. Once again- thank you for writing and sharing!
At any rate, I always look forward to your comments, I really appreciate the time you put in to reviewing my fics! Saki really does seem like a bunny, ne? (Maybe because of Aguro-chan?) I have to confess, though, I got the 'frightened rabbit' idea from someone I used to rp with. The description just really stuck to him like glue. XD
I was going for a gloomy feel in this, so I'm glad you could tell. And it's by no means a reflection of real life, but thanks for your concern. ♥
It's great how you can portray different emotions, I always failed to go further than what was currently happening inside my head... which for me equals bad writing. When people write about things that are somehow detached from their everyday lives- emotions, places, plots (especially AU-s)... Ah, I love it so. Who needs real life if you can lose yourself into something better, fantastic?
Will you update Twilight next? :D
Twilight will be updated either tonight or tomorrow, depending on the number of typos. XD;
It was a very nice idea you brought up, and as lovely as you always write it's a perfect fit.
I think I have to reread this part. It was just so beautiful. ♥
I was really craving a good spot of Nisaki and oh my you delivered! This has such a beautiful sombre tone, and I could picture everything so clearly! I absolutely adored the description of Sakito right back in part one, with his dusky eyes. SO perfect *o*
i love how you made their relationship grows and sakito is too sweet to be an evil witch putting spells on people ne? i just knew it!!!
thank you for sharing this!
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