Title: Every Morning
jibunnohanaTheme: #32 morning
Rating: G
Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito (Nightmare)
Disclaimer: Pure fiction.
Comments: Another drabble. I'm just in the mood for short and sweet lately. X3
That morning Sakito did what he did every morning. He yawned and slipped out from under the covers, just like every morning. Put the tea kettle on, just like every morning. Turned his computer on, just like every morning. He tripped over his cell phone cord, did two cycles of the Sun Salutation, heard the kettle whistle…just like every morning.
But something was different this morning - Sakito kissed Niya’s sleepy, tousled head that morning, as he climbed back into bed with his cup of tea and received a tender smile in return. The kind of morning Sakito liked best.